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VIP Member
I'd believe this too, I'm not saying I'd imagine Laura being the easiest of people to deal with at all but you don't give off the persona of doting Daddy with a few of your kids then totally blank another, no matter who the Mother is that child's still HIS!. I remember a post by Laura saying she's been in touch with child support and as he was classed as 'in between jobs', got nothing steady blah blah she was offered £7.00 a month which she never even got sent, he's a disgrace, utter knob, god knows how she touched him in the first place with all that sweating he does,, probably had to put up an umbrella half way through the do! 🤢🤮.. He'd rather spend his money on Coke and Booze.
Yep I reckon he's a shit head dad. Let's face it, Laura would be leaving Bonnie with him a lot more if she could, she has a very busy social calendar afterall!
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Chatty Member
I wonder how much Laura is alone as in the video she’s shared today it looks like the both look to someone so is there and she just doesn’t let on as she wants to make out she’s doing it alone. Let’s hope so and someone was in bathroom with Bonnie!
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Why’s she been wearing cosy tracksuits and puffer jackets when it’s been absolutely roasting hot? Surely she’s been sweating on those few walks she’s done.
To be fair in Scotland one sec you are correct it’s warm and summer the next it’s windy rainy and freezing…..
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Chatty Member
Apparently you need to cut the fringe in yourself seen a few tiktoks, shocking price!!
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She didn’t put her hand in her pocket once when preparing for Bonnies arrival so of course she’s going to keep on grifting every year for birthdays.
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The way Laura dances gives me the ick .... also imagine Bonnie getting in the way of her social life. How selfish can she be......
Me too, sooo annoying!. what is with this endless dancing into every room these days, she's like a kid that's just come down on Christmas morning!
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Does that door bouncer thing scare anyone else? Like I know they’re not recommended and I think we all know Laura ignores all paediatric advice but is it attached securely ?!
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omg bonnie climbed up the sink and shat in the sink.

Then when in the bath her mum left her unsupervised why she filmed her shit for the gram. 🤬
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Don't come for me but i'm actually starting to feel a wee bit sorry for her. i think she seems really lonely and lost.

I'm guessing one of the prices of being a known face, refuse to refer to her as a celebrity, is probably making genuine friends who's lives mirror yours.

We all know when you become a mum your social circle changes. You become closer to the mums of your kids friends. You need people who you can enjoy time with but with your child in tow. She doesn't go anywhere to make these connections. Some of the best friends i've made started as my daughters friends mum and the relationship was built through the kids friendships.

She still wants to be relevant and pursue a life of fame but being a mum isnt going to make that easy!

i think she is probably hesitant to build new mum friends but that's what she needs and what would help her.

look at the likes of helen flanagan when she moved to glasgow with sinclair. She actively made mum pals and loved her life as an influencer mum in glasgow.
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Her latest post…im not familiar with this arena but posing outside the capital “star suite” yet on the normal seats?!
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Talking of mouths mine was hanging wiiiide open when I heard her say that, I actually had to play it again to see if I'd heard it right, xthrn she takes it from her, puts it back on the floor and ONCE AGAIN it's back in Bonnie's mouth, that would have frightened me to death but she just carries on waffling to the Camera, I didn't think anything coukd get much worse than the bath seat but eff me she's on a roll! 😡
Exactly you would put it out of reach not back where it was. She really is clueless beyond belief.
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Wonder whether Buddy had the opportunity for a walk by the Clyde?
He wasn’t in that video so doesn’t look like it. I don’t understand why she can’t take him, even if she doesn’t want to hold the lead (as she has one hand on buggy and other holding the phone 🙄) she can get one of the leads u tie round ur waist so there’s no excuse for it.
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