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Let’s face it; KyLIE’s a loser. Phoney life, false achievement, fake marriage, faux education, Poser in Chief. She promotes her pregnancy for 9 months and, rather than showing the baby, hides him below the camera or in a corner, showing outdated videos of her midriff instead. Who really cares what she thinks about Italy or anything else. She’s a parasite expounding the ideals of Italy, then trashes the health care system that “saved her life” and says that Italians are lazy and without ambition, as she shows herself forever lolling on Italian beaches and in cafes. She chooses her location of residence based on a string of boyfriends, wherever they may be, sponging off of them. KyLIE, you’re in no position to give advice to anyone; go back to Byron Bay and Australia, the land of “innovation” and “improvement”.
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I agree with you @emm but she has attracted these characters by sexualising herself in the past. There's evidence aplenty on her vlogs and IG account still available for the world to see. All those Love Parallel stills for example which have been reproduced on TL. I think many newly married or newly unmarried 🤦‍♂️ women might have taken the more provocative films/shots down out of respect for their husband if nothing else.
@Uncle Maniac et al.:

No serious women journalists would or do post any of the provocative or sexualized photos or videos that KyLie has because they need to be taken seriously. But KyLie was never a journalist: she flitted from place to place with her camera squarely framing herself and her own reactions, which is not journalism, it's sensationalism, building the KyLie Brand.

KyLie is not delivering news or documentation. KyLie is delivering narcissism and at this point trauma bonding to her Youtube audience who have become emotionally charged and activated to send money to KyLie's Patreon coffers: they become her narcissistic supply with their likes, views, sycophantic comments and parasocial relationships.

KyLie has been steadily ramping up her "woe is me" victimization stories since she seemingly began to be bored with Guido before the fake "wedding video", through the "pregnancy/renovating a ruin" series, and KyLie's latest gory gothic "birth story" Youtube video has clearly pushed many of her acolytes over the edge.

At this point some of KyLie's followers are so invested in their parasocial relationship with KyLie that they have outed themselves as stalkers of this Tattle Forum, acting as KyLie's "flying monkeys" brigade who are engaging with @arwensgal1975 on KyLie's Youtube channel comments section, but lurking here and reading every comment...
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Ciao tutti! I had taken a break as I moved from Italy to Spain - jeezus, no I am not stalking the Flavell sorelle. I hoped on at the birth....but had to stay away as it triggered my own experience of giving birth 21 years ago in Rome. Ended with a C-section - BUT no scar!!! Best doctor ever & midwife ever (had my own, not the hospitals). But really I have so much to say but just can't. Sad now she has recorded forever her awful experience for her child (or Jerry's fake child) to know ALL about it. My kids arrived how they needed to and the birth story needs to reflect that.

A couple thoughts:
- marry an accountant you get the life of the accountant. Square peg round hole.
- they live in Scandicci & film at the other. I am sure family says no filming. Smart family.
- photo of KyLie carry the baby...weird, I cannot imagine she is not onboard with baby wearing?? Where is the sling? Ergo baby whatever it's called.
- Guido has had enough of ridicule from friends, family & clients. They meet up with him for drinks and they know all about his life. He preferred being mystery guy from summer holiday on Limpari way back when. Dont blame him. You do you Guido.
- I'll attach a photo someone screenshot. Think it's the nursery in the "we don't really live here" residence. I spy with my little eye a weird diaper pale. Hmmmm imagine if she has to use Huggies/pampers 🤫 Would fit her narrative but if she used that Uni problem solving experience- oh yeah - skipped that, you would know water usage is an issue to on the beloved cloth version. Either way, poveraccia. And the Boobs are out for view numbers end of year.

And the Japan time 🤭 ALOT of young Aussie lasses go to Tokyo for quick cash as models. Young, don't go to Uni, need money or a sugar daddy. Ask me how I know? Ask my hubby's ex wife LOL.

Ok rant on.....if I bow out again for bit my eye may be twitching.


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The leather bag, why? I love leather normally, but you put baby's stuff in whatever. Something with a little panda on, something cheerful!

Pass notesParents and parenting

The rise of sad beige parenting: how primary colours, shiny surfaces – and fun – got banished
The trend for muted tones in kids clothes, toys and bedrooms appears to be catching on. But dressing your child like a 19th-century orphan doesn’t come cheap

Beige is in – so is oatmeal, flax, cream, stone, rope, bone and ash. Photograph: Anastasiia Krivenok/Getty Images

Name: Sad beige parenting.
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Age: New, but looks older.

Appearance: Runs the gamut from taupe to fawn.

A restricted palette, is what you’re saying. Like a field of stubble on an overcast January afternoon.

What has it got to do with parenting? It’s about applying this muted aesthetic to your children.

To their clothes, you mean? Yes, and their toys, their bedrooms and their sad, beige little lives.

A beige child’s bedroom? Not just beige, but also oatmeal, flax, cream, stone, rope, bone and ash.

Why would you do that to a kid? Some parents claim it’s calming and gender neutral.

And very hard to get stains out of. It seems to be about imposing one’s austere – and, ironically, expensive – tastes on one’s offspring while banishing primary colours, shiny surfaces and fun.

That is a losing battle. The sad beige parents seem pretty determined. “Our whole house isn’t changing because we have kids,” one mum told the Wall Street Journal.

Yes it is. Of course it is.

Isn’t pretending there are no colours bad for youngsters? There isn’t much evidence either way, but it seems less than ideal. “The motivation of having an Instagrammable house and not letting kids explore and make a mess worries me,” neuropsychologist Amanda Gummer told the WSJ. “I don’t think many kids’ favourite colour is beige.”

Where did this whole idea come from? As a marketing trend, it’s been bubbling up for a while. According to the online shopping portal Etsy, searches for beige kids’ clothes have jumped 67% year on year.

And as an aesthetic perversity worthy of our scorn? We owe that to American librarian Hayley DeRoche, who set up TikTok and Instagram accounts mocking the sad beige phenomenon.

How does she do it? She makes videos of real beige clothing and toy catalogues and narrates them as if they were being presented by Werner Herzog: “I call this one ‘I have looked into the abyss to see what hell hath wrought.’ Simple top, $45.”

And this stuff is expensive, you say? It costs a lot to dress your child like a 19th-century workhouse orphan.

When does the backlash start? This is the backlash. We’re under way.

Do say: “When I am old I shall wear purple, and damn this £130 ecru smock to hell.”

Don’t say: “Anyone seen my kid? He was right here in this sandpit, dressed in beige organic-cotton overalls and holding a sustainably sourced wooden … oh, there you are, darling.”


Diana B
1 hour ago
I don't know if anyone else noticed this but I saw a little fairy orb during the first three or four minutes of this video. You and your bambino are being watched and loved. Blessings

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I just couldn't bear to listen to another extremely dull flog of KyLie sitting there talking about herself with a lot of awful recipes🙄 I fast forwarded through most of it, for the moment, but this rather bizarre little statement jumped out sounded quite peculiar:

"All the years I lived alone, one of the things I really enjoyed about Christmas was identifying my deepest, darkest cravings and then making them happen...I think Christmas is definitely the time to do that and satisfy all of your cravings..." 😱🫣
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🍷 🍿💊 and take a deep breath LOLS! @emm @Denise0211 @Mkm @Uranija @arwensgal1975 @Jerry @Uncle Maniac @LucyHoneychurch @Alessandro @Antonio @Spirit of place @nostoneunturned @moronglace @Osservatrice @ochre5 @BSHater @NA's HUBBY et al.:


aa aa
40 minutes ago
I believe this story you have shared is going to save lives. All of your videos are vibrant and spectacular, but I believe this one video will be your most impactful one. Italy from the outside looks like a great luxurious place. But when you live here, you see that there are many horrible things happening, especially in terms of people’s behavior. I’m sure your experience can be shared by many other Italians but because they do not have the platform that you do, their complaints are probably shoved under the rug.I hope and beg you to take this as far as you can. Not because its your right, but because it will save SO MANY LIVES. You will be standing up for the mothers who died before you and those who could have died after you had they not been aware of your video. As a foreigner, living in Italy can be scary, especially Southern Italy where it doesn’t seem like rules apply to anything or anyone. Although I think those women would have treated you horribly regardless of whether or not you were born in Italy. Italy already has a low birth rate, do they think this treatment of women will aid it? No. I hope CNN will pick up this story and make this story go global. I also hope the hospital will eventually be named so that all women know to be careful if they go there. Whether or not you know it, you have saved lives by sharing this story—you have. Now, I also hope that you will get all the self care that you need. yes you are breastfeeding the baby every hour, fine. But maybe for a few hours you can give it formula, just so you can get a consistent 4 to 5 hours of sleep. The baby is fine, but how about you, emotionally,spiritually, and physically? Please, also take care of you. Where in the world is it safe to have children, seriously? The US has many issues—many women die during childbirth; Italy is obviously treating women poorly during childbirth, so what countries offer superb child birth—does anyone know? We women need to share these stories so that we are aware and we can make better decisions regarding our health care and lives. What you, Kylie, have shared is something that will impact many lives and even lives of the unborn.What you went through was hell,,, pure HELL..but yet, that ONE BIRTH will impact millions of lives… millions!!! I applaud you for sharing, I applaud you for successfully giving birth, and I applaud you for standing up for the millions of women around the world. Most importantly, we thank God for protecting you and allowing you to make it back home alive with your baby, and to reconnect with your husband and family.
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I've only seen a couple of her videos and found her terribly self-indulgent and self-congratulatory.

A little bit of sleuthing fact checking. Since I don't watch his videos, I have to piece together the missing pieces from what I've read here.
It is surprising and terrifying at the same time how much information we leave behind on the Internet.

1) Age: you've already debunked the both ridiculous and sad "born in 1991" misinformation, probably spread by her.
The date is still not clear: 18th or 19th of April?


2) School: homeschooled or not? Here she talks about having been teased at school for being a bookworm.

3) Career as an editor: she was indeed appointed in 2009 as an editor at least for Marketing Magazine and Crystal, whatever these magazines are.


There was a post in an Austrialian guy's old blog that mentioned an "attractive" but somehow "neurotic" editor Kylie Flavell, but I can't find it anymore.
Random link to editing times: .

4) Fast forward to 2012 (?): she is probably tired of interviewing people like Donatella Versace etc., she wants to touch that world firsthand. Or maybe the Crystal magazine at least did not survive the recent economic crisis of 2008 and she was sacked.

5) The Lazy Olive Villa 2013: was it mentioned by one of you?

First internet mention:

Seven years later:

6) The Patrick thing 2014:

8) Good reads list of books

This is the most interesting one for me, not really the workaholic she makes others think she is, uh?

7) The most interesting document: does her Montecarlo beau finally have a name?

Whre's Wally? :

Interestingly, a few years earlier she had written an article for the Agusta brand.

If, and I'm saying IF she was dating the nephew of famous aerospace entrepreneur Corrado Agusta

of course she would be nostalgic about the past.
Imagine pursuing a great romantic love, possibly attached to a great fortune, and being so close!
Guido by comparison looks like the washed-out, discount version of that guy.

Icarus has flown so close to the sun, and the only thing she has left now is burnt, orange skin.

Irony aside, it's not that I enjoy the misfortunes of others ("misfortunes" so to speak, she still married comfortably rich).
This is what makes me laugh: it's as if she had put her love conquests in her CV as "my greatest accomplishment".
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View attachment 1651758
View attachment 1651752
KyLie has posted an incredibly self-indulgent and insufferable smugfest of a 2.38 minute flog just with a montage of different images showing her stroking her pregnant belly (plus another picture of the Madonna and child at the start🙄) shots from the not-zze and happier more "cinematic" times with Greedo before he discovered she was an unrelentingly demanding narcissist that has driven him to drink and what she has described (gaslighting, of course, her part in causing them) as his "meltdowns"....🤥🫣 KyLie has never been more narcissistically enamoured of herself than now🙈 What will happen when the baby gets most of the attention...will she implode?🤔
View attachment 1651755
Bruh, this constant use of religious imagery is just something else :LOL:
I don't even have to explain it, any normal person who isn't Kylie understands why this is so bonkers. What's next? Comparing herself to Isis with Horus?

She seems to have doubled in size over two weeks; either she is delay posting or she received her new rubber tummy in time from Amazon.
Jerry will see the bambino and still believe he is a warming-pan baby unless he gets to witness the birth himself :LOL:
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Spirit of place

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She had the perfect click bait title 'How the doctors saved my life' but of course not, she had to be the heroine ' epidural...' So instead of focusing the 40 Min (40 Min !) slog on the emergency staff who had to remedy her poor decision to have a 'natural' birth, it was top heavy with rants on how she was treated. She said she had had contact with the 'obs' before so maybe they realised how demanding & entitled she was & didn't want to pander to her attitude of 'I'm so special' However where were the university specialists who were going to monitor her perfect birth? Plus her private gynaecologist? And if she was super healthy why did she start vomiting? Guilty those little biscuits she'd made to bring on the contractions? I must say I felt quite queasy at the end of her narc's blow-by - blow account of her ordeal, a result of her stubbornness to ignore the professional advice previously that she was at risk. Remember how she sneered that she knew her own body better than the doctors?
No shout-out to her parents either who without a shadow of doubt are there to wait on their daughter while Kylie languishes in bed. Well, she did manage to set up her lights & camera to regale us with her woes (I was wondering about those bulls eyes lol). Btw, even if it was true, 4 days no eating & drinking, she was on drips to nourish her & the reason why was probably they were waiting for a free slot to take her back to the operating theatre with more urgent cases to deal with.
I sprinkled some ♥ on some previous posts as I agreed entirely - surely we can't all be wrong?
PS. To cross-over Tartlets from CD diaries, I got a shock when I saw K in what I thought was Stephanie's bed & looked to see what thread I was on 😊 Do narcs have similar tastes or did Kylie do an outright copy?
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It's such a weird comment, as if doctors would push you into having a caesarian if it wasn't totally necessary
Which is funny bc she added "except for emergencies." Duh. Lol.

And more not comprehending Kylie's situation. I don't think I'll ever understand her fans. She would have died at home.


Oh, someone crashed and burned out of medical school.
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What have I missed (a lot probably!)
Lest we forget she fessed up to what we all suspected, that she doesn't even live in MM.

Done so in a classic Kylie way by bending the truth and saying how they travel every seven to ten days. And why not? who would live on a construction site 🚧 if they didn't have to. Yet she still couldn't come out and say it like it is.

She is so good at twisting and distorting what she presnets and what we see, she could be a venetian glass blower.
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Lady Lindy

Chatty Member
There is a fine line between a birthday suit and a lawsuit. Kylie is entitled to have her side of a story heard, but practically calling out health care professionals as unprofessional as she claims is nothing short of slander.

I am sure the doctors and nurses have their version of events and could explain what she just about describes as leaving her and her baby to fend for themselves seemingly most of the time.

Doesn't YouTube have due diligence in such situations? Youtubers should be held accountable for running their mouths of, without the other side getting a fair hearing.
You can just imagine what the real story is from the health professionals point of view. I bet she went in with lots of demands and ignoring their advice. She is so perfect in every way and can't help throwing shade at all other 'weak' women who had to have epidurals etc. I've had three traumatic births myself and thankfully have three healthy children but I listened to the doctors' advice. How many times did she comment on how she had prepared her perfect body for childbirth. She is so up herself she makes me want to puke 🤢
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Wow @Michael From Mountains KyLie is down to 577 Patreon Patsies - that's a new low😱Thirty-four have skedaddled in the last 30 days!

Overall some 20% lower than she has ever gone. Despite her desperate attempts to stay ahead of the "YouTube algorithm," the dire, lazy flogs of her sitting there pontificating (plus the B roll) are not as fascinating to everyone else as they are to her🙄
View attachment 1777851
Do you think some of them have discovered this forum and realized their stupidity and that they've been bamboozled into donating their hard-earned money to someone who doesn't really need it ? I hope so!
Donate your money to worthy causes, please! Not some undeserving highlife chaser.
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And letting the world in on marital strains and picking apart G's anger management they know, do you think?
I was just thinking how awful he comes across and how not only his family would feel, but what his boss and colleagues would think. Lol. A cash poor, irritable and immature drunk. That's the theme on her faithful's end lol.
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Trust Kylie to be on her own and have the most dramatic birth.......
There is a fine line between a birthday suit and a lawsuit. Kylie is entitled to have her side of a story heard, but practically calling out health care professionals as unprofessional as she claims is nothing short of slander.

I am sure the doctors and nurses have their version of events and could explain what she just about describes as leaving her and her baby to fend for themselves seemingly most of the time.

Doesn't YouTube have due diligence in such situations? Youtubers should be held accountable for running their mouths of, without the other side getting a fair hearing.
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I was wondering why you keep referring to Guido as your husband when you’re not married. Also, why does the swimming pool and brass drain plates take up so much more of your attention than the baby ? Why are you in Magliano when your hospital is in Florence; it’s a two hour drive ? Why do you feed Guido all sorts of fatty foods, pasta and pastries and then surprised he is fat ? By the way, he has put on more of a belly than you ! Are you sure you are eating enough to keep baby healthy or is your priority to keep your abs in shape ? If you do a cookbook, will I need three different kitchens just like you ? I can only afford a hot plate, because I send my money to you !
Endless Admirer
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Deep down Kylie knows she is an aging woman whose charms for most men are going to fade ... which is exactly why she settled for Guido.
Seeng a five year old video only reinforces the notion of her UNattractiveness at ANY age. Her personality is a vacuum, which is likely why the guys she was hanging with were such greasy sleezeballs. She was a bore then and is a bore now. Professional filmmaker ? Ever see an interviewer writhe on their back during an interview or pose with their fingertips caressing their chest ? And the baby ? Were we supposed to forget about the baby ? I wonder what her Born Again followers are thinking and saying. She couldn’t have chosen a worst slog.
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I think @VeeJayBee is the poster who kept an eye on views?

P.s. I agree "Lori" sounds like Kylie. Take the line "there are numerous nurses/doctors and a surgeon in the comments who said..." That's a classic tactic KyLie uses when exploding on people in comments. Cute "And do you know how many XYZ have written..." etc etc.
Surely this has to be KyLie @Denise0211 et al 🙄🤥 I just read "Lorri Lewis" (what a made-up name🙈) blow-by-blow comment on the birth and they must have been taking detailed notes (if it wasn't KyLie) from the slog!🤔

And "Lorri" sounds like she has been reading in depth here for some time! How does she know we think "Kylie took a risk by not going with a Caesarean"?

And it was more than a "risk" it was madness, the combination of Placenta Previa (which as noted previously, medics say puts the mother at risk of haemorrhaging and death and the baby of lack of oxygen) and her age, made it an unbelievably irresponsible decision.

I remember too she claimed, her doctor said if the placenta moved she may be able to have a natural birth, but I wonder if this was even true @Uranija ? No doubt, she was told that there would still be a grave risk of the placenta remaining attached to the uterus and causing the massive bleeding. But KyLie knows best, and did it anyway.

No wonder that doctor who came into the operating room exclaimed "Che cazzo" (WTF) when she was lying in a pool of blood. No doubt he was thinking who the hell made the decision to allow her to have a natural birth with Placenta Previa. The fact is, she is lucky to be alive, despite her egomania and stupidity.

Imagine if she was in the section away from the hospital having a water birth like she wanted or her preference, at home! 😱 She would not have survived without immediate surgical intervention on the spot.

I think she took the trouble to pretend to be "Lorri Lewis" because she can't stand the fact she has been caught out lying (again) and that the whole unsavoury drama was actually all her fault. And we all know narcs never ever take responsibility for their actions and blame everyone else for the disasters that they bring on themselves.

Thus the reason why she took the time to film and edit herself, only several days after that self-inflicted traumatic experience, with a 42 minute peroration on how "horrible" and "unprofessional" the nurses and doctors were to her because she can't stand the fact she put herself and the child's life in such danger🫣🧐
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