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I was watching gher live a few days ago and her dad was in the room with her. Someone called her a liar and she was saying she's not and why would she and her dad was agreeing with her
He’s lost one daughter and might be frightened to lose another even if it’s just through alienation? She was live a couple of days back with clear tape on her tubes, her face was really red under them and she had several marks/scratches on her neck which I thought at the time might have been from her throwing a tantrum and pulling the tubes in a temper because people were calling her out, it seems too much of a coincidence that she then has a genuine nj tube. For someone that has autism, arthritis, epilepsy, paralysis, super pubic catheter, diabetes, gastroparesis, asthma etc etc she looks really well doesn’t she? 😂 oh and apparently she’s talking with a croaky feeling sorry for myself voice because she seems to have a chest infection but no sign of a cough despite chatting away to the sheep for hours in end. These social media bottom feeders love having ‘trolls’ as it gives them something to talk about, get sympathy and up engagement.
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Came across K at the weekend. What a crank she is 😂 It’s so obvious when she’s lying and when she’s telling the truth. Saying she can’t do hobbies as she’s got arthritis but she can sit on a live for hours on end fannying about with her tubes?
I know that not all disabilities are visible but apart from those bloody tubes there is absolutely nothing about her that would make anyone assume she was ill. She makes a mockery out of the genuinely ill people out there. If you read here K then please please do some proper research about EDS because you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about. Ooh and don’t bloody go live, keep your chats private with your enablers. Silly girl going live then complaining that people are watching/sharing her live 😂😂😂
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Just come across a live tonight. they called her dad saying she was having seizures when to me (as an epileptic) she was falling asleep… then muting & blocking everyone who liked or commented because they wanted to keep the chat clear. She even woke up when her dad came in. She is probably taking meds that kicked in and she fell asleep on live and these kids got her poor dad up at 1:30am to come and turn the live off and put her to bed. Definitely not seizures… if it was a seizure and lasting over 5 minutes, she would need to go to hospital for status epilipticus
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She said the other day that she can’t have TPN due to it damaging her liver.
She’s currently changing her tapes for her tubes , she must do this about 20 times a day, I’m surprised her skins not peeling off her face .
That NG drainage tube is totally used so she can drink as many cans of her beloved Monster & not gain weight from the calories.

If she says ‘ but yeahhh’ again I’m going to scream 😭
For someone that claims not to have money so has a PayPal and mods send her stuff, she could drink much cheaper drinks than monster too
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Just come across a live tonight. they called her dad saying she was having seizures when to me (as an epileptic) she was falling asleep… then muting & blocking everyone who liked or commented because they wanted to keep the chat clear. She even woke up when her dad came in. She is probably taking meds that kicked in and she fell asleep on live and these kids got her poor dad up at 1:30am to come and turn the live off and put her to bed. Definitely not seizures… if it was a seizure and lasting over 5 minutes, she would need to go to hospital for status epilipticus
She does this often. It does depend what mods she has on as to how often. Also claims its her blood sugars so she has a hypo & has no lifts or glucose to do anything about the fact her blood sugars are on the floor. It's because she is diabetic type 3 that cannot be treated & the diabetic nurse is on mat leave so she can't get these things on prescription ? If any of the bullshit she comes out were true & she showed just one of her lives (which are saved to your phone anyway) she would be hailed a medical miracle I'm sure because she has several episodes a week. Like you said she has probs just taken some of her painkillers & is falling asleep.
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I’ve been following her and no doubt she is poorly but it’s almost certainly more mental health than physical health which is just as valid.
The articles about her MH allude to an eating disorder AND other mental health issues. She is trying to airbrush it out.
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She’s a total and utter bull shitter. Her live was getting fuck all engagement so she started having these seizures.
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What is sad is that she has a vulnerable person in her box being her ‘minder’ (not to mention all the vulnerable people she rotates as mods).
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There has been many people who know her who says she has bought the equipment online. I think she is eating when she is offline and just runs feed whilst she is on live for a short time for the views. People have said they have seen her walking too, even though she says she has no feeling in her legs.

Whether she is as unwell as she says or not, she is rude & so are her mods.
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There has been many people who know her who says she has bought the equipment online. I think she is eating when she is offline and just runs feed whilst she is on live for a short time for the views. People have said they have seen her walking too, even though she says she has no feeling in her legs.

Whether she is as unwell as she says or not, she is rude & so are her mods.
Yes that tiktok posted on the first page has screenshots of her buying supplies online and getting money from people to buy things. I thought I'd seen her walk before but thought I must've just missed when she got into her chair to move or something.
Also a comment on one of them videos someone said her carer said on live about there being cakes and biscuits in her kitchen
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Didn’t she used to go by another name a few years ago? Like stardust or something?
I’ve remembered it now! She went by Paige dying stardust. And she used to go live with a beanie hat on saying she was end of life and it went on for like a year and then it came out she was faking it. I just googled dying stardust and it’s this girl I swear! Looks exactly the same and she did the same stuff with the tubes etc
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View attachment 3023485View attachment 3023486

The face of someone who realises they’ve f’d up 🙄 but still putting on a great show! Lots of tears
Her antics are building up a lot of negative attention needs some like Fact Freak (who granted isn't everyone’s cup of tea!) to expose her. I think the game will soon be up for her. As someone who used to be plagued with juvenile epilepsy it’s pretty easy to determine if they are or are not epileptic seizures. EEGs! She appears to have them multiple times a day so that will tell you if it’s from brain activity or it’s from “stress” as they claim. Also when someone is fitting there is a HUGE difference between epileptic and non epileptic believe me 😂
She is one sick and twisted individual.
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I didn’t see it, but I don’t think it’s genuine. Just from seeing her ‘seizures’ previously. And definitely, if your eyes are rolling, you wouldn’t then be able to administer rescue meds by yourself (as an epileptic myself).

I know some people have auras before seizures, I don’t, so people can get themselves in a safe place, but she doesn’t seem genuine because you would think she would lay down, get herself on her side etc. she just stays sitting in front of the live with her minions in the chat.
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interesting she’s been called out on having a short term NJ tube in place and not a silk .. suddenly she’s got a silk tube. NJ are a nightmare to pass .. it’s not something you’d do without good reason. It’s not uncommon to end up on IV fluids because there’s not been the capacity to pass an NJ within a hospital setting.
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