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My cousin has just shared a story of her new trio set from the label lady. I'm not surprised she's ordered from her, but embarrassed to be related to her.
Hope you’ve told her she could of saved herself money and embarrassment by buying some from ikea
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If her mum isn’t Jewish then she actually technically isn’t. As you’re only really considered Jewish through your mothers line. Although I know they went to King Solomon senior school which is our local school. Although I’m not here for a religious discussion I’m here for the tea.
That's interesting, my Aunty is CofE, but her Dad was Jewish and Mum Christian, I always wondered why she was christened, as generally it seems for some reason that most people follow the man's religion. I'm taking it, she's not Jewish due to the fact that her Mum wasn't.
I do find it odd that the mum converted when her Dad was a vicar as she would have been brought up in a very religious family. Although saying that, the awful Dad probably had all the say, he looks very controlling.
Sorry, not trying to get in a religious debate as you said above you don't want a religious discussion. I just found it quite interesting.
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It’s got to be more than just being a bit off colour. Didn’t Stacey post a cryptic message about ‘hold your head up high’ and a pic of them both when JemJem first was ‘poorly’. Not your usual message to someone with a cold!
Pfffft who knows?! Although to be honest I wouldn’t put it past her! The ‘official’ line, well, the Instagram story, is she had to what all intents and purposes did seem to be little more than a bad head cold and because of this she had to push everything back. 😳

I don’t know if something else has kicked off as she stopped flogging her baubles at the same time as well. Her reason for this was that she did it to help ease the pressure at ‘HQ’ (sorry that always makes me laugh; she makes stickers it’s not bloody NASA!! 😆) however I do get the feeling she likes to micro-manage and doesn’t trust any of her staff with much so it could just be as she was working from home and not actually there she didn’t like them being able to cope without her so didn’t give them the chance! 😆

The only other thing that did come up and could be a massive reason for her having a bit of a tantrum is that In The Style are now selling bottles with pump dispensers and the such, but what makes this even more interesting is that these come with labels very similar to some she does. Since she’s just branched out to glass jars/storage (what the launch was meant to be today) which people purchase with her labels to clag on, I could guess that it wouldn’t be too far a leap for her to move onto pump bottle dispensers etc and it seems she’s been beaten to it!🤦‍♀️😱

Of course it might not be any of that, I mean both Stacey and her are them same, full of lies and it’s all smoke and mirrors so nothing is really that clear. All we know and can go by is what they put on Instagram but as to whether it’s the truth or not, who knows?! 🤷‍♀️
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It has to be something maternity or baby related, jumping on the hype her sister & the new baby babe caused
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So not only does Jemma have her kids at the hq she also has Rex. I know you can’t help it sometimes with childcare but it’s a bit unprofessional having kids in your workplace. Her kids are there most days of the holidays unless they have a day out or go to staceys or her dad has them. Isn’t it going against health and safety or something?
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It would drive me mad always having someone at my house. We also know that both sisters kids are anything but well behaved
I see my sister roughly every other weekend (she has no children and pops in to see mine) and o feel like that is even a lot.. her and Stacey 's relationship seems very unhealthy.
Was it always like this, or is it just since Pickle Cottage was purchased?
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Thread suggestion title
As I sing my way to fame and fortune
I hope lord sugar doesn’t think I’m a loony tune
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Yes, there doesn't need to be an apostrophe at all. There could be, if she really wanted to imply something like, "Christmas at the Smiths' House", but even then it would come after the S, unless there is only one Smith.

She told me she was right, because the apostrophe shows possession. I'm quite embarrassed for her - her attitude is really horrible too.

Funnily enough, she was also really arsey about a year ago. She was making adoption stickers and asked for advice from parents of adopted children, of which I am one. I messaged her that it would be nice for her to include some options for older children, as not all adopted children are babies, and she was SO shitty! I couldn't believe how nasty she was, when SHE was the one who asked for advice. She didn't want to hear it.

She's definitely not a very nice person at all. She tries to make out that she's all sweetness and light on her Instagram, but she's absolutely not. She brings a very famous Roald Dahl quote about good thoughts to mind...

Ah well. If she wants to regularly post stuff that makes her look really thick, then she can go for it. After all, she clearly IS really thick.
Looking the state she is, you’re bound to be a bit bitter aren’t you? 😂 I’d have a right chip on my shoulder if I were born with that face 💀
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Shes done a story this morning about her bathroom and says she’s been visiting pickle cottage and been demoted for the pool house which is the annexe so she probably does stay over in the annexe regularly.
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Did anyone else notice how emaciated that poor little sausage dog looked on her latest stories? She should be ashamed of herself. If I had an address I’d be reporting her to the RSPCA. That dog was skin and bone
Doesn’t the dog go to work with her. I think her home address might be on old company records online but the HQ address will definitely be available. I’m blocked so I can’t see the dog, I’d be getting screen shots & reporting
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