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3 hours ago
May i suggest considering tying your move hair while you're nursing? I can't imagine it feels good to him to have hair grazing him while trying to nurse and relax. Just an observation. Imagine how annoying one hair is for us when it hits our face or mouth.
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I think I discovered why the baby has air; he’s sucking on her hair !

And she can’t afford a €350 armchair, but can spend the same amount or more on a handmade lavish leather carrying bag.
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All of the self-inflicted and appalling drama KyLie describes in the slog arises from the fact that she decided to go ahead with a natural birth even though she knew she had placenta previa and medical advice all says a caesarian is necessary to stop a life-threatening situation of hemorrhaging for the mother and fetal distress from lack of oxygen.

And she was at high risk because of her age. It is quite extraordinary that because of her egotistical know-it-all attitude she was prepared to create such an extremely dangerous situation.

"Placenta previa means the placenta has implanted at the bottom of the uterus, over the cervix or close by, which means the baby can’t be born vaginally."

Apparently it can adjust slightly during the latter stages of pregnancy but the advice is still to plan a caesarian and not take the risk.

"Some of the complications of placenta previa include:

  • Major haemorrhage (bleeding) for the mother
  • Shock from loss of blood
  • Fetal distress from lack of oxygen
  • Premature labour or delivery
  • Health risks to the baby, if born prematurely
  • Emergency caesarean delivery
  • Hysterectomy, if the placenta fails to come away from the uterine lining
  • Blood loss for the baby
  • Death."

This was a very good article actually from her Australian government. Instead of reading and listening to the nuts on her podcasts, this information is all readily available from proper medical sources. But KyLie knows better🫣🙄🤥

On further thought, you also have to ask again, how she was allowed to go ahead with her mad plans and how the doctors, Guido, her parents etc were somehow berated into letting her take such a risk to her own life and the baby's.

No doubt she was warned of the medical implications of a natural birth by the medical professionals, but she went ahead anyway. To justify her sheer stupidity and egotism, she had to put out that flog to blame everyone else except herself for what happened.
I can verify this is the most credible source of primary internet medical information in Australia a GP would direct a patient to look at the information available from this source,GPS even use it themselves . Its a very dark scene indeed as Kylie heavies the people closest to her, coerces them to support her down the path she chose . I would be fuming if I was Guido, she took an unnecessary risk .

Imagine Guido recounting the story of the birth to relatives and friends, how shocked and disapproving they would be, Kylie has no friends who are not sycophants, or scared/ dumbed into submission by her exhausting argument. Guido on the other hand must be either hiding the reality of his relationship and the manipulation therein or currently facing a world where around him that is marked by red flags . I can’t imagine his peers, acquaintances and Italian friends would be restraining their opinions , that is just not the Italian way. Stormy seas ahead Guidumbo
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It's becoming ever clearer that her target audience is now well & truly MAGA-Evangelicals-Conspirituality types.
- "So happy you also follow Jesus" (very evangelical turn of phrase)
- "We know you live so healthy" (hello crunchy mama representing)
- "Will you homeschool/gov schools bad" (hello hardcore ant-gov types)
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Why wouldn't she think to at least include a brief introduction of Lulu even in her description? Or in a pinned comment? Oh right, because the real focus and you've all pointed out, was Kylie.

I don't see anyone named Lulu, or anyone that resembles her, on Kylie's list of people she follows on IG. K's list of followers is private ("Only Kylie can see ..." ) so I couldn't search there. I tried a bunch of searches based on her job she mentioned, Rome, Positano, Bklyn, Cali. Nothing that matches her. There is a Lulú that would resemble her if she since got a bunch of fillers and went on Grande Fratello/Big Brother 😂 , but not her lol.
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@aLieParallel This was the one I was thinking of ... it may have been K pretending to be her sister. It's all smoke and mirrors with her isn't it?

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This video is truly bizarre. She claims the hospital staff miraculously saved her from a near-death experience, and yet she lambasts them for not being nice enough to her or catering to her every need. 🙄 If she is to be believed, they saved her life. Isn’t that enough? I suspect many (most?) people would be so grateful to be alive that they would have some perpective on the situation, and forgive and forget things there were ultimately more an issue of comfort than of safety. When it really mattered, the hospital staff was there for her and came through.

Also, anyone else notice the odd timing of the Guido skin-to-skin video clip? She’s explaining that she’s bleeding profusely and being wheeled out of the room, and says the nurses hand the baby over to Guido so he can do skin-to-skin. Then the video cuts to the clip of Guido and the baby doing skin-to-skin, giving the impression that it was filmed at that moment in the story… while she’s allegedly on the brink of death. I’d like to think she didn’t whip out her camera and film that as she was about to be wheeled away, and was getting her last look at her husband and baby before her likely demise. But it also doesn’t sound probable that one of the “very mean” nurses would have stopped doing their literal job of providing medical care to a woman about to die to do the very important work of taking a video for Kylie’s YouTube channel. Maybe the clip was a reenactment, maybe her situation was not as dire as she made it sound, maybe the nurses were actually not monsters after all - something’s off-putting and likely misleading about it.
If only she would have listened to the hospital staff and had a C-section, both the baby and the placenta would have easily been removed through the incision and she wouldn’t have had to go through the excruiating labour, vomiting, hemmorhage and near-death experience she complains about. How does she not see that it’s her only own stubborness and know-it-all attitude that caused her to loose the first hours with her new born? No wonder the doctor exclaimed ”che cazzo?!” when she was rolled into the OR, I’m sure he/she was less than content when they had to involve 20 people (🤥) in an ermgency operation and risk loosing the patients life rather than having a well-planned and safe C-section carried out in the first place. What an absolute waste of resources.
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Bruh, this constant use of religious imagery is just something else :LOL:
I don't even have to explain it, any normal person who isn't Kylie understands why this is so bonkers. What's next? Comparing herself to Isis with Horus?

Jerry will see the bambino and still believe he is a warming-pan baby unless he gets to witness the birth himself :LOL:
I'm surprised her religious followers don't find it offensive, or maybe they do believe she is the second virgin Mary as obviously not being married she won't have had sex 😅
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Thanks for the new thread and title @emm and @Alessandro sterling work 👏🏼. Prioritising the wrecking of the villa has been so much fun for Kylie beginning way back with the tractor oil on the floor tiles, builders dropped off like flies until Gweeds old man stepped in and presumably read the riot act from his bunker in Florence to all his employe minions and Gweeds to get back in line. Guido’s disposition has fluctuated from drunk🥴 to sulky ☹to surly 😠and by Kylie’s account downright 🤬stinky, no doubt the pressure from the family and from Kylie is immense but he dug his pit when he allowed Kylie too much rope.
His efforts at project management are weak and he has such little confidence in their ability to pay for the heating once the builders have left saw him buy a load of wood 🪵 for the subzero months ahead …nice one Guido.
Kylie in turn has trapped her cash/status purse for life by providing a male heir for the dynasty. Their relationship is a veneered with cliché to appease the American sycophant. Invited guests have left skid marks in the dirt after a day or so even the Kylies would be slaves folks buggared off to visit Shannon in Spain. The impending birth has allowed Kylie unprecedented self indulgence 🙄🙄 and she believes she should be able to bend all the rules in her favour in the Hosptal in Florence because COVID precautions don’t apply to the perfect medical miracle she is. The woman has no end to gall .
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I have a feeling we won't see anything for a while. She'll probably do one Xmas themed recipe or "First Christmas in 3" (without really showing the baby). I doubt we'll see part 2 of the Q&A as promised lol.

Oh come on, just out yourself here already! 😂

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The extra € for plumber travel is probably worth it to Guido's father, since the kids (🤨) can't seem to hire and manage anyone without disastrous results. No drama or unfinished mess this way.
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Yes @Alessandro I posted once about the page views.

If anyone wishes to see this info for themselves it can be found on your list of watched threads. A view count is given for each thread you have on the list. However, I can only see this on the web version of Tattle, not on my phone.

Checking again just now, this current thread #13 has had 13K views so far.

Thread #12 had 54K views, this could increase as it's still readable despite being locked to new comments.

The Kylie Flavell Tattle Wiki has had 17,020 views.
Thank you @VeeJayBee, @Alessandro et al.:

Lorri Lewis, if you read here know that the Kylie Flavell Tattle Forum and Wiki have been read 864,020 times by people who are curious about KyLie:

People who find KyLie's stories and Youtube videos a little "off", people who are not KyLie's sycophants. If you dare, create an account here and have a discussion...

🍿 🍷
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Chatty Member
Awesome, a pepe cacca recipe!

Does it irk anyone else how Kylie waxes poetic and thinks she's so *romantic* fantasizing about living during the height of the spice trade, which came as a result of invasion and slavery? No? Just me?

She doesn't even level her flour and yet thinks she has the skill to teach people recipes.

Honey tastes very different from molasses, gingerbread just isn't the same without it...

Ok, sorry I'm doing like a running tally of what's going on in this video, but I was wholly perplexed when she started putting honey and chunks of solid butter in a pan on a counter and then trying to mix in spices, before putting on the heat??
Is it really that important to have your countertop mise en scene that you do stupid stuff like this?
Reminds me of those rage-clickbait cooking videos on TikTok where people just make shit up as it goes along, putting casserole dishes with blocks of cream cheese and uncooked pasta in the oven to drive up the views on their videos...


Screenshot 2022-12-11 at 17.59.47.png

Pepe cacca
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When she talks about how surprising it is that mothers still die giving birth in this modern age, she is almost whimsical in her tone, despite her being her doctors' skill away from being one of those stats for not listening to her own doctors in the first place.
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I find it a hoot that the Queen of Cultural Appropriation KyLIE won’t eat dairy, sugar, caffeine, gluten (found in breads, pastry, pasta, pizza), all ingredients found in the most favourite and famous of Italian recipes, foods and iconic dishes. She may as well be sitting in a yurt in Byron Bay.
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There I was, browsing the expat group on Facebook and somebody asked how to learn to cook like Italians. Sigh.

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There's a special place in hell for people who complain about public sector nurses who have to work in stretched conditions for little pay or support, especially when their advice is ignored. She needs to remember they're professionals not servants who put hot water bottles on your back. Complaining so publicly like this is crass, classless and repugnant. All the things KyLIE espouses she isn't.

Golly, I feel sorry for Gianfranco's future teachers...
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