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Absolutely - the fake world of Instagram. Having a mate who lived his life supporting his constantly Instagramming girlfriend showing their "keeping up with the Jones' lifestyle" who is now suffering the consequences of being deeply in debt after she pissed off with another sucker it is clear that this appears to be the norm.

It is clear that each "adult" in this saga has behaved badly. Nobody can doubt that.

I know that sometimes the reporting of bad things takes time, often years later, but why exactly now, when it appears that there is resolution on residency? That, to me seems a bit suss.
Last paragraph, I agree - the timing is suspect. It could still be true yet timed for damage (maybe with input from KP, it's possible)
This woman says that she reported alleged domestic violence (by MP to KH) to the police. Wonder if this affected Kieran's case making it more difficult to see the kids. I'm not saying the DV allegation is true, just that it could make the case more complex -
I’m surprised that KP was aware of the video and hasn’t mentioned it, you know what a gobby witch she is. Very odd behaviour from her 🤔

I don’t know why she wants the kids anyway as she is forever leaving them while she fucks off to get butchered. Is it really just because she doesn’t want KH to have them?
I don't think KP wants any of the kids. IMO she doesn't truly love them, she uses them for coin. Having the kids with her would be a VICTORY for her, because she wants to show she's won - not because she cares about their welfare
Exactly!! I thought the bits around him using his kids to get in with women was awful. The super wholesome shtick from both him and Michelle is sickening... no better than Sophie Price's beige make believe world.
This, the wholesome family image on IG appears to be lies and you have Michelle now squeezing in forced references about Bunny on IG (IMO to show that she's 'won').

Look back to few years ago when they set up Backgrid photos on their family holiday in Majorca, on the beach with B&J... And they monetised the hell out of Apollo christening.... I'm seeing more of their posts in a different light now.
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The reason I haven’t said anything before is because of past posts on here about the GFM where, be honest, some of you’ve absolutely ripped the piss out of those who have donated!

I suppose I just want to point out that I’m not brain dead or deluded, I just wanted to do a good thing and I think that, along with a little bit of well-timed pressure (we all want to belong) was the reason for many who donated. I feel really angry that people may have been duped. But, they may not have been and it could be all above board.

I set up a GFM a couple of years ago (won’t go into reasons but it involved animals!) and I was paranoid about providing updates to people who gave money and I documented every fart and cough of the process, even though the vast majority knew and trusted me. I felt a huge responsibility and it was very important for me to be totally transparent and if anyone had any questions at all (they didn’t) I would have given a belt and braces reply. I think that’s the main reason I started to have doubts early on but didn’t voice them and, IMO, it became taboo to do so. That and the aggressive responses to any dissenters. It’s all so sad and disappointing.
Morning Carole, I'm sorry you feel that way, I personally never thought people were stupid for donating for Kieran to get his kids back. At the time KP seemingly just snatched them back and refused to return them to what looked like a loving and stable home I was pretty upset by it, and could totally understand a desire from people to get them back there.

I'm glad you're posting in here, I like your posts!
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In terms of basic needs on face value - ie Instagram MP / KH appear to be the better option but realistically all we see is what they choose to share on social media and yes the children are appropriately dressed, attending school and clubs ect but they are basic needs being met. Albeit needs that KP is not providing. Behind closed doors though there is evidence of swearing and food being thrown at children and a dad spreading his arse cheeks over the family dining table.

people have donated 16k to a fund on the basis of a hatred for KP, evidence solely obtained on social media and strangers telling them the GFM is legit.,,,
Totally understand your points @hayleybaby thanks for taking the time to reply ❤

I would add though that, its any of us, no one sees what goes on behind our closed doors (thank god 😂) - we all present ourselves in a certain way to the outside world and also adapt this to different situations.

And we are still not seeing the full situation - what we see on f4j, KP fan Pages etc is still presented in a way that someone wants us to see it.

Although I cannot condone the video evidence of MP.

But equally i do know that things arent black and white. We dont know what steps were taken after the pie incident, to ensure it never happened again. I don’t think it’s human nature to write someone off over a mistake, however serious, without giving them a chance to learn and improve.

At the end of the day, MP was heavily involved in J&B care and upbringing….more so than KP their own mother! So although I get that she’s not their mum, she was a major caregiver. With that comes additinal

I get that it may not be a one off. We don’t know. We can speculate but we will never know the full picture. I’m not excusing it I’m just voicing where I’m finding it difficult to reach a solid opinion - I believe that’s because there isn’t a black and white answer but I’m happy to hear other thoughts.

I am following both threads and agree with viewpoints from both. It’s great to hear different opinions and we don’t have to agree with everything from either. It’s not mutually exclusive.

Regarding the GFM I don’t think all people donated because they hate KP. Often we donate because of some experience we’ve had in our lives which means we empathise with a request for support. We all have values we prioritise and stand for. We can’t understand someone else’s experiences but we can try to empathise with their point of view x
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Stripper Vicar

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I’ve got to say, PollyposhPumPum comes across on her socials as Dim tbh, as does this whole thing with her and KH, She had a affair with a stripper A player and is now butt hurt ( No KH and his Eye of Sauron pun intended 🤮) and ruined her marriage and is still ruining her reputation along with anyone else she can take down with her, She might be Pollyposh pussy but she’s not a clever Polly not at all

Question 🙋‍♀️ Why does KH have a Manager, I always just assumed he continued a friendship after KFP and him split with Kirsty, what is Kirsty managing for Kieran, His latest Eye of Sauron and Cucumber 🥒 project on O.F don’t get why he needs a Manager at all, Weird and fooked up all of them
Eye of Sauron ☠

I can’t understand how any woman man or beast falls for the charm of an ex stripper who sells his arse on OF.

He looks like a bergen ffs 🧌

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Do you think DC is a journo? From the start, they were asking for folks to keep / find things from social media that would then sometimes turn up in junk articles (usually The Sun). I thought they were someone affected by KP's first bankruptcy, but then they seemed to become really involved.
I would love for the GFM to be proved either way, as genuine or a massive con. £17k is a huge amount to be forgotten about and denied - I feel bad for the people who donated.
No, I don't in all honesty. From everything they've said all this time, consistently, I think they're helping the people in the bankruptcy who are owed money from KP, that's what asking folks to help find stuff from social media was/is still about. Whether DC is a person owed money themselves I couldn't say, I don't know.
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Bull***t Buster

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He says in one of the messages his 'account is based on fakeness' and in another that his manager is forcing him to post 'soppy shit'. He sounds unhappy with keeping up the image on IG. Why not just walk away and lead a private life, is he that addicted to celebrity that he feels he has to cultivate a really inauthentic image that is making him miserable? The whole thing is sad.
I’m not sure that I believe the whole “I’m made to post soppy shit” narrative! That sounds like typical affair behaviour to me! A bit like the old “My partner is awful, we haven’t slept together in years” except it is rarely true! Guys like KH tell others exactly what they want to hear to get their end away!
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It’s still shocking that people seemingly in the know and close to these people were promoting the GFM and defending KH and MP from any any all questioning when this was the reality behind the scenes. People donating should have had all the facts, but instead anyone that tried to question any details, or people that came on to the site with actual information now shown to be true, were chased off and shouted down. People on low incomes were donating to these twats based on a pack of lies, fake narratives and misinformation.
Will you not be joining some of the others in chucking in a few extra quid for them all to go on holiday if the GFM gets reopened??! 😂
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Yep a lot of the details given are similar.

I'm still cringing at this woman setting up a domain name in Kieran's name and her kids/neighbours/friends all reading this.
The style of writing and vocabulary is very similar to the website, her fb and insta, As well as having very specific descriptions that are word for word in some part of the website
Honestly being Totally serious, What is it about KH? I honestly don’t get it, if he was a stripper I wouldn’t pay to watch him, doesn’t float my boat 🤷🏻‍♀️ 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Where were you mentioned?
This is why nobody comments on this thread the KP loons come over and attack you
you can never speak on the thread !
Imagine hating KP that much you think abusing kids is fine and you donate money to a man just to get one over on a woman you don’t even know but hate 😂

insane like
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My blood ran cold watching him on that video with Katie.

I'm coming to the conclusion that he's a nasty piece of work, tbh....
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I do think though that we don’t know what conversations/arguments/agreements went on behind closed doors. We don’t really know the circumstances. Yes it was an awful thing to have happened and shouldn’t have happened but I do think that we all make mistakes and they have a child together. Is it worth giving him a broken home too, if KH is convinced MP regrets her actions and has taken steps to ensure it doesn’t happen again? I’m just not sure separating would be the better option.

I don’t disagree with all the comments on KH and MP lifestyle and hopefully they reflect on this but I do still believe, on balance, that they can give ✈ and 🐰 a much happier, safe and stable upbringing
In terms of basic needs on face value - ie Instagram MP / KH appear to be the better option but realistically all we see is what they choose to share on social media and yes the children are appropriately dressed, attending school and clubs ect but they are basic needs being met. Albeit needs that KP is not providing. Behind closed doors though there is evidence of swearing and food being thrown at children and a dad spreading his arse cheeks over the family dining table.

people have donated 16k to a fund on the basis of a hatred for KP, evidence solely obtained on social media and strangers telling them the GFM is legit.,,,
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KH isn't just an idiot. He is a narcissist.
Men like him covert narcs are the worst.
I fully believe this woman and what she has written.
I imagine he has better things to worry about at the moment than GFM refunds 😌
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He is indeed.

Some excerpts from this interview when he first started Onlyfans

"’s definitely the thing, getting the content right. I don’t think I have any women followers which doesn’t bother me I used to strip in gay bars all the time."

"On there are full nudes, full nude videos. I’m playing a human Ken doll dressed up in different outfits! It’s exactly like stripping except there you work your way from clothes to no clothes and I’ve sort of gone the other way with this! Full nude for the first few then different types of underwear then for the latest pics I’m in a police outfit. Full wank videos. Not anything that’s explicit, I don’t go and shove things up my ass, but anything like that is all separate charges and request videos"

"The thing is trying to think of content that would appeal to guys. All women all they want to see is your body, with guys they want a bit more than that because at the end of the day they want to be turned on by what they’re looking at and they want to be able to do something with the picture or the video. Also, when I’m filming videos, it’s about making them long enough. I know how long it takes me to have a wank, you don’t want to be putting something on loop!"

"I charge £20.99 for a subscription which is quite high but I’m in the public eye which is slightly different. I think that revenues about £3k a month which keeps you ticking over"

When asked if he was worried about photos being leaked (bear in mind he had two young kids at this time) -

"At the end of the day I did a porno and it’s on PornHub so I’m not really too bothered if something’s out there already. And I used to be a stripper so the amount of people who’ve taken pictures of my dick!"


I think we just read the same interview Mrs B!
Nah. I can’t wrap my head around the fact he’s making other dudes hard and just loving that for himself. Is he bi?
Also imagine being Michelle and going to Asda spending your husbands gay porn money on nappies and fucking rocket.
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Yes, this! It's always been a constant round of this, like, how can you care that they splurge on jewellery, spa days, meals out while in receipt of donations to get their children back - KP is bankrupt! How can you care that MP threw a pudding - KP has done worse! Keiran does OF and his explicit photos are readily available with a quick web search...but KP shoved a Nokia phone up her foof 20 odd years ago! If you slate KH then it means you condone KP's actions for some reason.

No. They're just all looking pretty shit right now IMO.
Something felt off to me about flashing a Maldives holiday day after day as well to thousands of followers, complete with (either real or fake) designer gear to give a certain impression - while fiancee in receipt of charity. I know she probably gets some stuff discounted because of her job but I believe holidays like that (which she does a lot) would still cost a lot.

Yes I know she earns her own money and technically the GFM is not for her and I've made that point before. But in a way it is for her - it's to reunite the kids in the family home. Why should someone donate a tenner when his fiancee clearly is well able to and is spending away on luxury holidays that probably few of those donating could afford (although to be fair, she may have paid for some of his legal fees separately and feels she has given enough?) Either way, the optics of the Maldives type stuff are awful imo.
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Chatty Member
What makes you say that ? And why ? Really seems to be hitting a nerve this opinion with some 🤷
Because you probably are the only one that thinks 2 little children under 8 years old conspired with their mother, personally set up a spy cam in their bedroom to entrap their step parent shouting swearing and throwing things at them, were both able to successfully act in front of the camera while all this was going on so that they give no indication that they knew it was there the whole time, before downloading and emailing the footage to KP. Did they set up an account on tattle two years ago as Soosiesoo too to plant the seed that this video was being sent around the local village? 🤷‍♀️ It’s not so much hitting a nerve as making our brains hurt 🤪
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Me too I followed MrsB over here, she was taking a lot of common sense and logic and was rudely shut down. And I have seen a lot more than I bargained for over here 🫢 which I don’t think is a win situation 😆 but it’s given me some laughs
I saw it and it's why I came over here and said come post what you want there. I do like the thread but some are too fanatic that Kieran is a saint and if you say a word you do get jumped on. I don't agree with that. I never agreed with the GFM either so didn't donate.
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Michelle posting about Apollo spending time with his sister today

I guess she's going to keep using the kids to point score then. It all seems quite forced.
She is the worst out of all three of them when it comes to stuff like this. Grow up woman!
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