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Chatty Member
Just looking at his header for today's bullshit Daily :poop: Dump.
The Moral of This Story is Clear: Be Careful What You Wish For. You Might Just Get It.

He reminds me of the little dog that chased a bus. The little dog caught it and NOW WHAT?

"The pressures are building and bills are beginning to come due. My grift isn't working as well as it has in the past. Reality is setting in. Somebody, anybody, YOU need to take care of this for ME. ___ Lawdy' .... Oh woe is MEEEEEEEE'! and wouldn't you know it, just now my life threatening disease is aflarin' up! Oh what shall I do?
____ Maybe a Disney WISH cruise would fix it all. I WISH that would happen. WISH it with me. I know I can count on YOU, my loyal friends (sad face and a cough ___ maybe have Casey next to him with sad puppy dog eyes.) Won't you send thoughts & prayers and maybe think of some way I can be well again? WISH the best for MEEEEE'!"

Conclusion: "I was having a wonderful time. My parents got me a place to stay. My girl - friend was paying for lots of things for me and all I had to do was fold a napkin for her to make it look like a rose and she picked up the tabs. She had discounts. Every day we opened new boxes in the little family rental. I had an expensive couch but not much else. I got a big ol' TV to play 'Call of Duty' on. It seemed perfect! Bbbbbbut........I'm not happy at the moment. I need MORE things. Yah...that'll make me happy."

And...........and...........and ____________________REALITY SETS IN.

He's the child who wants a new shiny toy to make him happy. Well, someone gets it for him and he's happy ___ for a while. Then shortly he's tired of it and he wants a NEW shiny toy. Yeah..... That'll make me happy again...... wash, rinse repeat.

As I said many times, that family better get ready to bail him out over and over and over again if this continues on course. He's in NO way ready for adult responsibilities and manning up, at 30 (I have to keep reminding myself this isn't a little teenager in over his head but a wholly irresponsible man-baby, entitled and ignorant of real life challenges.) . Can he do it? NO WAY IN HELL.
But the grift goes on. That seems to be all he knows.
My advice, worth was it costs him: 🤣 GET A FUCKING JOB (If that's even possible at this point.)

Out for the rest of the day. Can't wait to see the reviews here later today. Go Tattlers! 💪
Can y’all support the grift “money wise” 🤣
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Anyone else pickup on that little tidbit at the Grayson Gane with older sis? Marriage kids football practice.....we'll see or something like that from pAyLo older sis is like we are hoping for it or something like that.
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Chatty Member
Have you ever watched tv or a movie with someone who has ADHD? They never SHUT UP the entire time. lololol.

It is not that she is not into him, it is VERY difficult to do this one thing (as well as many others as you can see he is constantly talking and usually just nonsense).

Ahhh true. He is probably waiting to talk to her in person with Casey to talk about the furniture situation and see if she will pony up some more money.

Agreed, there is NO chemistry whatsoever. She better realize that she will NEVER get to see TV or a movie with him around as this never ends as much as they get older.
Okay, I have people like that but I enjoy what they are saying lol so maybe I’m not the best judge for that. Idk if they are ADHD but I never mind if they keep talking.
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Kyle Pallo #45 Fortunately Casey Couldn’t Make it.
This group seems to have a lot of practice at this. Coincidence? I don’t think so.
This particular cousin (Kraig?) stopped appearing in the vlogs after a certain point, even though a number of viewers commented about him being fun.

The cousin seemed to be low key obnoxious on purpose during the balloon preparation :LOL:
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Yes. She's in today's vlog at Geayson's football game.
Hard pass on watching it.

I just don't know how I've been aware of Pallo and his foibles for over two years and this is the first I'm learning of her.
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I don't see her moving leaving the siblings, grandparents nephew/neices, her job and she actually owns a home.

I wonder if Frank info is why Kyle moved in with brother?
What age was he when he moved in with brother Ryan? Like 21 feeling lost? Did he move in with Brother Ryan in High School?
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Lmao well I’m deathly afraid of heights so I got anxiety just watching him but he did it. He leaned off a big ass building in Toronto. Not only would Kyle never do that because he’s boring but he’s also cheap and the experience according to Nate’s video was like $200 per person. Cheapo Kylie could never!
BTW that “exposing” himself thing in the title was on purpose. He’s had it and other titles of his videos that’s like a new thing I guess he’s doing to get people to click. He’s already been called out about it in his comments on the last video where he wrote that. And he replied to the comment with a 😆. He did the same thing with another comment today. He knows what he’s doing. Kinda sad and desperate you have to sound like a creeper for clickbait. 🙄
Sky Tower in NZ has a thing you can do not a bungie, but a controlled, motorized drop. If it hadn't been raining I think I might have done it.
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Lmaoooo wow! Well I saw 3 comments. Someone pointed out that they should call places before they go to make sure they’re open and she responded “where would the fun be in that.” Someone else said “table manners!” and she replied, “No” and someone else commented about him being worried about the creamer in his coffee when he ate all that cheese and she replied something about her being lactose intolerant. 😂
Yeah, Lydia Lavinowitz added on to a LOT of comments on yesterday's vlog, and almost all were roasty and wacky good fun. They're all deleted now, dammit!
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