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Stripper Vicar

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I'm cabin crew, albeit for a different airline. We get money off holidays/ flights that we have each year. So say for example, depending on your lengths service you could get £600 off a holiday that year.We also can do 'late seats' so we can get on a flight if the flight isn't full. So for eg, a short haul flight could be £60, a mid haul £100, long haul £200 pp. Does that make sense? So I reckon she does get some sort of discount, I'd have to ask my mate at BA what sort of perks they get. Although I don't see my mate going on all these non work trips like MP does.
Do you work for TUI? I did years ago and my friend dealt with seat allocations on the planes and she took a call from a PA trying to move Katies & Kierons seats around when she caught him fucking her mate while they were on holiday 🤣 The plane was full except the extra space seats and they didn’t want to pay for the upgrade 🤣
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I’m coming over here after getting chewed out for asking for more clarity from an ‘insider’ who implied knowing something serious about the children then back tracking saying they’d never reveal anything sensitive about the children.
On topic, there are various threads on tattle showing how GFMs can be fraudulent , so I think it’s perfectly valid to have questions about this one which, as other posters here have mentioned, has several questions around it. There’s a really worrying lack of transparency and accountability.

Also, people have talked about being in tears and unable to sleep over B and J. Some of these people have then talked about donating repeatedly ‘when they can/get paid’. That really is worrying and sounds like people are vulnerable and possibly being exploited.
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I said this when the video first came to light, why now would you go public with it? Nothing to gain from it 2 yrs down the line. If you’ve reported it, approached M to tell all, would you not just get on with your life. There is definitely an alternative motive for all this to be aired now.
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I used to think KH was a top dad, only because of what I saw on his Instagram.
I think he is a good hands on dad, like all dads.

Yesterday I googled him.
Omg my eyes, how can you put that shit out there, you protect your kids at all costs.
These naked pictures are not protecting them,they are out there and his kids will find them, if they haven't already.

I stupidly googled daniella westbrook and saw that pleasuring video, which wasn't pleasure for my eyes.

These kids don't stand a chance, they have toxic parents, toxic stop mums, toxic revolving boyfriends.

i'm not a Peter Andre lover but he and Emily have done a good job of bringing Petes kids.

Sadly all kh n kp actions boil down to cash, cash is king for them.

those poor kids.
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That was already discussed here when it happened. It's nothing new. These were 2 new posters, one sounded unhinged if I remember rightly. They came they went. What is being discussed here is the legitimacy of long standing members who are now being questioned and posts being raked through. It's like a witch hunt!

I'm not defensive😁
The KP thread was full of people asking why ‘new people’ were posting on the thread like it was some secrete members club despite the posters being VIP members and many were being jumped on for having a varying opinion. It works both ways.

I wouldn’t call it a witch hunt for looking into posters encouraging people to donate real life money.
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Chatty Member
The one of M with the suitcase - I think he's trying to say that she's leaving him. Although she could actually have been just going abroad and he made it look like they were breaking up
I think that’s exactly what he’s done, she’s in her undies and there are flip flops and a load of clothes on the bed. I think she’s messy but just packing for a holiday and he’s snapped a pic to try and manipulate a girl he’s stringing along. What a f-ing scumbag!!
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Any clues for this thick twat?? 😂😂
It’s really obvious if you recall the tone Angelic used and the emojis used. Aggressive, argumentative, snarky and sarcastic. Also highly confrontational and likes to give the impression they are close to KH even though they started off saying they didn’t know him personally. Also likes to shut people down by incorrectly speaking for the rest of the group. I don’t tend to comment because I genuinely can’t be arsed but I do not like bullying and that poster was and is a bully. They are just using another user name now.
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Yeah it’s Polly Hutchinson, which was basically what was thought on the KFP thread
Sorry she’s as disgusting as the rest, Airing it all out over the internet 🤮 which leaves a digital picture for their kids to see or kids at school to torment them with KH’s kids KFP’s kids Michelle’s kids and Polly’s boys
She was married to a very wealthy old aristo Sussex family and she went to a very posh school.
KH is guilty of this and more probably But doing this in Public is 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
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Unpopular opinion posted and I see people like me are being called two faced! Hardly. Can't I have an opinion on both? Why is every other person in her life allowed to be mentioned on that thread but not Kireran. I liked the thread but I'll stop commenting if people are going to be slagging me off.

I've just commented on that and another post.
Jumped on already taken my words out of context and said I am saying I hate the KP thread lol. I obviously didn't say that.
Put the poster that seems to want to twist my words on ignore, gonna leave it now as I am very sensitive and can't deal with shit like this. Severe anxiety and depression so I am already holding back tears. I dunno why I let people get to me.
Don’t understand why Sophie Price is fair game considering she’s only guilty by association 🤔 is that not derailing? It’s not her thread 🤷🏼‍♀️ The hypocrisy is off the scale.

Sorry you’ve been made to feel shit 😣 I wouldn’t even bother mentioning Kieran over there as the narrative has been set and people are too stubborn to see sense or past their own unhealthy hatred of KP (whom none of them are personally affected by, just to add 🤨). I have joined in with the vitriol against KP though so the irony isn’t lost on me here 😅 I don’t like the woman - I think she’s everything that’s wrong with this world, personified! But people are allowed to dislike her and slime ball, womaniser Kieran. The constant justification of this to appease others is getting tiresome now.

People are actively inserting themselves into the lives of these people and taking it off tattle - which is where the blurred lines are occurring here. I think one of the golden rules of tattle is to keep it on tattle which is why the GFM is a shit show 🫣 No-one on a gossip site has any business setting that up and plugging it unless they are personally involved, which they aren’t. No-one here is. Some seem to like the attention they get for being in the know when in reality they wouldn’t be sat on here just to keep strangers in the loop if they genuinely were. Let them crack on and don’t take it too seriously, you won’t be made to feel like that over here anyway.
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What is scary on the KP thread is the Chinese whisper effect.

A recent example was that Michelle said bloody not fucking when she threw the dessert. She clearly said fucking.
One prevelant poster said she said bloody. It's then repeated a few more times
It then becomes fact that she said bloody

It's fascinating stuff
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What a well intentioned all round good egg Sam is. Even rounding up the fees for Kieran 🤥.
This is sooo suss, this was always my problem with it!! Anyone could have set up that GFM. Angelic DID mislead people - the evidence is right there, first post saying 'oooh how lovely, someone anonymous has set up a GFM, I'll pop some money in, why don't all of you if you can' to 'I know Sam, and will pass my thanks on when I see her tomorrow'. Shady as fuck man. And we were crucified for saying so!! And every time we did, and were rounded on, a flurry more donations were made!

I never wanted to see people scammed like this.
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For what it's worth I don't think anyone is a 'twat' for donating, I think they are very kind and empathetic for doing so, and KH should he very honoured that they chose to do that for him. He's so lucky because some dad's don't get that opportunity.
I think people have questioned it because with some of the past scandals like Ashley cain and that captain tom Moore scandal, people are more aware of scams. So I think its just human nature to question things. I think we should always question things.
Regardless of what I think about MP and also what I think about KP, I just hope those little kiddies can get some sort of stability in their lives now. KH is still their dad and all kids should be able to see both their mum and dad. Doesn't matter what we think of them, what matters is that the kids are safe and happy. I hope on both sides they can all reflect and accept the part they've all played in this sorry mess. I hope they can concentrate on J&B and help to build their confidence and keep then both safe, loved and supported. Its time all sides down tools and stop posting the kids on socials now. Let the live away from the public and start to heal. That's what the kids will benefit from now.
It's time for all adults to start being adults. And I hope MPs kids can adjust too and that they can all grow as a family.
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So is this the face behind the Alicia account? Those poor kids caught up in all this mess. Adults behaving worse than children, to hear them justifying throwing a pudding at a child as well.
You can Clearly see her face as well!! FFS 🤦🏻‍♀️ Polly shut up love!! You had a affair with a man who is
A Stripper/ Known Cheater ( love or Loathe Katie He cheated with numerous friends of hers) a Man who does Only fans as Gay for Pay, and she wonders why it went shit shaped
She’s Butt hurt because her own marriage has gone down the toilet, What she is not thinking about is ✈ and 🐰 or her own young boys
Polly might be Kieron’s posh totty but she’s as Dumb as a rubber thumb
I’m not doubting her truth, but all this airing dirty laundry is in such poor taste and damaging to all the children involved in this web of deception deprivation and lies 🤮🤮
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Chatty Member
Is it really any more ridiculous than the suggestion that KP is an international drug mule who smuggles cocaine literally inside her breasts through a special drugs opening, aided and abetted by none other than Cherie Blair, while PP Fencing drives the length and breadth of the country setting up sock accounts to throw the authorities and Tattlers alike off the scent?

Off all the absolutely unhinged things that have been posted on these threads, the idea that KH is Sam doesn't even crack the top 100.

And to clarify, I love that everyone on this thread and particularly the KP thread is so insane, it's why we all stick around.
Don't forget she goes over to Ireland to get 💩 on by fuckface McGreggor while Wayne Lineker films it hahha (I added that bit myself) 😉 because she owes money to the Kinahans hahaha. I read something yesterday that actually made me spit my coffee out coz I laughed that hard!! KH Is not bluffing in the message he sent asking for the video taken down because a higher ranking policeman could have looked at his case and authorised a warrant to find the culprit!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 it all went a bit line of duty for me after that hahhaha surely higher ranking coppers don't ask you to slide into people's DM's and ask them nicely to take videos down hahha.....its just all too cringey now.....People travelling all over to set up accounts.....this isn't major crime gangs operating! Its KATIE FUCKING PRICE who is as thick as mince and has gotten away with most of the shite she's done by playing the mental health card!!! Not by being a criminal fucking mastermind!! Let's not forget though.....none of this would have been necessary if MP hadn't saw fit to throw food at a child and KH filmed it and shared it with his side piece!! THEY are the culprits in this.....yes whoever shared it gave no thought to them kids at all....but neither did M or K at the time either!!
Rant over!! Roger that!! 🕵️‍♀️🕵
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There is a video open to anyone of him in the shower shoving something up his arse. So yes his kids could see that if they googled his name! And we all know they have unsupervised screentime 😞
I can't help but think Jett in particular has seen something like this and its effected him. I couldn't even begin to imagine if my husband did things like that and my kids saw it online, they'd be absolutely distraught. Where would you even begin in trying to explain that. I have even wondered if thats the reason Jett isn't at school, because other kids know and tease him about it.
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Honestly some people will do absolutely anything for money, sticking things up your bum 🤢
When I was doing placement on a surgical ward last year, someone turned up to A+E with thier girlfriends vibrator lost up thier bum - it was still vibrating 😱
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Chatty Member
Just catching up and having read his GFM thank you, I think it’s designed to be ambiguous. It can be read either way. The die hard KH backers will crow that he has acknowledged it and have a post to reference this, and should the GFM shit the bed, he can say that his post wasn’t directed at ‘his’ donations and still have deniability.

I’m sorry, well, I’m not really.. but I just can’t get on board with the fact she levelled a dessert at those kids. Yes, I know people will want to defend it, and yes.. KP is god awful, but I just find it horrendous that she (MP) behaved like that. It’s not cute, or funny, it isn’t defendable and it can’t be justified. If Kieran came out and said he was shoving a badger up his arse and selling the pictures to raise money for court costs; that the GFM was a huge help and he was disgusted with M but was trying to work through it because he too in the past has fucked up, I’d be more inclined to fight his corner.
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Bull***t Buster

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Do they live in a small town? That must be awkward 🤣

I’m not sure if i feel sorry for michelle, obviously there is a reason that she stays and i think it’s probably one upping katie/cash
I completely agree! I don’t feel sorry for her either! She would have known exactly what he was like before even getting pregnant with Apollo. The fact she is coming across as a doormat and just puts up with his behaviour and other women knocking on the door makes me dislike her even more to be honest! She basically puts getting one over on KP, being in the limelight/drama and getting the freebies that come with KH’s grifting over her own self respect. Imagine everyone in your local area knowing you were shacked up and playing happy families with a serial cheat who shoves things up his bum hole!
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