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Literally sick of her on the beg, aff links all the fucking gross clothes she buys and thinks she looks great, the comments on her posts are minimal and left by sad fucks and please just fuck off with those sandals, I hope the new ones rub her feet to fuckery, mental breakdown my arse, she chickened out of her not funny 'comedy' tour, left her pathetic followers in the lurch, said she was taking a break but she's not disappeared she's posted ad after ad and aff link after aff link because she's skint
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I've never been able to truly get on board with how awful she is to her kids. She never talks about enjoying them or having fun with them and the yummy mummy's who want validation for hating their own kids lap it up in the comments.
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shave your legs, don't shave your legs - nobody CARES Laura. except possibly the brand she advertises razors for on a regular basis and claims they are brilliant, yet never actually uses them. 🤣🤣

shows how desperate she is for content when she is sharing a photo of her stubbly leg as a way to emphasise the impact of the supposed mental health struggles that meant she had to cancel her tour but is still able to dick around on social media. not bothering to shave your legs is not an symptom of TrAuMa, ffs - and nor is her failure to clean her house, given that she ALWAYS lives in a grimy crack den. 🙄🙄
She is just a lazy tw@, like most of us I suspect! I rarely shave my legs!!! Unless I'm wearing a skirt or shorts! Her desperate attempt at getting attention is poor, as this is not new news. It's boring, like her, boring and pointless
Has she ever said what her Trauma relates too? Its mentioned a lot.
Apparently she once had a traumatic blood test incident. Thing is, she is happy to have her expensive tattoos done!
I've had some dreadful blood tests etc. She literally has just cling on to it and made it out to be rhe worst thing ever purely for likes and comments on the gram and FB. There's fuck all wrong with her, except for her HPD, which she'd rather was ADHD, as that's what all influencers want and use to their advantage
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Literally sick of her on the beg, aff links all the fucking gross clothes she buys and thinks she looks great, the comments on her posts are minimal and left by sad fucks and please just fuck off with those sandals, I hope the new ones rub her feet to fuckery, mental breakdown my arse, she chickened out of her not funny 'comedy' tour, left her pathetic followers in the lurch, said she was taking a break but she's not disappeared she's posted ad after ad and aff link after aff link because she's skint
Skint and talentless
She really does just look like a bloke in a dress. Also wtf is poor Moy, she really is a thick fuck. It's French I am assuming and it's pour moi?? When the fuck is this SM hiatus going to happen!! Just FUCK OFF, you ugly, sad hag
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Which brand is it? I fancy a nosey!
Love unique or something like that. Honestly it's not worth your time
A new (on purpose) low for Smelbin. On FB a video about her leaving her dirty period pants to melt on her log burner. I can get how people can accidentally leave stuff on them and they melt, or they may have put things on to dry. But who puts thier manky period pants on there, I'm assuming this log burner is not in her bedroom, so everyone would have seen them. Someone has commented that she'd likely to have done it on purpose for content.
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Another unhinged post this time berating and belittling her poor husband. If the genders were reversed and it was a bloke talking about his wife like that the backlash would be unreal.
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she's got food stuck in her teeth in that skin cream ad. She's absolutely fucking disgusting!
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I walk through those woods often with the dog I think I'll go elsewhere
Oh gutted, I hope you've never seen it/smelt it in the flesh?
Good to see she’s well enough to post adverts on her stories but not to give a proper apology or update for everyone that’s booked a ticket to her one woman shit show
Yeah she has proper thrown those problems to the venues to deal with. Also posting stories on FB, where they're not permanent, so comments can't be seen. I hope her tour doesn't go ahead, it's just going to be a load of shit about filth and how awful her kids and wet wipe husband are.
Honestly, those women get right on my tits. The whole “bE kInD” bollocks is a ridiculous rule to stick by. People are allowed to be pissed off about things,

You just know half of them have fake Marilyn Monroe quotes on their profile, along with an unhealthy smattering of naff “Oh but my darling, What if you fly?” bullcrap 🤢
Exactly, I'd be pissed off if I'd booked tickets, arranged travel, hotel, child care, for her to cancel very last minute. Very poor and totally unprofessional. As she had been feeling "unwell" for a while, as these things dont happen over night, they build up, she should have called it off a few weeks ago. But I think it was simply poor ticket sales and her having a tantrum about it, throwing her toys out of the pram and refusing to do it, as she'd be performing to near empty venues. Or her agency told her, to quit as ticket sales were so poor. Either way, totally unprofessional and to now be constantly posting and doing adverts, after she said she'd not be on SM is taking the piss. She is clearly well enough to do that.
Plus using the mental health card, when there are people out there genuinely suffering, is sick.
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This is why her brand failed! The quality is shit. She apparently doesn’t make prom dresses but this was an exception. I’m not surprised It doesn’t fit the poor girl and the pattern was so basic even a kid would be able to make it. Along with collaborating with smelbin who’s disgusting this is the reason her business went down the pan!


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Some complaints in the comments since Smelly is supposed to be on hiatus but of course, the arselickers (with worms) are saying she’s just not on tour and is allowed to post from the safety of her home. FFS.
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so basically, Laura has finally lost weight - which she has been desperate to achieve for ages, especially given her recent fury that although she goes to the gym for her mental health and has no weight loss goals, she was also angry that she HADNT lost weight, (because in reality, her goal was to lose weight, she just didn't want to admit it because she likes to pretend she's a "diet culture rebel" while funding the diet industry by buying shape wear etc 🤦🏻‍♂️) - but whatever, she says she's lost weight. I don't believe a single person has commented on her weight, let alone asked her how she lost weight, because if she HAD it must be a minimal amount as I wouldn't have noticed by looking at her. but ofc, she is so desperate to announce to all her followers hat she has lost weight - because despite denying it, she very much defines her worth by her clothes size, so she has fabricated a story which means she can both highlight that she has lost a few lbs and also remind everyone of her TrAuMa. urgh. so fucking predictable. 🙄

oh, and whoever left this comment - speak for yourself! she may never wash and be infested with worms and regularly soil her underwear and live in a grimy, rat-infested crack den of a house and hate her kids, but that doesn't mean Laura "represents most women into he UK", ffs. and the last thing she needs is encouragement to share more of her grimy, vulgar content. 🤢🤢

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shave your legs, don't shave your legs - nobody CARES Laura. except possibly the brand she advertises razors for on a regular basis and claims they are brilliant, yet never actually uses them. 🤣🤣

shows how desperate she is for content when she is sharing a photo of her stubbly leg as a way to emphasise the impact of the supposed mental health struggles that meant she had to cancel her tour but is still able to dick around on social media. not bothering to shave your legs is not an symptom of TrAuMa, ffs - and nor is her failure to clean her house, given that she ALWAYS lives in a grimy crack den. 🙄🙄
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Omg just watched that Carlys videos, how many times did she say eeeeeerrrmmm. Annoying, like her shit clothes. Oh and she just happened to make the decision in April, probably after the accountant said look love this ain't happening.....see how Smelbin hasn't mentioned her at all. Now she's a proper nobody, Smelbin has dumped her
"it's not for financial reasons!!!" - it's all for her mental health, an excuse she has borrowed from Laura, in the same way Laura used "breakdowns" and "trauma" to justify cancelling her tour at the last minute with no explanation other than mEnTaL hEaLtH. tbh, i would imagine that associating her brand with Smelbin was the beginning of the end - her dresses were overpriced and she refused to make them in larger sizes despite her supposed "body positivity", which regularly resulted in criticism for the blatant hypocrisy - but working with Laura definitely ruined any positive reputation of the brand. forever tarnished by association with worms and grime. 🤢🤢
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Who would actually choose to speak to face face?
View attachment 3006487
Love this woman!
Omg some of the comments are brilliant, hopefully she'll fuck off for good after this! This is my bed time reading, fantastic. She must think so much of herself and be so up herself that she didn't think for one minute that people would think this is bl00dy awful. What does she expect? Idiot
I'm hoping her so called fans/sheep will see her for what she really is! A money grabbing narcissist, who doesn't care about her followers/sheep/fans at all. She only does what she does for self gratification and money. She's nasty and selfish. She deserves all those negative comments, it's been a long time coming. I'd like to see her try and dox each one of them!
Rofl, some of these are brilliant


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not at all surprising to see hat she cancelled her tour woth no real explanation about refunds/postponed dates etc, claiming she was struggling with her mental health and needed to take a break from social media - literally managed a few days not posting on IG, and then returned with ads for hello fresh and sex toys, plus the usual unfunny reels about her husband as she talks in the bathroom about having to go help him prepare dinner having just done a 💩 - and we all know the grimy skank won't have washed her hands before contaminating the meal with bum worms. 🤢🤢 ofc she is interpersing her usual content with stories about how she is trying to take care of herself and focus on HER and spend time outside and blah, blah, blah - all the bullshit mental health clichés, as a regular reminder that she is struggling mentally - as a way to justify her ignoring comments from her fans asking questions about the tour and also those questioning how she is claiming she needed to take. a break from social media and focus on working on her mental health issues, yet continues ot share crude reels which belittle her husband, and grinning wildly as she gets a thrill out of using a sex toy in a public woodland, with the hope that a child or elderly couple may inadvertently stumble upon her sexually inappropriate antics - and ofc her #BeKind army immediately attack anyone who dares leave a comment - hilarious, given that Laura only uses #BeKind in relation to HERSELF, as she regularly describes total strangers as cunts and is also happy to allow her followers to bully others in the comments on her posts.

uultimately, she isn't having the BrEaKdOwN she is pretending to, otherwise she wouldn't be posting ads and reels - i guarantee this all all an engagement tactic. the tickets for her your weren't selling, so she intentionally cancelled it using "mental health" as an excuse, because she knows damn well that by postponing the tour, when she returns in the future and releases new tour dates, it's likely more people WILL buy tickets both out of sympathy - as she will milk the situation for all it's worth, and share exaggerated stories about how she "aLmOsT DiEd" just as she did last time, which was proven to be a total lie - and also to show their support for her, hoping that by buying tickets, it will help improve her mood etc it's all just the usual manipulation, and using claims of mental health to her own benefit is utterly despicable. 😡😡

anyone else would feel ashamed of such behaviour - but not a Laura, as she is proud to remind everyone that she never feels ashamed of ANYTHING. guilt and shame are basic human emotions that Smelbin proudly brags that she is completely unable to feel - as though such a lack of humanity is somehow a positive thing. 🙄🙄
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