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Rita Chevrolet

VIP Member
Morning Krustiebums hope everyone is healthy and happy today. Got through my 16 hour day in a polling station yesterday 😖 and heading off soon for my Windsor GP stomp. Glad to hear Skanky pleaded guilty…let’s hope this finally gets her sent down 🤞🤞. I know a few of you on here like old planes….forgot to post this on Sunday…there was a Lancashire practising for the Jubilee fly past. There are some videos too but I don’t know how to attach those…it always says they’re too big when I try 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️. Have a lovely day all x
Awwwww what a beauty! Sad ol' aviation geek here! :)

I haven’t seen update on that bastard footballer that kicked his poor cat,evil git.He was appearing in court.
Found guilty - him and his brother - sentencing next month.

Shame Le Pen did not get elected because she was going to throw him out of the French National squad for it however its good to see other footie fans are giving him a load of shit every time he walks out of the tunnel wherever he goes with a rousing choris of "Cat Kicker is a wanker!" etc etc :)
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Absolutely she's loving her life. I don't know about Lara Croft. Have you got a gingham mini skirt to match my tied in the middle shirt. Maybe Harri can make me one. She's one handy lady. I think I still have my velvet leopard skin catsuit somewhere. Lol. X

Flushes are horrid Harri and the sweats. I'm on HRT now thank god. My oestrogen meds have sorted that and the testosterone has sorted out my joint pains. I felt like I got thrown down the stairs, poisoned and run over all at the same time. I wanted to die this time last year. It was awful. I've been fit all my life, don't drink much and don't do drugs. It just shows it can happen to anyone. It's no joke

Yes, she's certainly loving life! I'm very lucky as they are good...much better behaved than I was at their age😳🤣
Here you go, 2 mini skirts...I've got more as well! God I've got to go through my wardrobe!🤦🏻‍♀️


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I have internet mates there, one that I like to call my little Maltese Sister :) We have had some lovely holidays there too but it won't be full of Russians now will it? :) I saw the most hideous grotesque sight in my life there once - a fat old Russian bloke wearing a thong, glistening with oil like a whale in an oilslick; Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

I won't have one irrespective of having space for it because I've had THREE catch fire on me from the internal fluff they collect. It worries me that people put them on overnight because they ignite readily but I'm just glad I was nearby when mine when up! Scary stuff
Many many years ago I stabbed a fat Russian bloke in the arse with my fork….this was in 1985…we went to Moscow (can’t remember why 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️) and it was so cheap we went to this restaurant and had loads of caviar and champagne and steak…there was a dance floor and this big drunk Rusky was ‘dancing’ and kept bumping into our table and spilling the champagne….so in the end when he did it again I jabbed my fork in his arse…he was so drunk he carried on dancing for about a minute before he felt it and started rubbing his bum 🤣🤣🤣
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Rain rain go away...
I had bedding on the line, clothes, 3 attempts now and I'd given up🤷‍♀️ put some in the tumble dryer and low and behold the sun is shining again🤬 Someone tell me what do do, I can't decide if I want to piss most of the time🤣 Help!
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Glad you are on the mend husband. Can I still call you that? Love MrsC xxxx
Yes you can babes, I'm all good now, cleared to return to work, that's all over
now. I can deal with the numbness in my face and next week I'm taking all
three of my bikes out for a run. The object of the exercise is to find out if I
get any problems wearing a helmet.
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Bedtime, tired, need sleep, big day Saturday, that bastard bush will be history
when I'm done. Yep, I'm in the garden armed with my phone in case I get a
visit from a Robin.
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I was very lucky to fly to JFK for free (work courier trip) on her in 1988 and also got my parents to fly to JFK (mum on BA001 and stepdad on BA003) on the same day and back in B747 a few days later for £500 on my staff travel a few years later. Absolutely brilliant aircraft 🥰🥰x
Two things I'd love to do Con. One is have a flight in a helicopter, knowing my luck it'd be the local ruddy air ambulance and the other I'd like to have a trip in a face contorting RAF jet 🤣 I'll never do either but the idea is nice 😘 xx
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Evening folks 👽🤗❤😘 happy Friday to you all 😘 hope everyone's well today xx

@not on my watch you're going to have a brilliant week, hope you enjoy every minute of it ❤❤😘 xx

And all you football fans, hope your team's win suitably too xx

I've got to do social stuff tomorrow, the US in laws are over here so me & son have to do the required out for lunch duties tomorrow. I wouldn't mind but it's only the outlaws, the wife isn't coming over till next month 🙄

Then its Euro tomorrow night, mine & sons tradition, we sit & get pissed & laugh at it all, I'm glad he's not working this weekend 🤗🤗
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Afternoon my friends 👽❤🤗😘 hope everyone's well today and having a good Saturday ❤ I've done basic chores today but that's it, I'm having a chill out this afternoon with my big black hairy fella, I shall move for a coffee now & that's it! 🤣 have a good afternoon whatever you're up to lovely Krustiebummers 😘 xx
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At the end of the day,it's only water lol..worse things are happening to people xxx
I wrote a letter to my Local councillor highlighting th
Ha, one of those with a can of beer either side too Dolly, and a straw 🤣
Fishing waistcoats are very useful. I personally love mine. There are pockets for everything. Love MrsC xxxx

I wrote a letter to my Local councillor highlighting th
Fishing waistcoats are very useful. I personally love mine. There are pockets for everything. Love MrsC xxxx
To finish off what I was saying. I wrote a charged letter to my local M.P. I didn't mince my words. I hope he listens. It's on my mind a lot. Love MrsC xxxx
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Oooh, the opposite of gravity🤔 anti-gravity. Which would also pose as a problem because then my big tatas would be floating around and I wouldn't be able to see past them🤦🏻‍♀️🤣

Ok. Gravity isn't that bad...keeps my knees warm😘😂
You and your floating orbs! I shall nickname you Mystic Ems!
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Rita Chevrolet

VIP Member
Morning all! Back to Rain Central here again which explains why the neighbours were out at 8PM last night frantically cutting their grass. Its a strange French Thing that they seem to do their gardening in the evenings because whilst I understand Down South they'd do it because its too hot during the day that really doesn't apply here, ie our weather is better than the UK but hardly Mediterranean! I was going to be the village weirdo today and mow ours in daylight hours but the rain has put a stop to that :)

Not much planned today apart from the usual delights of cleaning and ironing (which I despise) hey ho :)

I received a shocking email the other day though from a friend where we used to live to tell us her husband had died suddenly from a massive heart attack - aged 61! Jeez :( The paramedics who came said that it would have been instantaneous and he wouldn't have known a thing about it, nevertheless its little consolation to his greiving widow is it? Now I'm off to see what skankbag has been lying about today.
Toodle-oo xxx
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**Plot Spoiler** .......

They cling, they cry, they do that tiny person sob, the one that reaches right back to the very little pointy bit at the bottom of your heart ❤

You stand there, bottom lip trembling (and that's you, not the little one) feeling like a horrid type...... 🥺😭

All day you sit at home, worrying. 🤪


Child sobs, 😢 everyone in the class rushes over to comfort, 🤗support and share the love, literally 2.1 seconds after you leave, their tears are gone-arooney 😁😄😂 and they are having so much fun. 😁

Then you go back at 3pm and they don't want to go home :oops::rolleyes:

You enjoy a well earned cuppa and they will be fine xxx
I know that's exactly how it will play out. Little buggers!

She was also upset as she wanted her cardigan, that she had on, but took off at the door literally as we were leaving and I didn't notice till we got to school.

Its already 17 degrees here she doesn't need a bloody cardigan!

Gahhhhhhhhh to kids today.
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The weather for the week is good so I will be out on my bikes, got to wash the buggers too
because they are filthy. So my plan for the week, bikes and gardening so I will be quite
active in the run up to my return to work.

@MrsEms enjoy your day, hope your mouth heals soon so you can enjoy your meals.

@Dollylovesshoes it will be nice and warm later today so you can go outside.
Sounds busy for you,bet you can’t wait to go biking,don’t blame you.Be nice for you to go back to work as well.

Is it roast pork for your dinner today?Lubberly.
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