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Pom Bear

VIP Member
I take photos of mine. I’d say most of my photos are just Tattle comments / pictures 🤣 there’s nothing better than having a laugh to cheer yourself up. As much as I can’t stand Lauren, she does provide brilliant entertainment 🤣❤
That's a good idea as well 😀💖 xx.
That's true, it really helps.. especially when life gets too serious.
Loooool her spelling makes me laugh and how we all joke on it 😄 it's a great thread..the most funniest definitely 😄🥰🤗💖😘 xx
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Crikey oRiley I do look at women’s boobs a lot having always been flat chested. Just saw a photo of Oti Mabuse, she is huge up top. How does she dance with them?
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Morning Krustiewusties. Just let Dave out,so dark out there.Good boy though he is.

Dreading tomorrow halloween re any fireworks going off..Dave is ok but I feel so much for animals That are traumatised by them.☹My friends doggie can’t stop shaking,she worries he may get heart attack.🙁Also I feel for all wildlife.
Morning Dolly, bless you, you do so worry about Dave.

Chico bad boy, he was jumping on me head this morning as he’s hungry!

That poor dog. Chico is ok with fireworks but as you say some animals are frightened by them.

Baking again today. Love to bake at the weekend. But for now back to bed.

Speak to you later
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Jersey Girl

VIP Member
You've been more pro active than me. I will explain tomorrow🤦🏻‍♀️

I've got a very busy day, it wasn't meant to happen, never mind. Bobbing apples it is...

Night harri my lovely.
Night everyone xx❤

Bloody hell, I've missed you... I made cookies earlier. Been back an forth and I've missed you. Come on...❤
I didn’t put it up today Ems, but when we did the daft challenge!! Tell me when you are ready and I'll do it just for you!!
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I was watching the Hairy Bikers tonight and I swear we saw a chicken and man fall in love. They went to get some eggs and visited some amazing chickens. The dark haired one with glasses tenderly held a chicken and she was hypnotised as he stroked her. Bless her.

No, no spare kettle although I was reluctant to go electric and now it’s conked out. I made myself a coffee this afternoon and haven’t learnt the knack of boiling water in a saucepan as it was stone cold. Oh well.

Night all, God bless
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Jersey Girl

VIP Member
Lol, sounds like Skanky! 🤣 You're so good, have a word next time, see if she'll tell you what's going on. Sit her down with a cup of tea, ask her if she needs some help, tell her you don't want to lose her. ❤😘
She will have to settle for a coffee- there will never be a tea bag in my home!! :sick: :sick: She will definitely message Jersey Boy tomorrow mortified and she will be worried too, we'll use that as our opportunity to gently talk to her. Sigh, I'm not good dealing with stuff like this and I'm praying it was a one off. 🙏
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Pom Bear

VIP Member
Hello Pommy 👽🤗❤😘🐕‍🦺🐾xx bless you, have missed you, I hope you had a good time and didn't tire yourself out too much. I did think about you and hoped you were ok, I knew you'd be back on when you got all caught up, in your own good time lovely 😘

Thank you for the pics, I do love seeing all-sorts of different boats anywhere and everywhere, they're absolutely fine, thanks so much for sharing ❤

I haven't commented on KP last couple of days, it's amusing enough just reading & keeping up 🤣🤣 she's an utter dickhead & deserves all she gets that woman. I wouldn't mind if she ever owned any of her mistakes & learned from them, but she never does 🙄

I'll be ok my friend, thank you for the hug tho. You take care & lots of love 😘😘 xx
I've missed you too 🥰❤💕🐾👽🐾😘 xx.
You're welcome..I remembered on hoilday when seeing the boats that you like to see them 🥰😘 xx.
I admit health wise I did well and apart from a few times having a throyid flare up I think it's called I was surprised how well I did.
I then get back and once I'm more relaxed it's back to the fatigue, exhaustion and aches and pains.. yesterday was so bad I felt as if I was jetlagged from a long haul flight instead of a 50 min flight from bham to Belfast.

Loool I know what you mean on's a fun read and I enjoying catching up to see what happens next. Not long to I'm on thread 78. I'm determined to catch up.

I was sad to hear on your fall, I'm glad your doing better is a drink for you 🥃 Love and hugs from Pom 🥰❤💕👽🐾💖🤗😘 xx.
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It’s quite huge Harri isn’t it,I know when they sliced it in the Italian shop the bugger was huge but sliced paper thin.Smells gorgeous as well.

Awww love Greek food Facey!Loved Kleftico ,cook it for about four hours,just melted in the mouth..Robbers food as it was known.
It is indeed and you’re right it is sweet smelling and a thing of beauty when fresh. Dads sausage I say was big it wasn’t compared to the stuff being sliced on the machine. Fresh crusty bread with fresh mortadella and I’m in heaven.
What is kleftico?
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I’m so sorry, I don’t know what I’d do without my mum. She has always been there for me.
Bless you, I don’t know what else to say.

You take care
My name is Michael Caine. No, it’s Stef. No funky boots but lots of tops with holes in.

Speak soon lovey x
Ahh, thankyou my lovely. You don't need to say anything.

I am Spartacus😁

Seriously, did you catch my name? X
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Night all

I’ve bleached the sink where sealing joins worktop hope it doesn’t ruin it, the silicone had gone all black and mouldy

Disappointed with Talking Pictures thought they’d be showing a horror film, I love the old horror films with Boris Karloff and Bela Lugosi

Anyway night all and God Bless
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Evening!! Home, got coffee and now my Pizza.

Sorry, flash didn't seem to work.

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Mornin Harri well,I do have my phone and iPad so can check time,Dave wanted out early hours,bugger tried getting out bathroom window lots of me creams etc from windowledge on the bloody floor🤣good job loo seat was down.🤣Anyway when I got up I opened back door he came running in,now he is in bed. Awwwwww love witchy.🥰
Ooh do you keep your bathroom window open? Lol, yes indeed good job loo seat down otherwise he’d have had a bath, bless him.

Aw, Chico sleeps on the landing don’t know why he doesn’t sleep on bed anymore, makes me sad. He does follow me about though wants to be with me. He sits on piano stool while I sew.

Glad you liked the witch.
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