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The ED I would say is definitely still present, she very rarely has feed on just seems to be constant meds, I'm sure she is on a lot of meds but it's CONSTANT! Her recent video she was adding fluid to a feed, is this 'normal'? Or another way of getting less feed than needed. She has previously said she's not been sent enough fluids or glucose, surely for someone as vulnerable as she is with needing this stuff they wouldn't just not send it? When she comes out from hospital she always seems much 'healthier' and stable because I guess they give her correct feeds and fluids rather than when she's at home.
Shes live now and 'seizury' until someone makes a comment she can snap at and is then fully coherent and speaking fine and reading their comment to reply in a rude manner. Then straight back to mumbling and being unwell.
Do people fall for this?
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Pink blancmange

VIP Member
Also when her eyes were rolling, her messenger was going off, and her eyes would focus to read that and then she'd go all floppy headed etc again.
And why does it take for her mods to tell her to administer her rescue meds? Surely if she can read enough to focus on what they're writing then she'd just take them.
And do her mods not have their own lives to live instead of babysitting a fully grown woman on tiktok šŸ¤Ø
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I literally happened to click onto her live on my fyp when she was having a supposed fit and was blocked instantly because they were saying anyone that isnā€™t a mod off the live! I watched on another account and she was fitting until her aunty and uncle arrived with someone on the live also calling an ambulance. By the time the live was ended, she had been fitting for over 30 minutes and was conveniently off the camera the whole time. Does she have munchausen?
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Chatty Member
Sheā€™s in a wheelchair but her legs are moving. Didnā€™t she said she was paralysed
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Is there another thread on her? I thought this one would had waaaay more information and gossip! šŸ¤” xxx
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VIP Member
Wait I think I might have it wrong actually. But doesnā€™t this look like her? And online loads have said she was faking too. Feel awful now if this isnā€™t the same person so sorry x

This is the person you were thinking of, she still had Munchausen, she caused the sepsis herself by keep messing with her wounds (which is why she would have casts on). Her parents posted the whole story somewhere.

Kirsten is English and does look a lot like her and is also faking alot of her medical stuff.


VIP Member
They wouldnā€™t diagnose classic EDS from birth. Even if the gene for it runs in the family you still have to have the genetics done and it can take months. Her dad should do the right thing and get her off tiktok for the sake of her mental and physical health.
I was watching gher live a few days ago and her dad was in the room with her. Someone called her a liar and she was saying she's not and why would she and her dad was agreeing with her

I've watched this so many times, but pretty sure her 2nd leg starts lifting before her hands are near it. They also move with her pretty well when she shuffles along the bed šŸ«£


VIP Member
Saying her address has been leaked now

Sheā€™s got her feed on for a change , you can see it coming right out the drainage tube
Had the feed on for all of 10 minutesšŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


VIP Member
Saying her address has been leaked now

Sheā€™s got her feed on for a change , you can see it coming right out the drainage tube
Had the feed on for all of 10 minutesšŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø
Clearly they are both NG tubes then šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
Feed goes in/ feed goes out and sheā€™s clearly eating off camera to maintain her weight. Also the fact she says she canā€™t have TPN is lies. If you were TRULY not absorbing anything and you were that malnourished your bloods became deranged and organs began to fail youā€™d be placed on TPN as a life saving measure. The consequences would have to be dealt with during the time you were on it.

I cannot wait to see this all unfold. I came across a girl yesterday called Ruby Jane - she has over 1.5 K in & lots of very angry women in the box and she was admitting lying about needing a transplant and being ill & losing a child. I think sheā€™d been called out on angies live

Only a matter of time for Kirsten šŸ˜…


Active member
Wow crazy how similar their stories are, I wonder if Kirsten is taking a bit of inspiration from Paige at all. Itā€™s sad that Paige did that to herself


VIP Member
She's the biggest bullshitter there is. As a T1, sitting there guzzling full sugar monster 24/7 and then claiming you're having a 'hypo' at 6.2mol is just utter bullshit. No-one drinks monster all hours of the day then claim that they are 'crashing' and when asked why her sensor isn't alerting to be told that they 'dont work with her' is even more shite.

Her paralysed legs work perfectly fine when she needs something out of reach and when she's 'fitting' her eyes come perfectly into focus when she's gifted.

Calling people Lovely is the biggest ick.
And ā€˜babeā€™ šŸ¤¢


Well-known member
Caught her live the other night. She had a couple of people in her box and they were chatting away. Clearly not liking not being centre of attention she did the world's fakes whine šŸ˜‚


VIP Member
She's a very good weight for someone who supposedly doesn't have any nutrition for days at a time. Her legs also have good muscle tone for someone who's paralysed.
I donā€™t watch her for long because she infuriates me. But does she claim to have nothing down those ā€œtubesā€ other than pushing medication 24/7, which, down a NJ shouldnā€™t really be happening as they are placed in the jejunum which is more fragile than the stomach itā€™s self. If not, whereā€™s the central line & TPN?


Active member
My daughters had it since 2020 and she eats and drinks and dose not have a tube anymore.
There are medications that make your stomach contract and move the food out of the stomach itā€™s not 100% and can often give her diarrhoea instead. honestly there is zero reason to have two tubes šŸ˜‚ she could pause a feed and push her meds through. Not to mention I thought she had a Hickman line to
She claims to have a liver issue yet is very vage on whatā€™s actually wrong with it.
Told someone in her live recently she had no family to call when she was having a fit šŸ™„but have just seen her talking to her dad. The only thing wrong with her is the stuff going on in her head.
Has a paralysed stomach but is able to drink she also has an iv for fluid so why does she need to drink surely she wouldnā€™t be thirsty. I imagine you may get a dry mouth but surely not thirsty.


VIP Member
Iā€™ve just scrolled into her live. Itā€™s a very weird sadistic set up. The fake rolling of the eyes, the enablers telling her to take her ā€œrescuesā€ and that sheā€™s ā€œpre ictalā€ - is she epileptic or is this the trendy non epileptic ā€œseizuresā€?
no medical professional would tell you to use rescue meds without having a seizure šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
Also the tube situation, an NG has to be tested before use, sheā€™s sat there with gloves on with a syringe. What a freak