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I see her mate who makes the granny dresses is giving up. But oh no it’s not because of money no that’s why she mentioned it 50 times 🙄. Wonder if smelbin will get any stock that’s left
Course it is, she can't peddle her shit clothes. Also what an idiot using smelbin as a model for them
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wild idea Laura, but if you try on a dress or top and the buttons don't do up over your chest, maybe just take the approach of using your common sense and....don't buy it. so desperate for content that she has wasted money buying an ugly dress that doesn't fit her to film a 20 second reel which she thinks is "comedy", when we all know her ulterior motive is that she has now bought the dress so will wear it regardless, because she gets a thrill from i decently exposing herself in public, so any excuse to wear a dress where the buttons don't do up properly, so her grimy bra is on show, plus the way the material is stretched she knows that the buttons are so strained the dress could tear open any moment and expose her tits to the world.

also hilarious that she has obvs bought herself a size 14 dress and squidged herself into it trying to give th impression she has HUGE tits, when the dress is also visibly strained across her gunt, so it's clearly too small in general and if she actually bought clothes that fit her, it wouldn't be an issue. but ofc she won't, but she doesn't CARE about clothes sizes - yet always makes a point of stating that everything she buys is a size 14. 🤣🤣
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VIP Member
I see her mate who makes the granny dresses is giving up. But oh no it’s not because of money no that’s why she mentioned it 50 times 🙄. Wonder if smelbin will get any stock that’s left
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Probably. I wouldn’t be surprised!!!
It's to try and wind her sheep up and have them all guessing, to keep them engaged, so she doesn't lose followers and there for money. She couldn't give a fuck about anyone, but herself.
She says she's going to be off SM, but can't help herself. Dumb cnut
Who gives a fuck if you've been to the beach and polluted it with your grimy self, fuck off and stay fucked off!


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She hasn't slagged the wet wipe off on father's day like she normally does, as well as making it all about herself.....
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Chatty Member
Yup, she also continues to confuse her followers, with her random, shitty posts. I hope SS are involved too.
A couple of her followers have confused me by saying her great her hair looks 😂
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Hahaha smeglin is getting absolutely beasted in the comments of her latest fb video. Amazing 👏
Nobody is interested in her bullshit anymore
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Weight isn’t the only thing she’s losing 😂
View attachment 2964529
I'd like to see that figure at 500k dropped
Weight isn’t the only thing she’s losing 😂
View attachment 2964529
I'd like to see that figure at 500k droppag
She can fuck off, this child hating woman doesn't represent me.

His school mates will know allllllll about his mums Instagram page. I feel bad for him.
I recall from a few years and posts back on old threads that one poster said she went to school with Smelbin and that if her boys end up at the same school, that they will be so bullied.
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The manky sandals....again, Laura you are boring and desperate
Rancid, pasty, sweaty legs as well.
Oh and that middle finger thing, only 18 comments on FB.

Come on Smelbin, where is the SM hiatus?

When are you going to remove that stupid fucking photo on your profile pic and the dates to your failed so called tour?
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She definitely farts. Who knows if she snores. She’s also fucking messy, scruffy, ugly and talks trash about everybody in her life and anyone she encounters when she is out and about. And her minge stinks.

Yet she has the audacity to complain about that wet wipe who has to suffer her disgusting presence day in day out?
I still can't understand why he is still with her. I can only put it down to coercive and controlling behaviour on her part and her being a big bully. She's alot bigger than him and definitely louder. Her neighbour said on here before that they often hear screaming and shouting matches at Smelbins house.
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Makes me cringe when she does videos giving advice about how people specifically parents should feel. She needs to take her own advice perhaps.
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This is why her brand failed! The quality is shit. She apparently doesn’t make prom dresses but this was an exception. I’m not surprised It doesn’t fit the poor girl and the pattern was so basic even a kid would be able to make it. Along with collaborating with smelbin who’s disgusting this is the reason her business went down the pan!
poor kid, having to go to her prom in THAT hideous, ill-fitting monstrosity. even without being able to see her face, you can tell by her body language - clenched fist - that she isn't comfortable. 😔
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so basically, Laura has finally lost weight - which she has been desperate to achieve for ages, especially given her recent fury that although she goes to the gym for her mental health and has no weight loss goals, she was also angry that she HADNT lost weight, (because in reality, her goal was to lose weight, she just didn't want to admit it because she likes to pretend she's a "diet culture rebel" while funding the diet industry by buying shape wear etc 🤦🏻‍♂️) - but whatever, she says she's lost weight. I don't believe a single person has commented on her weight, let alone asked her how she lost weight, because if she HAD it must be a minimal amount as I wouldn't have noticed by looking at her. but ofc, she is so desperate to announce to all her followers hat she has lost weight - because despite denying it, she very much defines her worth by her clothes size, so she has fabricated a story which means she can both highlight that she has lost a few lbs and also remind everyone of her TrAuMa. urgh. so fucking predictable. 🙄

oh, and whoever left this comment - speak for yourself! she may never wash and be infested with worms and regularly soil her underwear and live in a grimy, rat-infested crack den of a house and hate her kids, but that doesn't mean Laura "represents most women into he UK", ffs. and the last thing she needs is encouragement to share more of her grimy, vulgar content. 🤢🤢

View attachment 2964320
She can fuck off, this child hating woman doesn't represent me.
I can’t get over how young she makes them out to be I didn’t realise until recently that one of them is actually a teen and not 4 years old.
His school mates will know allllllll about his mums Instagram page. I feel bad for him.
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this is quite literally like one of those magazine articles from the 90s where they do a make-over, and the initial photoshoot is always a woman looking at her absolute worst - a woeful expression, awful posture, hair all messy and unwashed, no make-up and dressed in basically i'll-fitting rags, and then *tah-dah* she emerges a changed woman, as they have cut, dyed and styled her hair, added make up, tamed her brows, and dressed her in an outfit that actually fits her and isn't covered in grime, and she is smiling with pure joy and posing with confidence, head held high - the main difference in the photo is body language and facial expression, which is exactly what Laura is doing in these two photos.

of her face appears less wrinkled when she is intentionally screwing her face up in the first photo to emphasise wrinkles and lines around her eyes and at the top of her nose, and also the second photo is the opposite side of her face - not to mention the huge difference in lighting, as the first is taken outside in the glaring sun, thus harsher lighting compared to a photo taken inside, where the lighting appears much softer and she isn't screwing her face up. it's pure deception. guaranteed if she took a picture in the same light as the first one, same facial expression and taken of the left side of her face, there would be no visible difference whatsoever.

mental health at such a crisis point she had to cancel her tour and taken a full day's break from social media, yet perfectly able to film ads and share aff links and outright attempt to scam and manipulate her followers. 😡

View attachment 2956665
Why would you even try to blag something so blatantly ffs
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the thing is, she presents herself as a "successful female comedian" - which is isn't, but either way, she CHOOSES to put herself in the public eye and share every crude detail of her life on social media, and whether people who say hello to her in public recognise her from IG or are simply being polite, her attitude is vile. it's not that she is obligated to stop and have a long conversation with everyone who says hello to her, but her refusal to simply smile or say hi to a passers-by - when it may be someone who is lonely/elderly/isolated etc, and people they see out on a walk are the only human contact they have all day, even if Laura doesn't want to interact with people, it's not hurting her to SMILE at someone, when that moment of human contact can be what keeps someone going if they are struggling. she claims to be a voice for those struggling with their mental health, and constantly pushes the #BeKind hashtag, when in reality all she cares about is when it applies to HER. she is proud of her lack of shame and guilt, but she also completely lacks empathy. if SHE said hello to someone in the street and they didn't respond, she would be straight on IG slaying them and labelling them all cunts for their rudeness.

she deserves all the criticism she's getting. she is a vile excuse for a human, expecting to become a "successful" comedian, yet treating her fans like shit, whether cancelling g her your at the last minute with no real explanation, just a vague excuse about mental health and taking a break, only to take a single day away from social media and then continuing as normal and ignoring people's ques about refunds, and now she is vocalising that if any of her followers she her in the street and approach her, she'll be straight up on IG to complain and call them cunts - her rudeness is hardly going to boost her audience and I hope her hypocricy loses her a good few "fans" - which, based on some of the comments, it has done.

tbh I doubt it's even a situation that happened, and is the usual fabricated bullshit for the sake of content, because I don't imagine THAT many people who see her stomping aggressively down the road, glaring and intimidating are trying to stop her for a chat. far more likely they are crossing the road to avoid her. 🙄🙄
I'd avoid her at all costs, I don't want worms
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So it seems she well enough to do her shitcast with her withered mate. Begging for stories because they have no content
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