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SHE is SO RUDE to ppl. Anyone who asks a Q she just says theyre being rude etc it's so unnecessary
I do know a friend of hers actualy and she is actualy so rude and demanding to her friends. I do not now why my friend stays friends with her she treats her like sh*t. The Eating Dosorder or anorexia article is interesting bc she will offten say things like she has not had any of her tube feed for several days and I jus wonder whether she is deliberately making herself malnurished to make herself more ill???

Im worried abt my friend not gonna lie. Kristen seems like someone who has a lot of issues but has kicked away anyone who tries to offer genuine help.

Some of the things she does n says do not add up but I cant rly say anything else
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End of life care? Never heard that in the time I have been watching her!

Also, in her long list of chronic illnesses, not one mention of anorexia!

Exactly what I thought about her being a qualified nurse, at 24, with chronic illness which she was born with, all very strange! She was on live one night this week, had a seizure, her mum came over, and she was back on live 20 minutes afterwards!

Iā€™m not disputing she is unwell, but with what is VERY questionable!!
Yeah if you look at her other account that she used to go to live on, even the hashtags were #EOL and #endoflife
  • Wow
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They wouldnā€™t diagnose classic EDS from birth. Even if the gene for it runs in the family you still have to have the genetics done and it can take months. Her dad should do the right thing and get her off tiktok for the sake of her mental and physical health.
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Her parents must be so over this by now, I feel sorry for them. They know their daughter is ill but mentally ill.
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Also when her eyes were rolling, her messenger was going off, and her eyes would focus to read that and then she'd go all floppy headed etc again.
And why does it take for her mods to tell her to administer her rescue meds? Surely if she can read enough to focus on what they're writing then she'd just take them.
And do her mods not have their own lives to live instead of babysitting a fully grown woman on tiktok šŸ¤Ø
Exactly. If she needed babysitting, she would have 24hr care.
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Heā€™s lost one daughter and might be frightened to lose another even if itā€™s just through alienation? She was live a couple of days back with clear tape on her tubes, her face was really red under them and she had several marks/scratches on her neck which I thought at the time might have been from her throwing a tantrum and pulling the tubes in a temper because people were calling her out, it seems too much of a coincidence that she then has a genuine nj tube. For someone that has autism, arthritis, epilepsy, paralysis, super pubic catheter, diabetes, gastroparesis, asthma etc etc she looks really well doesnā€™t she? šŸ˜‚ oh and apparently sheā€™s talking with a croaky feeling sorry for myself voice because she seems to have a chest infection but no sign of a cough despite chatting away to the sheep for hours in end. These social media bottom feeders love having ā€˜trollsā€™ as it gives them something to talk about, get sympathy and up engagement.
Oh ok I never knew that. I don't understand how she doesn't get bored just being on live and when she's off I assume she sleeps
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I donā€™t watch her for long because she infuriates me. But does she claim to have nothing down those ā€œtubesā€ other than pushing medication 24/7, which, down a NJ shouldnā€™t really be happening as they are placed in the jejunum which is more fragile than the stomach itā€™s self. If not, whereā€™s the central line & TPN?
She said the other day that she canā€™t have TPN due to it damaging her liver.
Sheā€™s currently changing her tapes for her tubes , she must do this about 20 times a day, Iā€™m surprised her skins not peeling off her face .
That NG drainage tube is totally used so she can drink as many cans of her beloved Monster & not gain weight from the calories.

If she says ā€˜ but yeahhhā€™ again Iā€™m going to scream šŸ˜­
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I literally happened to click onto her live on my fyp when she was having a supposed fit and was blocked instantly because they were saying anyone that isnā€™t a mod off the live! I watched on another account and she was fitting until her aunty and uncle arrived with someone on the live also calling an ambulance. By the time the live was ended, she had been fitting for over 30 minutes and was conveniently off the camera the whole time. Does she have munchausen?
For certain!
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She was on live last night saying she was having a hypo šŸ™„ surely if she was running the correct feeds, that wouldnā€™t happen? I donā€™t know enough about tube feeds but her ā€˜seizuresā€™ are ridiculous and usually looks like she is just falling asleep as itā€™s 4am or something and her meds have kicked in.
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I've only recently followed her but I've not watched lives so much once I noticed she makes sure she has the right mods in before she passes out.
Its been very usual for her to not put feed on, or have it on and then it's off again before you know it. She mentioned being malnourished and if she got worse she wouldn't be able to refuse hospital as she'd be classed as unable to decide. Her meds seem constant! I'm no expert so I don't know how often she is supposed to take them but it really seems endless.
She also comes across as someone who can be really rude and hurtful to people caring for her. She often snaps at people in the comments despite calling others 'lovely', or 'hun'.
Mental health struggles are surely present and the AN diagnosis just being brought up definitely ties in with things I've seen with her attitude to feed even now.
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Has anyone else noticed when she drinks her energy drink she sniffs so then the fluid comes out the tub? Sorry donā€™t know technical names although I should considering thatā€™s all she ever talks about. I 100% think sheā€™s just got an ED and enjoys the attention from people.
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Have yous heard the new one? She stated on Friday night she had two infections, one being at the stoma siteā€¦ sheā€™s never ever ever mentioned a stoma before!
she also said she never eats and has NEVER eatenā€¦ā€no I donā€™t eat, Iā€™ve never eaten or had the experience so I donā€™t know what itā€™s like to be hungry Iā€™ve never had the urgeā€

I have photo evidence of food and meals sheā€™s taken photos of that sheā€™s eaten back in 2021, so technically recently. She said sheā€™s never, ever experienced food, I had literally only been in the live for 1 minute and didnā€™t have time to record but I was if not before completely on board with the fact this is mostly fictitious.

can someone let me know the. And if her TikTok account I reckon I was blocked ages ago šŸ˜‚
She will block spectators now, you either interact nicely or youā€™re gone.
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Never seen her actually have an epileptic seizure that was convincing, usually always start around midnight when shes probably knackered
was claiming her hospital does everything they can to avoid an admit even if she does have long seizures which they'd never do. they'd admit you until whatever could be done was done
Exactly, last year I was kept in overnight until I was stable and had bloods/fluids/rescue meds and monitoring after a long seizure. I think she probably has non epileptic seizures but says theyā€™re epileptic for the shits & gigs.
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