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that reel she's shared where she says to steve "you need to support me" before launching her whole body at him! he genuinely looks about half the size of her, yet she expects him to support her full body weight, literally hanging off him and then complains when he is struggling not to drop her that SHE isn't okay! the guy in the original reel she is copying doesn't lift the woman off the ground - he simply holds her leg. it's just a excuse because she thinks it's "comedy" to totally fuck up her husband's back. he must have been in SO much pain. and when they "fell over" - in actuality, she purposely dragged him to the ground - the way she intentionally grabs the top of his pants to expose his bum crack, and then obvs pretends it was a total accident! grow up, Laura. if it was an accident, you would have ended the reel a few seconds earlier, but sharing photos of your husband's arse - likely without his consent - is classic Laura. she has absolutely no respect for anyone.
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ha ha, SO funny that her dog is running wildly towards a group of swans! such fucking JOKES. if her dog can't be controlled and hasn't been trained to return to her when she calls it, why is she allowing it to be off the lead? totally irresponsible - even if her dog doesn't hurt the swans, there is no reason to terrify them! "i don't like to disturb nature!" - obviously she doesn't care, or her dog would remain on the lead! and the fact she prioritised taking photos instead of going to get the dog is gross - and highlights that she probably did it intentionally. obvs totally acceptable behaviour, terrorising swans under the guise of being a " female comedian". 😡
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This woman really hates being a mother doesn’t she.

Ain’t no concealer in the world that’s going to hide her cunty personality.
yet more supposedly "funny" references to child abuse under the guise of her being a #femalecomedian, when in reality, she is very publicly admittedly, yet again, that not only does she regularly verbally abuse her sons, she also physically abuses them - yet to, she thinks that by turning it into a "joke", she can brag about her mistreatment of her kids very openly and totally get away with it. truly disturbing that her supposed "comedy" is actually a public confession - and evne. more disturbing that she is actually getting away with it!
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She's just come up on my Facebook as a sponsored ad trying to flog her shit tour, reeks of desperation!! I reported it as offensive 😏
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That house is such a shit hole
Eurgh, came here to say the same thing.

Clean your fucking house, and if you don’t want your kids let someone else have them. All this shit she is spouting about surviving an 80s upbringing, why is she trying to one up her kids, surely living with her is fucking worse.
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a predictable repeat of world book day where, yet again, she is pretending that she "forgot" her son needed a costume for school, so supposedly made the shittest attempt possible in the middle of the night, purely to humiliate the poor kid. whether it's true or not, she's claiming she made him a rubbish Wonka costume, when she could have bought one, and then made him look like an idiot again today in front of all his classmates, who had store-bought costumes - which, again, she could have ordered, yet she is so focused on "proving" her supposed ADHD symptoms in terms of her inability to focus/remember things etc that she would far rather embarrass her son under the guise of "comedy" than behave like a decent mother. 😡
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I've had emetophobia since I was 7 years old, I'm now nearly 65. It's no laughing matter and to a large extent it ruins your life. It's only in the last 2 years I've admitted it openly. It affects every single part of your life every single day. I didn't even know it was the "in thing". She hasn't got a fucking clue, none whatsoever.
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I think we’re alright Laura for a few days without your special brand of humour. Take some time out love. Honestly it would be a relief.
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I am always wary of people who say they have “no shame” - they are usually cunts. They also don’t understand what shame is. I think she just means she is an attention seeker to narcissistic levels.

She isn’t funny. It comes down to that for me. It’s not even like she does puerile humour well. It’s like when toddlers just shout “bum” repeatedly and everyone rolls their eyes and grits their teeth whilst they laugh hysterically.

it’s not funny to be abusive to or about your kids. And it’s not “not to their face” Laura, it’s all over the internet you cretin.

As ever, I wonder who her fans are and what they get from it.
Her "sheep", are idiots, who have no lives of their own, no prospects and the intelligence of the village idiot, as they will genuinely find someone shouting "bum", "fanny" and "willy" funny. As well as watching a person make an ugly idiot of themselves, bit like humour from the 1920's, laughing at people like Chaplin and laurel and Hardy, repeatedly walking into things. I.e. not very bright, easily lead and easy to manipulate
she’s an idiot. She is trying to show what a catch she has landed and how he’s always been a belter.
It's a very codependant relationship, very abusive and zero respect for each other. I think she is coercively controlling him. He is extremely weak, probably from all the years of her repeatedly telling him how awful he is, constantly calling him and cunt and humiliating him, demasculating him and making him believe he is no good and that she is the best he will ever get
I do wonder if he ever reads here? I wonder if he actually takes on board what a load of strangers are observing? We are all seeing the same thing. I wonder what all his mates think, or if he even has any?
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I feel that Laura is gay. She tried to come out of the closet by testing the bisexual waters and for whatever reason she decided to go with the 'my husband is so sexy' narrative. This is bullshit as she slags him off every second of the day. I also think she resents the boys as she didn't really want them in the first place. Her obsession with social media is unhealthy. She is more attached to her coat, her car and her washing machine than her own flesh and blood. Laura you are a terrible abusive mother and me and many others can't stand the sight of you.
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Hahaha, do you know which account it is?

Rofl, lmao! You write better jokes than she does, that is brilliant

In fact she'll probably use this in her "stand up", seeing as she steals most of her content and ideas

Someone on here ages ago said that her mums job is to delete all negative comments. As I couldn't believe, when I first came across this horror that she didn't have one single negative comment! That was until I saw her dox the occasional person for calling her out on speaking badly about her kids.

Her neighbour also used to comment on here, but doesn't anymore as she probably found our who they were and went around their house screaming and shouting at them. The neighbour was saying that there was a whatsapp group for the neighbourhood that smelbin wasn't in and they'd all moan about how awful she is, what a state her house is in, the smell of it and how awful she treated Steve and her poor kids.

I don't have IG, what did she do?
She posted this


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her latest tiktok reel where she shows the pants she is wearing and says they are a pair she borrowed from someone 15 years ago and never gave back to whoever owned them - more like whoever lent the to her didn't want them returned 🤢 - but that a thing?! I may have borrowed a pair of socks from a friend or a top in my teens or whatever - which i then washed, and returned - but knickers?! like, even freshly washed pants, i wouldn't be keen to borrow a pair of someone else's.... maybe it's just me, but major ick. 🤢
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says a hell of a lot about her though, claiming she is taking a break from social media, yet still sharing reels - even if they are reels she's previously posted on tiktok, she is still sharing them on different apps, so clearly IS using FB and IG, yet despite that, she is ignoring comments from her fans asking questions about the tour and what's happening with refunds etc - especially after she deleted the post explaining that her tour was cancelled, as doing that caused more confusion as to whether it had been cancelled or if she had changed her mind etc. if she is able to use social media, even for short periods of time - which, given that she shared a reel on FB earlier today - she clearly IS, it's incrediblely rude and disrespectful to not reply it people's questions - or at least share a quick captioned update in her stories to clarify to all those who bought tickets to her shitshow what is happening. it's really shitty of her to treat them so badly - although not surprising. 🙄
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given the way she's shared a reel in tiktok with a mention of her "breakdown", massively dramatising what happened and claiming that her breakdown three years ago was "so fucking severe that she is amazed she is still alive" 🙄 I'm assuming she is struggling to sell tickets to her show, and ia resorting to her usual tactics of emotional manipulation to encourage people to buy tickets out of pity.
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so incredibly manipulative to share aff links to the two pairs of DMs she's bragging that she just bought, knowing that if her followers click the link, she will earn back a decent amount of the money she spent buying them. 😡
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Honestly 8 is old enough to know when to get up
Her 8 year old may be awake early, as some kids are, but at the age of EIGHT, he is perfectly able to just....get up. watch tv or use his tablet, either in bed or in the living room. she has finally acknowledged that her kids aren't toddlers - which, based on the way she talks about them, will surprise many of her followers - yet she's implying that at eight, he can't be told to just entertain himself if he wakes early. tell him NOT to keep walking into their room and waking them up - which tbh, i doubt he is doing anyway, given that she spends most of her life ignoring her kids, Toby will be very used to entertaining himself - but just tell him it's his choice whether to stay in bed or get up. he's not a toddler Laura, stop treating him like one. 🤦🏻‍♂️
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Why would you post about shouting at your husband because you're ill?!

If it was the other way round people would be screaming abuse and LTB.
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