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Ok yes you’re right about the merch. I think it’s just very convenient they have confidence to vlog daily in December when they’ll get paid loads but haven’t even done one “our top tips” or anything for Disney all year. Personally I think it’s a bit of a kick in the teeth.

i do like them, they are very sweet. But I do Think they should of bothered to do one home vlog in 11 months.I however don’t wish to see 20 vlogs in December of festive drinks. Yes and repeating each other CONSTANTLY.

I actually feel that other accounts have become stronger for home videoing. A lot has changed in a year. Even editing people expect these days. I don’t want anyone who has poor camera work now. I think their holidays are fun to watch but vlogging general life is very boring. Cue the ice removal on the car at 6amzzz
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I would be interested to know if Luke fits on a lot
of the rides at Universal as he is a pretty large person and the rides are designed for teenage boys and not as accommodating as Disney.
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Their videos get on my nerves, but let's get real. They didn't put out a statement -- it was just a tweet. In one of their replies they mention their September trip so I don't think it's likely they will cancel.
It's a tweet they screenshotted and put out on other platforms but ok, it wasn't a press release on headed notepaper.
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They are boring, though. Nice as long as everything is going their way but overall very dull.

Mind you, it will be interesting to see how their vlogging holds up against this new generation of vloggers that have smelled an easy life and want to give it a go. I think L&R's will be superior.
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They’re not doing Disney parks this time and I think they’re trying to say they’re going to Orlando because their cats died.
I don't own pets so was scared to write the same thing. Looking back the timeline, the cat died around NY trip time that they cancelled and possibly delayed Florida the last time for the same reason. Not owning pets I don't completely get cancelling a holiday over it while I know it would be distressing for some people, but these 2 seem to completely break down and can't function with bad news.
Surely there are cheaper places you can go for a villa/pool break without flying to the states unless they are chasing flight status and made the most of sales flights in business class.
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I don't know why it annoys me so much that they're always up early and snouting about before anything is open, but it does.
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I think a lot of people travelling from uk to America spend the first few days waking up very early, so I can understand why they are doing it plus maybe not as many people around when your vlogging (after not vlogging for a while)
Agreed but they do it at home too. Going shopping before anything is open and walking round London at the crack of dawn.
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It's possible their eyes have been opened. Most tourists wouldn't know how florida works.

I was more surprised they follow wdwnt I thought most people knew how problematic that site is
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what was the reason for their long term absence? The bigger of the two looked really unwell and pumping in sweat.

also hocus pocus was filmed in Salem because of what massive historical event boys…
The be fair, it was very hot here when they filmed that, so that maybe explain some of the sweating. Luke does look like he has lost some weight facially but when you see him in the vlogs charging off into the distance, he looks as big as he ever was.

I've been to Salem and I'm not sure you can justify not doing the Witch Museum, really. It's definitely the main attraction.

I've put this in the general Disney Vloggers thread but thought it worth repeating here- they seem disproportionately upset by the recent YouTube video showing people scrapping in Magic Kingdom, so much so that they seem to have put out some sort of statement about it and it sounds like they might cancel their September trip over it. It's their money and they can do what they want with it of course, but this sounds very OTT.
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I also miss their original theme tune 🤣
I bloody hate that I could be a fighter (I think that’s what it is 🤣) dirge they played during the vlogs! They still using that??
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I think it comes down go whether you like Adam hattan style vloggers or l and r style
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Yeah I get that, but this isn’t their rave thread either. That’s in the rave section. They sold merch, took freebies on trips, and were great vloggers: then vanished into thin air like jade billington. It’s rude. Even their Facebook group they don’t even bother to reply to ANYONE. You get that awful Dawn woman. It’s ok not to vlog but either be around on socials or don’t bother at all. Even today someone’s posted on FB their merch with a message, they won’t respond.
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The also mentioned it was the last trip with the grandparents so can understand it being a slower pace than most would have.

But I think lockdown did a number on both of their anxiety and can't handle crowds (not that they were great at this before) but think they can see WDW holidays are not what they were and no longer worth the money.

Will be interesting to see where they venture too next
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Yep 5am is a good wake up time for jetlag for me. Going east its even worse. I think I barely slept first two days
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They didn’t show them using it loads but definitely used it for Rich. I had to go back and check as I remember wondering what was wrong with him as they kept his illness private until Rich spoke about it in a weekly vlog. There was a few comments about how helpful and good it was to see how they used it. This is going back years though, 2018.
God the unimportant things I can remember are ridiculous why is memory crap for anything vital 😂
Ahh we’ve just started watching a few 2018 series!
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I mean all their vlogs are the same, they go to the same shops every trip, buy the same things. I'm well aware of what's going to happen in each vlog. Sometimes I'm in the mood to watch a boring/comforting vlog with people I've watched for a few years now. Or I'll skip it because I'm not in the mood to be bored to tears😂. I'm not expecting anything mind blowing, and never have from the people I watch, mainly Disney vloggers, just people going on holidays.
Very true and I’ll still have their channel on for a comfort/ background. I think we were just really dissapointed in the quality of the vlog vs others we watch now. Was very basic and boring. They didn’t look too well either, it didn’t seem like we were watching the same people from the Disney days
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