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VIP Member
She is delusional, IT'S NOT YOUR JOB, YOU'RE NOT FUNNY!!!! So, her poor old Dad was cremated, yet she still found time to post several stupid, not funny videos. Then gaslights the followers (sheep), blaming them, telling them she had to do it and be funny because they want the comedy. What a cretin.


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If she wants to normalise chin hair, why wax it off? Also no amount of facials, face masks etc will help! She is just very unfortunate looking. Also extremely annoying and not funny. Don't buy tickets to her slide'll catch worms
it's like when she claims she is "normalising" not shaving - and then partners up with a brand or advertise razors! pick a lane, ffs! she shows off her unshaved legs and says she is proud not to shave, only to then film ads of herself shaving her legs and talking about effective the razor is! "normalising" hating her children is the only thing she actually sticks with, whereas everything else is swayed by the opportunity to earn money and/or to create content. just shows she has no morals when the thing she claims are important to her are so easily altered - her supposed "values" are just what benefits HER in that moment. similar to her "anti diet culture" stance, because she knows it will boost engagement, only to then contradict herself by going to the gym regularly - under the guise of "mental health" - because she wants to lose weight! 🙄
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They did their pointless pod cast yesterday. No-one has tagged them, they still had tickets left, lol.
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How is a size 6 a small size? Isn’t that pretty average??

she is also replacing her converse with a pair of Nike high tops. Has anyone told her that fashion trainers aren’t really the thing to use for the gym?
I’ll give her size 6 for her height seems small. I’m an inch shorter and a size 8 foot
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She's going on about self diagnosis on tiktok and probably trying to get the "I've got ADHD" narrative back up and running
Also back to posting bloody ugly videos of herself on the gram. She is gross. That bloody lime green bra top needs burning
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Plus the shoulder shrug she has adopted, like I said, it won't help her appear any thinner or attractive. She just looks deformed. It's pointless, like her
I bet her wetwipe husband and kids have never felt "free" until now either.

If she feels so free, why doesn't she just bugger off and leave everyone alone.
Also, I wonder if the venue is half empty, I could still put 8 tickets (that's the max you can buy in one go), into my basket for all sections of the venue.

If she gets more "stand up" work next year, I will never understand why??? She is not funny, she is not a comedian...
She is probably still full of worms..might be worth messaging the venue to warn them to heavily disinfect the place after she has gone.


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she will trip up walking in and everyone will look at her, the kids wont sit still ( worms) her dress will be caught in her knickers accidently on purpose. Something will "happen" I.E she will make something up, to make it all about her and how embarrassing it was.
Oh there will definitely be some made up, only fools and horses type incident at her dad's funeral.

Probably also in her hotel room, or on the train whilst she is travelling to her slide shows venues. She'll shit or piss herself in front of someone, or something boring like that. She'll make something up
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Miss Villanelle

Chatty Member
She has had a total of 13 comments on her shitty video of her shitty so called "stand up" in 6 hours since posting it.....

It's also because she is incredibly thick and doesn't understand it, so can't speak about it, as she hasn't the first clue about it

It's not worth watching, it's very boring
Most of that laughter sounds fake as well
I thought it sounded.. As they call it, canned and added afterwards like real comedy shows.
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She clearly has alot of time to Google herself.....rather than spend time with her family, helping with funeral arrangements and comforting each other..instead she shops and has fun doing exactly what she wants
Do you know I have to thank her for one thing whenever I see her shit tip of a house I pat myself on the back for keeping my house clean tidy smelling nice and doing my washing on a regular basis!! I look at myself in the mirror and think looking good babe in comparison to Laura Smellbin!! She is an example to us all 🤣🤣
Same here, she is an inspiration of what not to be. Waynetta Slob!!


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that reel she's shared where she says to steve "you need to support me" before launching her whole body at him! he genuinely looks about half the size of her, yet she expects him to support her full body weight, literally hanging off him and then complains when he is struggling not to drop her that SHE isn't okay! the guy in the original reel she is copying doesn't lift the woman off the ground - he simply holds her leg. it's just a excuse because she thinks it's "comedy" to totally fuck up her husband's back. he must have been in SO much pain. and when they "fell over" - in actuality, she purposely dragged him to the ground - the way she intentionally grabs the top of his pants to expose his bum crack, and then obvs pretends it was a total accident! grow up, Laura. if it was an accident, you would have ended the reel a few seconds earlier, but sharing photos of your husband's arse - likely without his consent - is classic Laura. she has absolutely no respect for anyone.
She is a nasty, selfish, vicious tw@! All about her! Steve is so controlled and so down trodden, with low self esteem. As why the fuxk would he stay with a giant, ugly, fat, ancient looking ogre like that, who treats him like the dog shit she rolls in!
The size of her, she's piled the weight on
Big fat, troll, ogre, slob!
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She’s always prattling on about ‘trauma’ has she ever told us what her so called ‘trauma’ is? Considering she’d probably show us all her rotten arsehole if she could I’m inclined to believe she has NO trauma and it’s just an excuse for her to behave like a fucking imbecile. Also, she looks like she absolutely stinks and so does her house🤢
Her neighbour confirms that her house stinks
"i no longer define myself by clothes sizes but just need you all tho know - THIS SKIRT IS A SIZE 16!" okay, Laura! 🤣

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I'm getting Bet Lynch vibes....
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