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Funny how things that are incorrect can put a whole new slant on things. MrsC inspired me re with talking to the butterflies for the above poem.

my hub, his English isn’t great always getting words wrong. He did make me laugh when complaining about British Gas he said he was contact the Omnibus. He meant Ombardsman!
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Afternoon all :)

Grey here too, washing machine is having a huffy day (pipe has dropped off the back, leaking water everywhere) in fairness, I did ask one of my lot, then another, then another :rolleyes::sneaky: to have a look at it a few days back.

When it's on it's final spin, the machine is beginning to move, so I wanted them to check it was all ok and make sure the legs are down right.

Same old :poop::rolleyes: yeah, I'll have a look later.......

Well now, there's no machine on, got two messages to make sure certain clothing items are all ready and um, er, I'll have to look later 🀭;)
Badtard washing machines,I fucking hate them when they soddin do walkies.Hope you get it sorted in your own time.🀣
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Rita Chevrolet

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Eeeh I'm right mad at OH!
Comes back this afternoon brandishing the new strimmer he's been threatening to buy for the last month, puts it together then sets off slashing everything in his path - including my bloody asters I'd been cherishing since last year :( Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Me not happy at all :(

On the bright side I am pleased to see skanky's sleazy world falling in around her because its way overdue.
Back tomorrow peeps so nighty-night :) xxx
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Anyone who beat Chelsea are legends in my eyes Dolly πŸ˜‰ we're playing them tomorrow in the FA Cup Final xx
Hope you beat the fuckers I detest them,my dad was a devoted Gooner🀣 but he also supported a local club called Leyton FC,many good night at socials and away games at seaside places etc.

When Orient are at home playing I hear the crowd indoors,they have such devoted ex when he died was buried in Orient shirt.

We did beat Arsenal in a match as well back in seventies..The players were probably getting peanuts back then for wages..

I also love West Ham.Fantastic players and fab football when Greenwood was manager..
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There is a lovely young lady round here,she takes her parrot for walks,his name is Oscar,adorable he is,she has a backpack he is on a lead and on her hand,he says hello to peeps.So lovely.❀
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I think we missed out on the thunder and lightning…there’s no way I would have slept through it. Good news ….lovely walk in Windsor GP today with loads of deer….bad news Fern MUA is in my town! (No idea why it comes up as Ashford Slough on social media πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ) Tried to upload a video of the deer crossing the Long Walk but it’s too large!
Awwwwww Connie look at those beauties bless β€˜em,I love deer,so regal.❀

I can't wait for Skanky's trial, if it's anything like CR V RV, Skanky is in DEEP SHIT!!!

As I remember when all the shit started back a few years ago I found this case to be of
real interest. All that has come out because of this case has shocked me in many ways.
Yes,I read right from start even the stories in the scum that Vardy leaked Coleens’events’ especially the flood in in her house! Then when story broke I thought OMG how could you do that.
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Morning Dolly and all Krusties…all good here….just about to head off to the garden centre coz I need more compost to finish planting my πŸ… and 🌢 into their big pots. We used to have two compost bins but had to get rid of them coz the πŸ€ πŸ€ discovered them and burrowed underneath and ate everything I was throwing in πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈπŸ€£. Lovely @Pom Bear when you get time could you please make me one of your wonderful VIP badges? 😘😘😘 thank you 😘😘😘
Naughty ratties,morning my dear,it feel chillywilly here,Dave was out,then on windowledge asked him to come in he did the bugger then walked straight to back door and out again.The bugger.I’m sure dear @Pom Bear will do you a Vippy badge.❀
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I'm off swimming now. Speak to you all in the week. Love you as always Captain. That won't change. Love MrsC xxxx
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Dolly and for those of you wanting to know. Babs, mum’s cat has said she will put off having her boobs done for the time being but is still into making money on the side. She’s looking at those pay per view videos where people are force fed cake until they explode. Not sure if it’s a goer but any ideas for money making for a large white cat are welcome!
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I had a lie in this morning, bit stiff and sore from yesterdays fun with the lawn.
Not doing much today, having a quiet day and we have Roast Chicken today.

@MrsCranky washing and hovering on a Sunday?? Shame on you! 🀭 😘 😘
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Morning all! Got another storm just coming in now - I can hear the grass conspiring outside "Let's grow and give her hell in a few days time hehe!"
Have you had the one we got yesterday evening yet?

Well I am off upstairs shortly to finish The Job off but I had an early start because at 6am OH is shouting "Quick quick! Come downstairs.!!!" I get downstairs in my usual morning fug to see the utility room and garage are flooded - the sodding water heater had sprung a leak sometime during the night and theres water everywhere so I've been squeegeeing-it up and mopping for two hours solid :( Not happy :(

Fortunately theres nothing in there that could be damaged by water, the only plus side is that the floors are spotless now haha, nevertheless OH is not a happy bunny that he's now got to install a new water heater because you can't get a plumber here anyway even if he wanted one, and thats after he was Olga'd into wallpapering the stair well.

Yes the pictures are lovely and they are mine; I'm the old aircraft buff :) Sad thing is that just across the road from me in a bit of copse is the crash site of a B17 (hence the big photo) that was shot down over Rouen and fell to earth here taking seven of her crew. The turret gunner managed to parachute out just before impact but he was captured here then sent to a POW camp & actually our garden was the emplacement of a Panzer tank guarding the road into town by all accounts. Nothing like this is forgotten in France though because our little village has a ceremony and wreath laying at the memorial outside our little church every year on the anniversary of that plane falling here - not like in UK where such an event would outrage or upset some idiot :(

Right just a brief look at skanky's antics then I'm off scraping paper again; Bye for now xxx

Its probably what we had yesterday evening Dolly, thuinder, lightning, hail - the lot
Got another one looming too :(
Oh you poor lady,getting up to loads of water etc.My friends who have their house/small BB,one of them still out there his husband is back here he was also telling me to get hold of pplumber etc is really hard🀣 maybe a French thing.As mentioned before Rita the lovely chateau was once a b&b from 1800’s it’s has lots of original furniture and everything,it has 13 rooms,I said why have that just for two of you.They have sooo many friends that like to visit so it’s ideal.
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Two things I'd love to do Con. One is have a flight in a helicopter, knowing my luck it'd be the local ruddy air ambulance and the other I'd like to have a trip in a face contorting RAF jet 🀣 I'll never do either but the idea is nice 😘 xx
Facey,I worked for oil company for 15 years,One of the things we were offered if working for ages was a trip to one of our off shore platforms,omg it was fabulous,we flew to Aberdeen on the Friday,stayed at hotel,really lovely up very early next morning then caught a flight on small plane to Isle of Uinst outer Hebrides.We the caught helicopter which was a 45 min flight to the platform right out in North Sea.Very noisy but fabulous.,

We were shown all over the platform oh god it was fantastic walking up steps Ypu can see the sea beneath you😳we had fabulous lunch there etc..So fascinating.
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