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Adams & Brush

VIP Member
No doubt about it, there's zero professionalism on his channel whatsoever. No quality to his editing or occasional musical choices, no direction to his themes, sometimes he adds the Daily Dose logo & theme music in the intro, sometimes nothing, it's a total mess. His channel's entire concept now is just a guy, stumbling through life, getting over on a handful of shut-ins & sugar daddies, recording home movies, & living off bis girlfriend's employee discounts. There's a very niche audience for this type thing, basically a few hardcore fans from the very beginning & a shit ton of hatters, & not much in-between. If his sub count tells you anything, the law of diminishing returns is beginning to kick this fool in the ass hard & his future's bleak
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No babysitter to supervise alcohol consumption and wipe his ass 😂 it’s going to be a hilarious few days 🤣 imagine how much trash and shit will be strewn around 🫢 I feel sorry for the employees that have to clean that cabin, bet they’ll even talk shit about him 😂
He's become so used to having Mommy Casey as a babysitter on cruises that it's going to be a disaster. He's going to go off the rails, have several tantrums, room will be trashed... he might even pass out drunk somewhere on the ship 🤣 😂
I still can't believe he said yesterday that "if you don't love me and love everything I do then you can leave"
Oar squirt is going off the rails. Full on narcissistic collapse.
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Adams & Brush

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Whining about no Casey, whining about wanting to be on the Wish instead, whining about wanting concierge, this dude suuuucks
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I'm glad his fans are finally realizing that all he cares about is views. He wants tons of views and for people to love everything he does with zero effort. Like he said, "you guyses LOVE anything I make." Arrogant Pallo doesn't seem to care about the backlash either. He thinks his upcoming cruise series will revive his views. I hope it flops. Expect another "health crisis" after that.
I said yesterday that KP's video reminded me of Adam the Woo.

Today he stated that the hatters can stop watching him. Guess who else said the exact same thing a few weeks ago 🤣 ?

KP is 30, no friends, gf thinks he is a moron, house poor, no job skills, looks are fading and somehow he has the audacity to tell his hatters not to watch. KP you need all the views you can get. Notice that the comments that are calling him out can get to 100 likes. The majority of viewers are hate watching. Only a few thirsty married men and grandmothers are coming to his aid.
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We've had tons of things happen that prove it was him, let's not forget how he gasped at Morgonn's name on the livestream and then deleted 'Based Pete' a few hours later for an entire month. Or how only Alexa seems to know about it and remove any vague mention to Peter, LShadows, Morgonn, or mere mention related to the sock puppet, all while Kyle refuses to address it or answer any questions. He never reads any superchats that mention those names, then 5-10 seconds later Alexa deletes it.

But this recent fixation on this performer also confirms that it's him. No random stan would be this obsessed over a performer saying "hi" to him. Only a socially inept, developmentally challenged, narcissistic Dwarf would be.
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Reminded me of the time he and Casey were at the Disney parade and Nick was on one float as, I think but could be wrong, Prince Charming.
Kyle started wooooping' like an Alpine yodeler on crack: "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO'!" and almost knocked Casey to the ground to get closer and film Nick.
He was giddy with excitement, worse than a horny sailor after a month at sea spying a naked girl running across the docks.
IYKYK ___ amirite'? :LOL:

View attachment 2865891
He was screaming "WHAT A STUD!" and "LOOK AT THAT STUD!" too 😂
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They have Casey now to babysit 🤣 he’s her problem now. God bless her 🤣 I honestly could not imagine having to live with that guy. Seriously, she works all day and still has to come home to pick up after him, cook for him and babysit him. His constant whining. “Oh I want a dog, I want to cruise, let’s go to aulani, you have vacation days.” It’s April. There’s a whole 8 months left in the year and holidays. Maybe she wanted to use her vacation to visit her family. The puppy thing is ridiculous. Puppies are living things that require work. It’s not all fun and games. Who’s gonna pick up the crap, who’s gonna train it and walk it? He throws his shoes just anywhere in the house when he takes them off… say bye bye to those bc they gonna get chewed up 🤣 I was blessed with my dog like truly blessed. I’ve got a German shepherd but also we spent hours upon hours that first year with her. No vacations, training training training. I even took two weeks off when we got her to house train her. You don’t send your dog to obedience school and they come back obedient. You have to constantly reinforce their training. She’s 5 now and we still have to constantly work her bc when dogs get bored, they get destructive. He has no idea how much works goes into having a puppy. People like him are the reasons so many dogs get rehomed or just given away. They get the puppy thinking it’s so cute not realizing it’s actually work. I mean the man almost cried seeing the wish yesterday. Like look, I get it, he likes the ship but does it warrant tears and whines? I think not. There’s something seriously wrong with him.
I didn't think of that, but that does explain why the bi-weekly wellness checks stopped after the move... mommy Casey is there 24/7 to babysit 😂 In one of the vlogs she mentioned that she and BankerMom text all of the time. Want to bet it's her giving wellness updates on their precious baby squatch? 🤣

Don't know how Casey does it either. I'd go crazy even spending an hour with the manic man-child. She must be truly miserable, but somehow convinced herself that she's "in love" and then has Kyle gaslighting her constantly. She looks so sad and miserable in the vlogs... all her smiles are forced, laughing is fake, and she's always walking on egg shells to avoid causing a tantrum. We only saw glimpses of her real self when she's with a friend. She looks so much happier & more relaxed when he's not around. Maybe these 3 days without him will wake her up... doubtful, but maybe.
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GuYses...his back ia only an issue for lifting. Duh..
So let me get this straight... Kyle makes his living putting his life out in public, yet "what gives us the right to judge him?" So everyone should pay attention to him yet no one should judge or criticize him?

He lies repeatedly.... what gives us the RIGHT to judge him?
He's a nuisance to other people in the parks and repeatedly breaks rules... what us the RIGHT to say anything?

Stan logic 🤣 😂
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No Grifters Needed

Chatty Member
Meanwhile, saw this on JoJo's thread. I thought oar boy Brian Stevens was loyal to his paragon of manhood KP. Apparently not.

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Do you know the back story or history of the development? Looking today on Google Maps it's just a small build area on a small parcel of land, pretty far away from celebration town centre. Or is the plan to build in between both tidepool and celebration? TBH it looks to be closer to the all star hotels than celebration town centre, haha.
As we were told a while back it was originally supposed to just be a retail expansion (Publix, etc) near the HS and apartment complexes. Then as you can see developers got involved and now we have another school and "neighborhood" in Celebration. Those living in central/downtown Celebration see this new area as cheap and unnecessary. It was a quick cash grab and second stream of income for the HOA's.
I do notice all the critical comments get hundreds of upvotes. Shows how many shadowbanned people are hatewatching. If all the shadowbanned people didn't watch I wouldn't be surprised if this guy got only a couple thousand views from Midwest grandmas and thirsty older thirsty daddy's. He really should appreciate his hatters more.
He does what he does to push people's buttons and get hate watches. If you look at PMM or JoJo (same market) they never mention hatters or try to "own tattle" like Kyle does. He's a frail little man with a fragile ego that he needs to constantly stroke.
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"Blue eye stud"

I first noticed Kyle's poor grammar (eye instead of eyed) but then realized it's technically correct because of his droopy eye.



If Kyle walked into a strip club, he'd think all the strippers are into him too.
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As fun as that sounds, just like the colourful language in thread titles, Tattle Life won't allow it.
The beauty of Kyle is that you don't need to do anything like that to make his life a living hell. He's perfectly adept at doing that all by himself, and it's far more satisfying to watch.
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Chatty Member
Look whose raging over on X today. He's back to posting all the Nazi stuff too.
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Can someone ask “Eric” how he knows so much about KP’s wee wee that he can defend its size? Can someone point out to “Eric” that he has engaged more in the conversation about Kyle’s penis than the trolls online? Can someone also point out that most straight/based/alpha/high testosterone men do not go listening to gossip or pay attention to rumors about other men’s penis sizes? Can someone ask “Eric” what his endgame is? 😅 Multiple separate posts by multiple users would probably make “Eric” seethe even more.
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