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Another unhinged post this time berating and belittling her poor husband. If the genders were reversed and it was a bloke talking about his wife like that the backlash would be unreal.
Yeah an old video from the other week. If he weren't so controlled and bullied I'm sure he'd have seen sense and left her years ago.
Wow, what a cop out. She is so woke! Playing the mental health card. Yeah clearly recovering, by putting up dreadful videos about sex toys. Totally has zero shits to give about her so called fans.


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swimming in the sea "isn't for her" because of sewage pollution? pretending that 💩 gives her the ick, when she intentionally rolls in dog 💩 because she finds it funny, and once put her hand in bird 💩 for the sake of content. and not only that she has previously said that her iNaTtEnTivEnEsS - due to her self-diagnosed ADHD 🙄 - means she avoids doing the washing, so regularly wears the same pair of 💩 stained pants for multiple days in a row AND she has filmed stories where she claims she shit herself, drove home shitting in her own 💩 and THEN chose to film stories about what happened before she bothered to even change her clothes, let alone have a shower. guaranteed her house is more grimy and polluted than any river in the UK - she's worried about "catching something" if she goes in the sea?! her immune system must be FIERCE, keeping her alive in her festering crack den of a house, where she regularly rolls around on the kitchen worktops in her outdoor shoes and her worm-infested underwear, which is gross in itself - but she then prepares meals without cleaning the worktop. 🤢🤢

even yesterday she shared a reel joking about how she had the urge to "shit herself" - yet it isn't a joke, because she has said it happens pretty regularly - hilarious that she's now using it as an excuse to opt out of swimming. 🤣🤣
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Why would you even try to blag something so blatantly ffs
i mean, from Laura's perspective, it's very easy money to scam her followers - zero effort involved and she gets paid for it and it's not as though she is someone who would feel any guilt or shame for manipulating and deceiving people into buying a skincare product that doesn't have any effect. and tbh, if you are actually stupid enough to trust smelbin and can't even see that those two photos were of different sides of her face and fall for her blatant lies and deceit, you kinda deserve to be scammed. 🙃
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Who on earth got Smelbin to model dresses for them? You'd expect that to cause the downfall of your business!
it wasn't even that she asked Smelbin to model her clothes - she actually collaborated with Laura to create a range of dresses in her honour, thus forever associated her brand with filth, grime and worms. it was doomed from that moment. 🤢🤢
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She's either done this on purpose to wind us up, or it's been unfortunately randomly selected? Either way, she is disgusting and seriously goes out of her way to make herself even more fugly than she already is. Gross. Embarrassing her poor kids even though she is meant to be "healing"...
Has Steve left her yet?
I don't understand why she can't cleanse, tone and moisturise her face. She honestly looks 50+. She's only just 40. She needs a skin regime stat.
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her stories are giving me the ick. cliched quotes about self-compassion and self-cares and the importance of being kind to yourself and putting yourself first etc etc as a daily reminder that she is struggling with her mental health 🙄 yet interpreted with photos of herself posing with sex toys and grinning - nobody needs her repeated hints that she is "taking care of herself" in that way. genuinely makes me feel sick. 🤢🤢
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I'd avoid her at all costs, I don't want worms
it's also the way she thinks she is SO famous that she charges people extra to meet her prior to one of her stand-up "comedy" shows - but if you see her in the street and simply say "hi", she will glare at you and immediately share in IG that she thinks you are a cunt. typical narcissist in the way she thinks so highly of herself that she refuses to engage with people unless they pay her to do so - and I'm not even talking about a full on conversation, literally a "hello" as they pass you in the street!
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Chatty Member
She's either done this on purpose to wind us up, or it's been unfortunately randomly selected? Either way, she is disgusting and seriously goes out of her way to make herself even more fugly than she already is. Gross. Embarrassing her poor kids even though she is meant to be "healing"...
Has Steve left her yet?
She actually knocks me sick. I was tempted to comment and tell her to stop being fucking vile.
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She’s got ridiculously long legs apparently 🙄
she is fairly tall, but guaranteed she will buy all those dresses in a size 14, and she has intentionally chosen ones that do up at the front, despite having said recently that dresses which button at the front don't fit her chest, so she is purposefully buying them because she knows they will be too short and/or will have the buttons straining across the front thus giving a peek of her grubby underwear and/or her actual tits to unsuspecting passers-by. plus the way the buttons will be so strained she has the added thrill of them popping open at any moment, and her "accidentally" flashing random strangers, which she gets off on - more so if it's children or elderly men that she exposes herself in front of. intentionally buying clothes to aid her sex pest behaviour. 🤢🤢

yet it won't be addressed in therapy, because she is paying a therapist to hype her up, validate that she is a brilliant female comedian and her predatory behaviour and awful way she treats her kiss is totally okay because it's "comedy" and confirm that she has PTSD and TrAuMa and ADHD and whatever diagnosis she is currently trying to label herself with, not someone who will diagnose her correctly and actually address her issues and predatory behaviour. 🤷🏻‍♂️
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Another beggy aff link for the horrible sandals she goes on and on about, hey Laura how about getting a proper job you'll earn more money and give your kids something to be proud of, set a good example to them
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this is quite literally like one of those magazine articles from the 90s where they do a make-over, and the initial photoshoot is always a woman looking at her absolute worst - a woeful expression, awful posture, hair all messy and unwashed, no make-up and dressed in basically i'll-fitting rags, and then *tah-dah* she emerges a changed woman, as they have cut, dyed and styled her hair, added make up, tamed her brows, and dressed her in an outfit that actually fits her and isn't covered in grime, and she is smiling with pure joy and posing with confidence, head held high - the main difference in the photo is body language and facial expression, which is exactly what Laura is doing in these two photos.

of her face appears less wrinkled when she is intentionally screwing her face up in the first photo to emphasise wrinkles and lines around her eyes and at the top of her nose, and also the second photo is the opposite side of her face - not to mention the huge difference in lighting, as the first is taken outside in the glaring sun, thus harsher lighting compared to a photo taken inside, where the lighting appears much softer and she isn't screwing her face up. it's pure deception. guaranteed if she took a picture in the same light as the first one, same facial expression and taken of the left side of her face, there would be no visible difference whatsoever.

mental health at such a crisis point she had to cancel her tour and taken a full day's break from social media, yet perfectly able to film ads and share aff links and outright attempt to scam and manipulate her followers. 😡

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VIP Member
I don't understand why she can't cleanse, tone and moisturise her face. She honestly looks 50+. She's only just 40. She needs a skin regime stat.
She needs a bag over her head
this is quite literally like one of those magazine articles from the 90s where they do a make-over, and the initial photoshoot is always a woman looking at her absolute worst - a woeful expression, awful posture, hair all messy and unwashed, no make-up and dressed in basically i'll-fitting rags, and then *tah-dah* she emerges a changed woman, as they have cut, dyed and styled her hair, added make up, tamed her brows, and dressed her in an outfit that actually fits her and isn't covered in grime, and she is smiling with pure joy and posing with confidence, head held high - the main difference in the photo is body language and facial expression, which is exactly what Laura is doing in these two photos.

of her face appears less wrinkled when she is intentionally screwing her face up in the first photo to emphasise wrinkles and lines around her eyes and at the top of her nose, and also the second photo is the opposite side of her face - not to mention the huge difference in lighting, as the first is taken outside in the glaring sun, thus harsher lighting compared to a photo taken inside, where the lighting appears much softer and she isn't screwing her face up. it's pure deception. guaranteed if she took a picture in the same light as the first one, same facial expression and taken of the left side of her face, there would be no visible difference whatsoever.

mental health at such a crisis point she had to cancel her tour and taken a full day's break from social media, yet perfectly able to film ads and share aff links and outright attempt to scam and manipulate her followers. 😡

View attachment 2956665
Such a bullshitter. Clearly false advertising!
I might write to the company and complain
I might write to the company and complain
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so she's claimed that she is taking time away from social media due to her mental health - yet is still able to film and share reels of herself with the usual sexually inappropriate behaviour, wandering through a public wood waving sex toys around and talking about pleasuring herself, regardless of any members of the public who may overhear her - including children. she is beyond disgusting.

like whatever, people use sex toys - although the association between Smelbin and pleasure will ruin that for anyone 🤢🤢 - but there is a difference between challenging the feelings of shame surrounding female self-pleasure and walking through the woods waving a sex toy, which we all know she will have used on herself while hiding in the bushes to get a twisted thrill from the idea of someone randomly seeing her - like the time she filmed a story, super excited that an elderly couple had seen her indecently exposeing herself in the woods and couldn't wait to tell all her followers that she hadn't even pulled her pants back up before filming.

she is a predator and needs to be stopped before she either harms of traumatiss someone. i dread to think what her poor kids have been exposed to. i really hope her supposed BrEaKdOwN and cancelled your are the result of SS involvement. 😔
I walk through those woods often with the dog I think I'll go elsewhere
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I had to LOL at these comments on the cold water swimming post. Are they not aware that she is their Wormy Bum Overlord?! None in the kingdom has more depressed bumworms than she!


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Grace Kelly

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I've never been able to truly get on board with how awful she is to her kids. She never talks about enjoying them or having fun with them and the yummy mummy's who want validation for hating their own kids lap it up in the comments.
I can’t get over how young she makes them out to be I didn’t realise until recently that one of them is actually a teen and not 4 years old.
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her stories are giving me the ick. cliched quotes about self-compassion and self-cares and the importance of being kind to yourself and putting yourself first etc etc as a daily reminder that she is struggling with her mental health 🙄 yet interpreted with photos of herself posing with sex toys and grinning - nobody needs her repeated hints that she is "taking care of herself" in that way. genuinely makes me feel sick. 🤢🤢
I bet she's gone on the sick, claiming benefits fraudulently
her stories are giving me the ick. cliched quotes about self-compassion and self-cares and the importance of being kind to yourself and putting yourself first etc etc as a daily reminder that she is struggling with her mental health 🙄 yet interpreted with photos of herself posing with sex toys and grinning - nobody needs her repeated hints that she is "taking care of herself" in that way. genuinely makes me feel sick. 🤢🤢
Thing is, that's all she's ever done, is put herself first, cared for herself above everything and everyone else first! She is a selfish narcissistic person with HPD, so it's always been about her, me, me, me!
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