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do you think they’d move to Florida ? I can kind of see it to be honest …
Can’t see it at all. Sian doesn’t really like Disney that much. What she does like is having an interest she can substitute for a real personality. Now that she is a popular Disney instagrammer she can make “friends” just by finding other people on the internet that similarly frame their personality about liking Disney, without having to worry about real-world issues like having social skills, maintaining real friendships, or being likeable.

This is without mentioning that their entire lifestyle is dependent on living close to family. They ditch the dog with family on a regular basis. Family will be looking after the dog *and* the kids when they are ditching them to go to WDW in January. Their U.K. holidays also appear to be completely funded by family. They also grew up and went to school in the same town that they currently live in. No way are they leaving.
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There is a gap in the market for a family that does the higher price point , they would come across so much more sincere , if they did this ! We have often toyed with DVC, but the uk offers ( ddp ) always made us not commit, now that’s long gone, DVC might appeal to more uk travellers, they could really make a mark - but they would need to cut their cheapskate bullshit out & put their hands up and be honest about their trip privileges 🤷‍♀️
THIS!! If they owned their multiple trips, which we all know are an expense instead of the bullshit they try and pull to explain how they afford it (free coffee, multipack crisps etc) they’d probably be ok however for me, they’d need to tone down the smugness to be tolerable.

there is a gap for a UK family with a higher budget than most, if they were actually knowledgeable and truthful and not claim to be an expert. The trouble is I think this is too much effort for Sian. She’s all about followers and fake friends rather than trying to build a proper brand - bad choice of word but you know what I mean!

We don’t have dvc for the reasons you said, UK offers never made it worth it most of the time although, we have rented DVC points multiple times and split our stay as we prefer the deluxe resorts, I don’t have an issue saying that,
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I dunno guys, she may not be able to forgo enough coffees between now and then.

Obviously they think that not buying 2 BMWs, getting half a million houses or having an unlimited bank balance makes them poor.
Do the other kids in the knapp family normally get horses or gold bars for xmas? Private boarding schools and Harrods wardrobes. Princess had to stoop so low to getting them only a Barbie Dream House and 10 holidays a year.
I bet their family do spend more on cars and houses than them but that’s no excuse for the absolute tone deaf posts about “sacrifices”. Sian is a nurse and will work with colleagues who are much worse off than her. You can bet the HCAs on her old ward weren’t going on an expensive holiday each and every month and then whinging about how that meant they couldn’t get takeaway coffees every day. I bet they all hated her.
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I’ve finally twigged as to one thing that seems really off with Sian. It’s all the consumable “stuff”. She sells herself as loving the Disney experience and foregoing spending to have more experiences and holidays. But her account tells the opposite story. It’s largely focussed on things she buys or things she would like to buy.

For her holidays it seems it’s much more about the things to buy to go on holiday (thermals, matching outfits, handwarmers, activity books, etc) than the actual experiences she is looking forward to. Day to day it’s all about the hauls, the shopping trips and the things she wants to buy. Even with her Instagram friends there’s an odd amount of stuff that they are recommending that they should buy. Christmas, for example, from her stories appears to be much more about what she’s buying for Christmas, rather than spending time with friends and family. It’s all so weird.
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So noticeable and really sad that Sian doesn’t post anywhere near as much when she’s meeting up with internet strangers. When it’s just the girls or Callum and the girls she spends more time posting than doing anything else.

It’s hard not to conclude that she constantly needs validation from strangers. That validation preferably comes from with meeting up with strangers. If she’s not doing that then she gets validation from posting on Instagram. So sad that she apparently can’t understand that she can and should get validation from her own family, rather than strangers.
Also she genuinely seems to “glow” more from meeting up with these random people. It’s like she doesn’t have any fun with her own family anymore and needs something more exciting. How sad for her girls who probably realise they are “not enough” anymore. What if they went on holiday and didn’t meet up with other people? Would Sian feel empty? Probably.
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I would almost excuse them if they were saying “it’s a once in a lifetime bucketlist thing for Callum to do all four races, the logistics of four runs in four days, and the date immediately after the Christmas holidays just made it impossible to bring the girls, much as we would like to. We are so sad this is our first trip back since covid and they are missing out”

But they aren’t saying this at all. They’ve just said the girls are going in February anyway and they are pleased to be leaving them behind in January because they really want to leave them 👋🏻 The most telling thing is Sian has mentioned how she feels about it (“pleased”) but she’s made no mention of how the girls feel about it.
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Chatty Member
I think it’s very telling that Sian only decided to take the girls, not because she’d miss them or thought it would bring smiles to their faces, but because she was worried what the internet would think - that they might realise what a self centred, fame hungry little dog she is.
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So Sian has been off work ill for a while then was magically well enough to attend the pr event. Whilst at the event Daisy vomits. It’s well known that these vomiting bugs going round in kids at the mo are because they are testing positive from covid.
I’m actually disgusted that they attended the event knowing they’ve all been under the weather. Shame vlogging comes before anyones safety, what a great ‘health professional’ she is!!!
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This made me watch to punch things.
No you ungrateful snot nose boring woman with a the most boring fake life possible.
It's not making history.
I can count off many points this year that we're about making history. Hell nasa and the UK space program smashed some amazing feats out this year.

But people getting on a fucking plane isn't one of them.

Grow up you spiolt brat. You can't even make your fake life interesting so you latch on to your husbands childhood. Well done. Go ignore your children, snap at your dog while you shop and complain that nursing won't let you have set shifts. That's all your good at.


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Is it acceptable to take down the decs if your boys birthday is before new years? Now im feeling a tad bit guilty. I took mine down today too. Just wanted to focus on his day.

She is also a selfish dickhead. Come on, test positive at the Airport or before. Just something. Karma owes me one. (Like symptomless, nothing actually horrible please)
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You would think they are were seasoned back packers travelling round the world the way she speaks about us travelling and home schooling our kids whilst travelling. They go to the same place every year, it’s hardly travelling the world. They stay on Disney grounds and never see any more of Florida other than the parks and the hotels surrounding them. Do you think they realise that there’s an America outside of Walt Disney world.
The Epcot world showcase is the most travelling they’ve ever done 😂
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“Not caring what people think about you” is one of the stupidest things people can say. It’s right up there with “women support women” and “if you don’t like it don’t comment”. It’s just an attempt to avoid thinking about valid criticism.

One of the most important life skills if you put your life in public is being able to differentiate between valid criticism, trolling, and outright abuse. They aren’t the same thing at all but I don’t think Sian can tell the difference as she has zero self-awareness. I think she just puts all negative comments down as “jealousy” or “haters” without thinking for one second that maybe some of the criticism is valid, even if it comes via Tattle or social media.
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Chatty Member
Maybe it's because I have never followed any other family disney vloggers, but I find the Knapps set up so odd - and I think it's what intreagues me the most.

There are many, many 20 something insta disney accounts that carry on like she is - Disney Influencers etc.

But at times, it really seems like she's just dragging her family along for the Sian Show? Like, it appears (to me) she would like to be the stand alone Disney Influencer? I almost feel like this would be more tolerable as it would be more sincere.
The whole Disney 'thing' was a result of her chucking things at a wall to see what stuck after she tried and failed at being a mumfluencer / budget queen. She still only has a small instagram and youtube following so it has hardly been a successful switch. She is a world away from being any sort of influencer and doing it for a living which we know is what she wants and which is the one thing I would give her credit for because at least she owns that (unlike everything else).
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All the instas are making me hurl this morning with all the 'we can go hoooome' posts and tears. Unless you're visiting family etc then shut the fook up and get a grip. It's not home, it's a commercial theme park. (which I also love but not to the point of total delusion)
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