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VIP Member
I remember when Pallo only ever did the headlock/arm hang thing with Casey, where his hand never touched her.

After it was mentioned on Tattle, he started making hand contact by clawing her neck or shoulder.

Then about a month later, after people noticed how they never show any kind of affection, we got the forced peck on the lips and cringe hand-holding where Kyle zooms the camera in on their hands and giggles like a 13 year old boy on his first date.
Yes, yes, yes. ONLY after people talk here about it. It is just not natural at all and there are MANY times that a kiss should be done instead of a high five or just staring at each other. I just don't get it. He acts like she is one of his buddy friends who he plays video games with.
It's obvious he makes videos based on what he reads here. If he only put more effort into improving the other aspects of his channel (and his life) rather than focus on such cringe worthy content.
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"Wow, that's delicious. It needs to be way more portion size."

"Honestly the poutine WITH french fries is a delicious snack." Poutine is french fries with gravy and curds. It's part of it.
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Every time this unsophisticated man-child opens his gob, why does he always have to dislocate his jaw? Also the open mouth chewing is like nails scraping on a chalkboard.
View attachment 2410275
It's the same process every time:
  • Unhinges his jaw and sticks tongue out
  • Shoves food in
  • Eyes roll back into his head
  • Lip smacking begins
  • Chews with his mouth wide open
  • Utters a "nummy", "juicy" or "so good"
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The insufferable dwarf reminisces on how far he's come and where he's at now.


He's now giving motivational speeches like he just accomplished everything in life and has reached his pinnacle.
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So…Let’s Go Eat

Chatty Member
No sponsorships, no more media invites, YouTube channel on the decline, reputation ruined, needs to do shower shows for extra cash, can’t afford another cruise, & can’t furnish his luxury apartment.

Mini man has made it!
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VIP Member
Right on schedule with the "check-in" with the family so that they can make sure their little boy is okay.
Family check-ins this year:
  • Aug 26 - ???
  • Jul 27 - Jul 31
  • Jul 9 - Jul 11
  • Jun 1 - Jun 7
  • Apr 26 - May 4
  • Mar 12 - May 16
  • Mar 6 - Mar 9
  • Feb 25 - Mar 1
  • Jan 8 - Jan 11
  • Dec 17 - Dec 30
He's going to beg them to move to Florida and I'm sure he's going to cry about how he can't afford barstools and the meanies online are making fun of him for it. BankerMom will have to cut another check.
Family check-ins this year:
  • Aug 26 - ???
  • Jul 27 - Jul 31
  • Jul 9 - Jul 11
  • Jun 1 - Jun 7
  • Apr 26 - May 4
  • Mar 12 - May 16
  • Mar 6 - Mar 9
  • Feb 25 - Mar 1
  • Jan 8 - Jan 11
  • Dec 17 - Dec 30
THAT really does tell a sad tale. It's the equivalent of doing at least a monthy wellness check on a very dependent socially and mentally broken and special needs (and boy is he ever that) child who's failing in any number of ways. In this particular case, it's a 30 year old man who's not an adult in any manner, a squealing runt who wants, takes and demands more ___ and a family willing to keep underwriting his creepy whining and demands.
All parents want their children to succeed and provide food, shelter, education...etc. to give them that chance. Here I do believe, that Clown Posse Family is willing to keep doing this for a pathetic loser, a 30 year old person (not a 'grownup' or an 'adult') who cannot, absolutely cannot, navigate the real world in any way resembling a 30 year old successful adult. I think their greatest fear is that he will fail completely and end up back in Hooterville, or wherever, Wisconsin on their doorstep and back at home . So, he's in a place fun to visit (ad nauseum 😂 ), although they'd probably like to visit other places, they feel obligated to go check on him in person, and so they keep going, keep his sorry ass afloat, keep shelter over his failing loser head, and, if possible, try to enjoy the parks when they're able.

It's a horribly limited and sad tale.
baby kyle.jpg
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Hardly Here

VIP Member
And in todays thrilling episode, the dwarf chastises Doormat for wanting a $17 kitchen timer while he is the proud owner of a $150 Dray-gone, a $75 plastic punkin, a $100 Tron sign, a $5000 Barbie Couch, a $24,000 14 year old POS car and countless plastic Halloween decorations.


If Ann Landers were here she'd tell this girl to wake up and smell the coffee.
Once again, eating her food she bought. Sharing soup. Gross. Go get your own
Come on now, he did his part. While the Doormouse was getting the soup and poutine he was off getting the tiny cups of free water.
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VIP Member
There's a word for it. He would probably mispronounce it too.

What do you call someone who mispronounces?

A mumpsimus is when someone refuses to change their ways even when they've been shown that what they're doing is incorrect. In terms of language this means a person may continue to mispronounce or misunderstand words of phrases even after being corrected.
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Scooby Don't

VIP Member
Let that sink in folks. Avert your eyes. 29 years old. Hasn't seen a gym in half a decade. And why on Earth did he think this was something to VLOG. Cover up man. There were children present. Grandpa Shorts and all...The Hair everywhere. Look away....
Shirtless mini golf. He's more desperate than we thought.
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VIP Member
Shaun has every far-reaching excuse in the book in defense of the lazy dwarf. You see, he just has a bad memory and didn't bother to write down how much he's paying for rent in the vlog. That's why he had no clue how much his rent is.


Besides, it's not our business. Forget the fact that Pallo is the one who puts all this stuff out in public and wants attention from it. And you're going to get upset about people talking about it? :rolleyes:
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So…Let’s Go Eat

Chatty Member
I believe you are right about the flex. He posts that to let everyone know he spent $400 on it, if he decides to purchase. No one gives a shit, Kylie! Go ahead and purchase and watch NFL on a TV on the floor, while eating on a towel on the floor. If you aren't going to spend the 400 on barstools, at least get a cheap coffee table at good will or something, you dumbass!
He could even go to Walmart and grab some folding TV trays. They are like $10. It’s better than eating on the floor with a towel.

Kyle would rather go without because it’s not a “flex” even though eating on a towel on the floor is so low class!
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VIP Member
I know many of you don’t care for PMM, hell some people down right hate him but just look at the difference in this video to today’s dump. Kyle is boring AF, lame, lazy and can’t even find anything fun to do in his own hometown. Yet Nate who isn’t exactly a world traveler managed to find something exciting to do in this video and wasn’t afraid to explore.

Nate is touring Toronto with Roosevelts.

JoJo [although not getting views] had a hosted stay at Swan Dolphin, took a VIP tour at Universal and appears to have an invite to Busch Gardens for Howl O Scream.

Keep patting yourself on the back Kyle.
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VIP Member
Won’t be surprised if he and banker mom don’t buy an engagement ring while he’s there. His channel is dying and bills are coming due. Time to lock down the Doormat. Big proposal coming in Disneyland!
Huge party for the grandparents but didn’t bring Casey. I’m sure this was planned in advance and she could of taken off 😬
“Casey, you don’t get enough time off. Maybe it’s time to put in your two week notice.” :giggle:
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VIP Member
Should have passed out the red noses Squirt.
This cringe Daily :poop: Dump went down in flames.
♪ ♫ ♬ ♭ Send in the clowns
There ought to be clowns
Don't bother....they're here
♪ ♫ ♬ ♭
Flying Home To Wisconsin! Surprising My Nephew,
Meeting My OTHER Sister, Going To A Brewers Game

Kyle Pallo

187K subscribers
(*JoJo at 1,370,000 subs.
More than 1 million MORE than you. SAD)

If it's another morning, you've been ratio'd. ♪ ♫ ♬ ♭ Womp Womp ♪ ♫ ♬ ♭
(y)1.9K ___ (n)3.4K
The whole Clown Posse is going with him to Disneyland? 🤣🤣
Being alone in the strange land of California for a day or two without his Handmaiden would have been too scary. "alone b skeery" 😂

What a sad 30 year old little freak.
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VIP Member
Just looking at his header for today's bullshit Daily :poop: Dump.
The Moral of This Story is Clear: Be Careful What You Wish For. You Might Just Get It.

He reminds me of the little dog that chased a bus. The little dog caught it and NOW WHAT?

"The pressures are building and bills are beginning to come due. My grift isn't working as well as it has in the past. Reality is setting in. Somebody, anybody, YOU need to take care of this for ME. ___ Lawdy' .... Oh woe is MEEEEEEEE'! and wouldn't you know it, just now my life threatening disease is aflarin' up! Oh what shall I do?
____ Maybe a Disney WISH cruise would fix it all. I WISH that would happen. WISH it with me. I know I can count on YOU, my loyal friends (sad face and a cough ___ maybe have Casey next to him with sad puppy dog eyes.) Won't you send thoughts & prayers and maybe think of some way I can be well again? WISH the best for MEEEEE'!"

Conclusion: "I was having a wonderful time. My parents got me a place to stay. My girl - friend was paying for lots of things for me and all I had to do was fold a napkin for her to make it look like a rose and she picked up the tabs. She had discounts. Every day we opened new boxes in the little family rental. I had an expensive couch but not much else. I got a big ol' TV to play 'Call of Duty' on. It seemed perfect! Bbbbbbut........I'm not happy at the moment. I need MORE things. Yah...that'll make me happy."

And...........and...........and ____________________REALITY SETS IN.

He's the child who wants a new shiny toy to make him happy. Well, someone gets it for him and he's happy ___ for a while. Then shortly he's tired of it and he wants a NEW shiny toy. Yeah..... That'll make me happy again...... wash, rinse repeat.

As I said many times, that family better get ready to bail him out over and over and over again if this continues on course. He's in NO way ready for adult responsibilities and manning up, at 30 (I have to keep reminding myself this isn't a little teenager in over his head but a wholly irresponsible man-baby, entitled and ignorant of real life challenges.) . Can he do it? NO WAY IN HELL.
But the grift goes on. That seems to be all he knows.
My advice, worth was it costs him: 🤣 GET A FUCKING JOB (If that's even possible at this point.)

Out for the rest of the day. Can't wait to see the reviews here later today. Go Tattlers! 💪
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