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KyLie has posted an incredibly self-indulgent and insufferable smugfest of a 2.38 minute flog just with a montage of different images showing her stroking her pregnant belly (plus another picture of the Madonna and child at the start🙄) shots from the not-zze and happier more "cinematic" times with Greedo before he discovered she was an unrelentingly demanding narcissist that has driven him to drink and what she has described (gaslighting, of course, her part in causing them) as his "meltdowns"....🤥🫣 KyLie has never been more narcissistically enamoured of herself than now🙈 What will happen when the baby gets most of the attention...will she implode?🤔
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This got a lot of likes, inc mine lol.



As for the 2nd comment, Lulu definitely gave "rich girl trying to be so boho and cool" vibes. @moronglace you noted above she probably had money. After listening to her stories of her mother knocking around with a famous older Italian director and actors, her living in Miami and NYC, I'd definitely say Lulu had no struggles in Rome.
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Spirit of place

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Frankly the nursery looks so unlived in because they're not still not living there, I'm sure they had decamped to Scandicci, I mean the plumbing isn't working in the bathroom, the kitchen looks a dusty mess etc and anyway she was talking about 'her doctors' who are up in the Florence area. The parents are as usual shadowy figures in the background, cleaning, painting the walls, setting up shelves, in short - the usual subservient workhorses. Yes & where IS Shannon? She is now only mentioned as a naturepath professional en passant. Of course the signature keynotes of the workaholic are there - staying up at night, 'working' long hours lest we forget. And those tasteful, dull babycoloured outfits in wool & linen - I'd like to see them in 6 months after frequent washing. So neutral colours are a thing @Michael From Moutains? Who knew? Well they're on display to show fans what to send, & how she gushed about the hand embroidery before. You're all taking notes I hope. 🤔
And the usual rant about the workforce got an airing. Grosseto, the nearest town has 83,000 inhabitants, but of course there isn't 1 plumber they can trust so THE one has a 3/4 journey from Florence to add on to his hours, probably persuaded & paid for by the father. Little wonder the guy's off 'sick' working nearer home. What a farce 😠
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View attachment 1651938
Not sure how the latest flog (or last couple of year's worth of flogs) relates to KyLiar's stated Patreon mandate.
What does that word salad mean anyway?


View attachment 1651951
This type of contribution motivates me to push harder than ever to make you proud, to show you how I can be a vessel for sharing positivity and light and hope. I read the emotional private emails from people who say they are positively affected by my work and they inspire to believe there can be no greater purpose for my creativity than bringing joy to people who need it; that hope in the form of little films should always be shared with the world for free. With this kind of financial funding, you remind me that numbers of followers or views on YouTube are not important, that some people like you out there understand and believe in my message and my ability to have a positive impact on the lives of strangers. Thank you with all my heart."

How many $1,000 per month subscribers are there who lack critical thinking skills and believe that drivel?
What sort of idiot donates $1,000 a month. She should be ashamed to even set up that level of e-begging.
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Spirit of place

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I think there'll be radio silence till after Christmas because simply they are back in comfort in Scandicci, esconced with all the family so nothing worthwhile to vlog about (as if!). The rubble-strewn site is just a grifting stage that annoys them both & a place Guido would never stay exiled In without his family & friends at such a convivial time.
So dear fellow Tattlers if nothing else crops up, I wish all of you who battle through the KyLie swaggering, ranting egocentric content she churns out, a happy Xmas with family & friends and un'abbraccio alla prossima.
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I watched it last night, and wondered why she didn't choose any questions about being a new mom? Or is that going to be in this week's vlog? Boy she's really bashing the Italians right now. I'm sure Guido and his family aren't happy about it at all. I'd be livid. She stated their relationship was rushed, wonder if she latched onto him because she had no where else to go and of covid.
Interesting how pre-Gweeds she insisted on the dolce vita and completely ignored any downsides to living in Italy but post-Gweeds she's having a field trip bashing Italians. Something's wrong in the state of Denmark, me thinks.

I think she latched on to him thinking he embodied more of her ideal man - landowner (must have thought rich), of noble birth (oh, the circles she must've thought she would be allowed in), a passionate man who fell in love at first sight and left his long-term partner to pursue his true feelings (for her irresistible self). Instead, as I have said before, she got a placid, temperamental, coin counting glutton and he got a self-aggrandizing, passive-aggressive nut.

Ha ha. They do truly deserve each other.
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All of the self-inflicted and appalling drama KyLie describes in the slog arises from the fact that she decided to go ahead with a natural birth even though she knew she had placenta previa and medical advice all says a caesarian is necessary to stop a life-threatening situation of hemorrhaging for the mother and fetal distress from lack of oxygen.

And she was at high risk because of her age. It is quite extraordinary that because of her egotistical know-it-all attitude she was prepared to create such an extremely dangerous situation.

"Placenta previa means the placenta has implanted at the bottom of the uterus, over the cervix or close by, which means the baby can’t be born vaginally."

Apparently it can adjust slightly during the latter stages of pregnancy but the advice is still to plan a caesarian and not take the risk.

"Some of the complications of placenta previa include:

  • Major haemorrhage (bleeding) for the mother
  • Shock from loss of blood
  • Fetal distress from lack of oxygen
  • Premature labour or delivery
  • Health risks to the baby, if born prematurely
  • Emergency caesarean delivery
  • Hysterectomy, if the placenta fails to come away from the uterine lining
  • Blood loss for the baby
  • Death."

This was a very good article actually from her Australian government. Instead of reading and listening to the nuts on her podcasts, this information is all readily available from proper medical sources. But KyLie knows better🫣🙄🤥

On further thought, you also have to ask again, how she was allowed to go ahead with her mad plans and how the doctors, Guido, her parents etc were somehow berated into letting her take such a risk to her own life and the baby's.

No doubt she was warned of the medical implications of a natural birth by the medical professionals, but she went ahead anyway. To justify her sheer stupidity and egotism, she had to put out that flog to blame everyone else except herself for what happened.
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@Alessandro et al I think Kylie has been dying a bit inside the longer she stays with Greedo. Lol. All of her passive aggressive comments and the poor light she has put him in is pretty telling, isn't it? Lol

Yeah I think KyLie's "settling" is a bad recipe for success @Denise0211 and although she doesn't let her frustration out directly into the Tuscan fantasy she has concocted for the slogs, it sure does come out in those snide comments about Greedo's "meltdowns" and "drinking" and "bad temper" etc

However, despite the fake Earth Mother figure she has been busily creating, KyLie would essentially still prefer to be living the high life in Rome with her string of playboy lovers with their Maseratis and Daddy's/Mummy's money. Guido's got his wealth from his parents but that's where the similiarity ends🙄
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"Feeder Kink"

"Feederism is a fat fetish subculture in which individuals eroticize weight gain and feeding. Feeders are individuals who claim to become sexually aroused by feeding their partners and encouraging them to gain weight."

Anyone we know who makes a great big narcissistic deal of feeding people?
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“The baby’s birth might be a little while yet…”

Very strange turn of phrase for someone who is nine months and, expecting, at any moment, to rush to the delivery ward.

She knows she has time to do a Q&A ? This is what’s on her mind at this time ?

Shouldn’t she, instead, be checking the progress of the pool ?
I think she's just lying about the deadlines...

yesterday I caught a glimpse of her old instagram video about her and her sister sitting in a cafe somewhere in Italy and gazing at men wondering how long should a woman stare at a guy she likes. My brain shrunk. 😖
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Happy Xmas to everyone! Does anyone dare hazard a guess as to when the next slog will be? I hope everyone is enjoying copious amounts of wine and pandoro!
I just saw she uploaded! I was running it in the background, so will probably fully watch tomorrow (maybe lol). But a few things I heard...Guido has not been around/has been "busy", she's been cooking and baking "24/7", Shannon came (hmmm, really? Lol) and they are going to the Dolomites for New Years holiday. Really bounced back from near death just 2 months ago and with a constantly crying baby, eh? Lol
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Not only that, they are providing the manor as a playhouse for her, the accommodation for her parasitic parents, provided the land for the ditch she calls a swimming pool, contractors to clean up the mess, the chapel she managed to get deconsecrated for the fake wedding, making all parents complicit in the charade, the area for the neglected Dream Garden, the backdrop for her misrepresentation of life in Italy, an apartment in Florence. Right, blame his parents for the moronic middle aged adolescents they help too much and the squatting Aussies who never leave.
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Brown and green should never be seen🫣 tra la la...went through my head as I watched (some of the) latest slog, like an interminable home movie🙄

I couldn't concentrate on KyLie's saccharine fake fantasy Xmas and so got distracted with random drone images like of the Chicken Coop that appears will remain an eyesore for evermore🧐

Twas to be the place that would host all of the patreons desperate to throw money at them to stay at MM for huge sums and now never to rise from the concrete morass🤥

I was also distracted by Guido being a pyromaniac and his claim that Lil Guido would be having raw sausage for lunch, like the other Italian children😱 Never heard of this and loved his bizarre statement "that we all have to die of something in the end" - in the context of kids eating raw meat🙈

I also note with some satisfaction that the stables she has turned into the kitchen is so lacking in light she "needs" candles to light the space🙄

Why move the perfectly serviceable and light filled kitchen and living room with a view, to the dungeon like ground floor with its freezing tiles and small, barred windows??!!

Oh of course I forgot the "dream bathroom" and her fantasy bedroom (all unfinished, so where do they sleep and bathe?? Drive back to Scandicci when the video slogging is over at midnight??) that now take up the main living floor🫣
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Oh, eff princess KyLie. I've known multiple people who have given birth here and every story is different-- though none complained about the actual care. And as @Mkm noted, I am tired of Kylie's one sided rants about everything.

While I'm at it, maybe Kween Kylie should have just given birth back in Australia? Sprung for the toniest private birthing facility in Milan? The fact is she can't handle being treated like everyone else, rules, or any other situation in which she does not control the situation.

I notice the real warrior she is, put "no epidural" in the title. Slow claps for her once again trying to prove how superior she is.

Anyone know where she gave birth? I wouldn't be opposed to flagging her for defamation or slander.
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Which is funny bc she added "except for emergencies." Duh. Lol.

And more not comprehending Kylie's situation. I don't think I'll ever understand her fans. She would have died at home.

View attachment 1706453
Oh, someone crashed and burned out of medical school.
View attachment 1706459
Do they not even listen to what KyLie herself tells them and make some kind of analysis themselves @Denise0211 🙄 They seem to be just led by the nose by whatever the Orange Braggart decides to make up each week for a slog🤥

There appear to be hundreds of the same dumbass comments saying "sue the doctors and nurses" and "you should have had the birth at home"😵💫

Did they not hear KyLie's repeated references to placenta previa and having to have a caesarean in the "lead up" flogs. Let alone her self-created melodramatic story of being rushed into the operating room so the doctors could stop the loss of blood and remove the placenta because she decided to have a natural birth herself instead of a c-section as advised?!

She makes it perfectly clear that she would have died if she hadn't been in the hospital. The problem is she blames everyone else for the unnecessary drama of a life-threatening situation she brought down not only on herself but her baby and no doubt along with the acute distress of the hospital staff in the OR.

It is bizarre that the last thing she remembers before being "put under" (against her will, by her expression of horror, that she couldn't control the situation and have a "natural" "unmedicated" operation to save her life🙄) is the chief doctor coming in and saying "Che cazzo" about what on earth was going on with this mad situation. Any normal person would reflect on their own stupidity and arrogant insistence on not having followed medical advice for her condition.

But not KyLie🧐No self reflection for her. She instead starts setting up lights and filters hours/days after the self-induced medical trauma to spend 42 minutes disparaging and denouncing the nurses and doctors who saved her life.

Since she also had to edit her pontificating, self-justifying "birth story" flog and include other "cinematic" shots outside at Scandicci, add the music etc and she says it takes several days for her editing process - when did she actually start working on the slog?! As soon as she got home from hospital?

So instead of focussing on Lil Guido Jnr and being grateful to be alive, she must have spent all the time seething and decided venting and deflecting her anger away from herself publicly on video was more important than the baby, Guido or her family🙈
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