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I am an absolute nothing in the grand scale of things so my opinion means jack and in this big bad wide world these lot are nothing.
But little old me is here on this site commenting on these #righthererightnow

Say what you want but it is hard to say things because if someone shoots you down you can feel pissed off.

Not one of these people we are talking about are my kind of people but I feel that statement is easier to say here than the Kipper thread.

I don’t like Kipper especially because of dead animals but was like ‘whatever’ about Kieran.

I have nothing against sex work but don’t put it on the internet that never forgets especially when you have kids unless you are absolutely desperate.

Because of the famous or infamous nature of mother and the pics and words about sex addiction of father from mother then Jett and Bunny have a rough road ahead.

Glad I’m not in the public eye,desperate for attention or money to fuel my wannabe lifestyle and glad I know you.
Love hearing all points of view - makes you come to your own point of view which is always valid xx
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Chatty Member
brings a whole new meaning to “back grid” 🤢
Oh this is excellent 👏👏
So what have we learned today?

The crazies have taken crazy a step further and formed some kind of insta hareem 👀😳

Said insta hareem 100% know exactly who go fund me promoter is because they've all met on insta which is 100% real life 👀 nothing can be faked or anon on insta

The go fund me is still a sore subject to those who donated but the 16k is still AWOL

We've been treated to photos of Kieron Hayler spead eagle over the family dining table selling his bum hole on only fans 😳👀

What a day
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I’ve just caught up on the skanks thread and I’m actually laughing that some people are saying they don’t want you bringing up KH/MH on there because it’s a thread for the skank?…

You can certainly bring up Peter Andre, Alex Reid, Carl woods etc but not Saint Kieran.
Why? They were are all involved with the skank?

Imagine going on the goodman sisters thread but you can’t talk about Kyle walker? 🙄😂

You also can’t bring up ‘pudding gate’ because it happened 2 years ago but you can bring up anything else that happened even 10 years ago.

It was fine to mention him there when donations were being sought and given in good faith
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Worst thing I ever witnessed up someones arse at work was a jelly mould. It was massive in the shape of a heart.

Seen allsorts though, a chuppa chup lolly down a mans penis was memorable. Every time my kids asked for one I remembered his swollen cock. 🤣

I didn't realise just how much you could possibly pack up your rectum.
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This is a fecking car crash. The audio clips tho 😳. Having had an experience of a relationship with a man like that donkeys years ago when I was single, the patterns of love bombing, future faking and all the different women finding out how he mirrors it is absolutely devastating for all involved 🤢. Poor kids are surrounded by toxicity with all the adults acting up. I don't know how MP can stay but I tell u something she will earn every penny she gets from KH no designer goodies are worth that imo. Le sigh 😕
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Aww Luce well done!!!! But I've gone one better with your prize.....I've arranged for a special walk past of Kieran's dining room window whilst he is "working" 🤣🤣🤣
Haha! Careful Michelle don't catch you or she'll start launching the Sunday roast at you!!
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Worst thing I ever witnessed up someones arse at work was a jelly mould. It was massive in the shape of a heart.

Seen allsorts though, a chuppa chup lolly down a mans penis was memorable. Every time my kids asked for one I remembered his swollen cock. 🤣

I didn't realise just how much you could possibly pack up your rectum.
My fella said when he was in jail people used to smuggle 3 kinder eggs at a time up their bumhole filled with drugs. Hope Kieran never goes jail he'll be forced to be the prison mule with how much I bet he can pack up there. Bet its like when a snake swallows a whole goat or something.
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Bull***t Buster

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Just a thought and I could be way off the mark here but that woman said she was desperate to help him, she said they all felt sorry for him! What if it was one of the affair women who set up the GFM? That would make sense as to why he could never mention it and maybe why he told F4J it was a scam. He didn’t want his after work activities exposed? Maybe that’s why MP has turned a blind eye to the cheating as she is happy to benefit from the money? Blimey I sound like a nut head conspiracy theorist now! Probably not true but just a thought! 🤔
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Right, I have a confession. I donated (just once, a small amount) because I felt it was a charitable act to give to someone in need. I quickly came to my senses and now feel foolish. I have contacted GFM to ask for a refund and have stated my reasons to be that I am concerned about the legitimacy of the campaign. They’ve logged my request, told me to contact the organiser and get back to them with their response. I won’t hold my breath about getting a reply from ‘Sam Davis’ but who knows?.

I will probably be persona non grata on t’other thread now which I’ll be sad about as I’ve been a long-standing contributor and have enjoyed it but after the piegate debacle the scales fell away and my thoughts and principles about some issues do not align with the majority sadly.
Have you been waiting long for a reply back from Sam?

Don’t feel foolish for donating, you’re obviously a caring person and wanted them poor kids away from KP.. just like we all do.
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Unpopular opinion posted and I see people like me are being called two faced! Hardly. Can't I have an opinion on both? Why is every other person in her life allowed to be mentioned on that thread but not Kireran. I liked the thread but I'll stop commenting if people are going to be slagging me off.

I've just commented on that and another post.
Jumped on already taken my words out of context and said I am saying I hate the KP thread lol. I obviously didn't say that.
Put the poster that seems to want to twist my words on ignore, gonna leave it now as I am very sensitive and can't deal with shit like this. Severe anxiety and depression so I am already holding back tears. I dunno why I let people get to me.
Don't be afraid, speak your mind, speak from your heart. Don't let anyone try and shut you down. I have anxiety and depression too, I know how hard it is, I had a big flare up of anxiety the other week and couldn't work, feel free to vent here to us
My daughters Dad looks like the best Dad on the planet on socials yet behind the scenes he is being investigated for sexual assault and currently has no access to her - plus supervised calls and texts. Police, Social Wankers, School, everyone involved. Things are not always as they seem.
That's horrifying. I hope you and your daughter are getting the support that you need.

Social media images are often so fake and carefully curated. It's looking like a lot of what KH and MP post is insincere to keep up the wholesome family image, with a bit of pointscoring thrown in.
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I found an old interview from 2020 where he claimed to be earning 3k a month on OF (before tax). It was labelled as 'revenue' so I assume OF takes their cut of the 3k too. That's a nice earner, I don't think the work is great for the kids or family life though.
3K a month

Wonder if there is a market for middle aged women chocolate starfish. Maybe a HRT patch stuck on the left cheek is a turn on for some 🤔
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VIP Member
I sensing a 'mean girls' vibe here...

Ahhh so now the DARVO tactic.
We have a lovely mix of people in here, have a good laugh.
You come in causing aggro for no reason except you seem to enjoy it looking at your past posts
You now gaslight that we are mean girls.

Are you okay Hun?
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She literally can't help herself. She has no self restraint or awareness and it comes across as extremely immature. Just let the kids live in peace, no one needs updates in them. Thry need space to heal.
I honestly think her hatred for Kp outweighs her love for the kids.
She's accidentally called a Boat a Boast on Insta - freudian slip? 😂😂😂
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I've said before you can absolutely slate anybody connected to KFP on that thread except KH/MP. That's off to me.....why? Because they are not saints so we are being policed into not commenting on them unless its in glowing terms. "Not Michelle" is making sure of that. People are coming here because u can express what u want in healthy debate without being pounced on. All opinions are respected even if we don't agree. It's the Internet.....hit ignore or scroll on by. I skim the other thread rarely comment as it's too triggering to see everything being excused / gaslighted.
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Chatty Member
It’s still shocking that people seemingly in the know and close to these people were promoting the GFM and defending KH and MP from any any all questioning when this was the reality behind the scenes. People donating should have had all the facts, but instead anyone that tried to question any details, or people that came on to the site with actual information now shown to be true, were chased off and shouted down. People on low incomes were donating to these twats based on a pack of lies, fake narratives and misinformation.
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VIP Member
I’ve just caught up on the skanks thread and I’m actually laughing that some people are saying they don’t want you bringing up KH/MH on there because it’s a thread for the skank?…

You can certainly bring up Peter Andre, Alex Reid, Carl woods etc but not Saint Kieran.
Why? They were are all involved with the skank?

Imagine going on the goodman sisters thread but you can’t talk about Kyle walker? 🙄😂

You also can’t bring up ‘pudding gate’ because it happened 2 years ago but you can bring up anything else that happened even 10 years ago.

My point exactly, at this point I think KH could curl one out on his family dining table games night and ‘KP made him do it, she put a Nokia up her chuff’ would be cried.

I think it is absolutely relevant to speak of him on a KP thread. It’s very much current with the custody battle. Only the inner circle are allowed to derail with whatever topic they choose, anyone else has to toe the line or fuck off!
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Sam is kieran hayler? Well I've heard it fucking all now🤣

This guessing game is absurd, doubting posters that have been on here for years and going through their old posts?
Respectfully, people on the KP thread have been discussing for several threads now who the posters are that first dropped the tea (or should that be pudding) on the pudding gate video on this thread. What’s good for one thread should be ok for another, no?
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VIP Member
She is the worst out of all three of them when it comes to stuff like this. Grow up woman!
She literally can't help herself. She has no self restraint or awareness and it comes across as extremely immature. Just let the kids live in peace, no one needs updates in them. Thry need space to heal.
I honestly think her hatred for Kp outweighs her love for the kids.
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The thirsty loved up Insta story with KH/MP last night made me feel 🤢. Really wish someone would just tell all 3 adults to cop the fuck on stop point scoring and put all the kids first ugh I despair
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