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unable to sell tickets to her supposedly "sold out" tour, she has now unearthed a huge box of unsold copies of her book up in the attic, and - knowing she won't be able to flog those either - has decided to hide them around the venues she is performing at, hoping her fans will be keen to grab a filth-covered book from her grimy crack den of a house and take it home, risking infesting themselves, and their homes, with all manner of bugs and germs. what a TREAT! 🤢🤢
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Blowing smoke up the arse of PTWM again. Two nasty c**ts. Laura obviously oblivious to how much Rachel bitches about her behind her back. Don’t believe for one minute she’s paid for the clothes either
And that stupid, fucking pose she does with the shrugged shoulders, it will take alot more than that to make smelbin look thin and attractive...mind you, I thought she had no why bother? Dumb tw@
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Does she really think she’ll cope with a “small holding”. Trying to copy Hinch
She wouldn't cope, unless she lives in a pig stye with the pigs.
She's too lazy as well, plain and simple, Steve would end up doing everything, whilst she sits on her fat arse and stuffs her fat, fucking face
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Omg she has squeezed her tired old carcass into that dress again. She needs at least 2 sizes up. It looks ridiculous. Wonder if the company she is promoting knows she is full of bum worms 90% of the time??
Oh her mate with the old granny dresses has just been on radio 2. What's the betting that Smelbin will make that all about herself??
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By the time she's covered costs of hiring rooms that aren't selling out. Transport, food and hotels, she's probably out of pocket. Sales money won't stretch far. Even with the universal credit on top
There's still loads and loads of seats available for tonight, lol. We should go and tell her how minging she is, but I don't want to give the chavvy slob anything.
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I actually do think he probably has some additional needs. Attachment issues and trauma/neglect can present similar challenges to autism or adhd in some children. It's really common for adopted children to have behavioural challenges for example. It won't be his fault at all but sounds like a viscious cycle as if she never bonded with him properly then he will act up in an attempt to gain some attention/affection and she will only get more annoyed and reject him more.

I really hope that if that's the case school are aware and supportive. Infact I hope the schools are aware in general of her behaviour and able to provide some kind of support, safety, and counselling for the kids.
I've mentioned this in the past how her behaviour as someone suspected of having HPD affects her kids. They will no doubt be suffering from emotional neglect. As it's all about her all of the time, they will have to fight for some sort of recognition or validation from her. She will only pay attention to them, if it benefits her. Many with HPD, love it when a child is ill or has a behavioural problem as it will get them the attention. She would relish in a diagnosis of autism or adhd for her kids. It would bring her no end of attention and comments, likes,clicks etc on SM.
The school are probably too scared to say or do anything for fear of her doxing them all over SM. I'm not sure if social services are involved. There was talk of it in the past in here. @Pompey-Matelot might know
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it's very similar, in the way that she talks all about her sex pest behaviour, how she stalks total strangers to find them on IG and floods their DMs with an influx of predatory messages that they didn't ask for, shares details of her indenctly exposing herself in public to elderly couples and bragging about how she calls her kids "cunts" etc etc - she brags about her inappropriate, at at times illegal, behaviour both live on stage and om multiple different social media platforms, yet it's all done under the guise of "comedy" - in the way that there have been a few successful comedians who have bragged about their abusive behaviour in their stand up routines etc, but people have dismissed it as them just being funny, when - just like Laura - they are totally truthful descriptions of inappropriate behaviour they get away with simply because people believe they are joking. turns her neglect and abusive, cruel behaviour into a "comedy" routine, so that it is all interpreted as a joke despite everything she says being 100% accurate, so she can get a thrill out of braggingabout it with absolutely zero consequences because her audience don't take it seriously. quite literally hiding in plain sight. 😔
Have social services or the school not pulled her up on this?
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She didn't make much of a big deal of her first slide show night. I bet it was a flop. Just like tonight will be, there were loads of seats unsold for tonight
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I think this is an old video. She is a lazy twat, can't think of anything to post, so drags up an old video. It's still shit.
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Does she ever do anything with her kids? In all the time that I've known of her, which is at least 2 years now. I've only known her to go to the Zoo with her kids and the shit tattooist and his wife. Which she made all about how it look like they were a thrupple, as Laura sees every situation she is in as having sexual connotations. And a couple of days in London with that Deirdre Barlow look alike. Rest of the time she's sat on her fat arse taking ugly selfies trying to look sick of life for the gram
No, she films herself plucking hairs out of her double chins...
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Chatty Member
I’m a size 5 which is pretty proportional for my height I think (5ft 4).
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Yup, she always goes for crotch or arsehole humour.

Hello Fresh just use any influencer with enough followers. It’s purely a numbers game to get that 60% discount code infront of as many UK consumers as possible.

I try to actively avoid brands that gift free shit endlessly to influencers but it’s so hard as they’re all at it. I need a list of brands that don’t gift free shit. I imagine the list is very small!

I doubt social services will intervene if your house is cluttered and messy and you’re a bit of a shit mother. It takes a whole lot more than that for them to get involved. She’ll just say it’s for comedy value anyway. Nothing to stop Steve doing his bit around the house to keep it tidy so the boys have somewhere cosy and nice to live.
They've been involved before though, haven't they? I'm sure SS have been before??
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Sad, V Emes begging for people to buy tickets to their shitty live podcast. Also asking if anyone has any dirty stories for them to broadcast. Yawn.
What bright spark thought Sunday the 5th of November would be a good date to put on a show? A. It's a Sunday and B. It's bonfire night



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I went to see one of the funniest stand up gigs I've ever been to last night! When he finished, he said he'd be in the foyer to do meet and greet and signing, FOR NOTHING!

I still can't understand why Smelbin, this stupid, smelly, worm infested, let's face it "nobody", seems to think it's appropriate and that she is worth PAYING to meet her? She isn't funny, her tickets are struggling to sell, but yet she thinks she is amazing. Such a narcissist! She isn't funny! What is funny, is the fuck wits who have shelled out money, not only to go and see her crap show (which is most likely plagiarised), but have paid an extortionate price for a bloody meet and greet!!!
Who did you go and see?
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Omg just caught up with her recent tiktoks. If she thinks this is comedy then she's seriously deluded
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