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That was already discussed here when it happened. It's nothing new. These were 2 new posters, one sounded unhinged if I remember rightly. They came they went. What is being discussed here is the legitimacy of long standing members who are now being questioned and posts being raked through. It's like a witch hunt!

I'm not defensive😁
it was discussed here when it happened and also those same 2 posters have been discussed at length on the KP thread for several threads. There is literally no difference.

Lots of new members that have tea have been chased off the thread, ridiculed and had pile ons from multiple posters. I had tea during slapgate, a friend worked as an editor at the Sun. When I gave my tea I was aggressively shouted down by Angelic, told I was talking nonsense and she knew better. Thus Ending me sharing any tea in the future. More recently, a member posted tea on JJ and KP’s whereabouts in Leigh as well as other tidbits, they made one claim about an holiday that wasn’t correct at the time and since then haven’t posted as they too were piled on. I knew they were telling the truth about the other bit of info as I live in the local area.

Lots of posters on the KP thread pullup old posts, old articles, discuss the legitimacy of posters and look at inconsistencies. That’s alright over there bit similar posts here are seen as ‘horrible’ and a ‘witch hunt’. Come on? Surely you can see the hypocrisy? Witch hunt is a bit of a reach and more than a bit dramatic imo.
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I’ve just caught up on the skanks thread and I’m actually laughing that some people are saying they don’t want you bringing up KH/MH on there because it’s a thread for the skank?…

You can certainly bring up Peter Andre, Alex Reid, Carl woods etc but not Saint Kieran.
Why? They were are all involved with the skank?

Imagine going on the goodman sisters thread but you can’t talk about Kyle walker? 🙄😂

You also can’t bring up ‘pudding gate’ because it happened 2 years ago but you can bring up anything else that happened even 10 years ago.

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Don’t really get how people can say the allegations have nothing to do with the kids when he is introducing them to woman.. the arguments also have everything to do with the kids who have to live with it. Quite frankly if it was the other way round and about KP the kids would absolutely be dragged into it🙄
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I have always been very Team K&M, as I despite Kipper, but if you're going for custody of two young children I think taking a step back - a very big step back - from OF's type behaviour would be an absolute given.

I am not judging how someone makes money but, come on, this is custody of children.

Maybe I'm being too frigid and prudish but I don't think I am.

At present I think both sides need to sort themselves out before they can be allowed to any privileges.
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Kieran Hayler sounds like the biggest slime ball known to womankind. I don’t rate Michelle one bit and won’t get over the pie video but in terms of her relationship the woman needs to run for the hills. He is pathetic and gross. And we all now know for sure that he did in fact is that video to get in someone’s knickers. What a wrong’un he is.
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Just to say I've followed the KP thread for years - the cliquiness, group-think, thread favourites and thread policing is nothing new.
I rarely post on there because there's usually some nasty reply from someone who twists what you're saying or doesn't know what they're talking about 🤷‍♀️
And so paranoid - any new poster is assumed to be a flying monkey and hounded of the thread, soon it will literally be an echo chamber.
I can’t read it. As in, I can’t understand it. They use so many abbreviations and nicknames that even the wiki is unreadable.

I *gasp* don’t hate KP though, so it’s not for me, I get that. I think the continual repetition of the same relationship pattern over and over again is due to genuine unresolved trauma in her early years. I also think her first marriage was incredibly damaging, and I don’t think any of her husbands/partners have been nice people. Having multiple children is another sign of this (‘at least they’ll love me’), and I think it’s all really bloody sad. As time goes on I think it’s very likely she’ll die too young, either accidentally or she’ll take her own life. I know she’s 45ish, but I don’t think she’s been able to emotionally develop past the age where a lot of this trauma happened. Do I think everything she does is appropriate and excusable? No, of course not. But I do think I understand why. The right therapist will be able to unpick it all, but it takes years!

Thank you for reading, I’m more than ready for people to disagree but I’m hoping not in the way they would in the other thread!
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Chatty Member
Oh deary me!! Well I am gonna say it...he is a fuckin shit dad if he is carrying on like that and involving his children in his seedy life!! Just coz all this supposedly happened 2 years ago doesn't mean for one minute that things have changed and they are a happy little family now!! We see what they want us to see....not what really goes on behind closed doors!!! Even the manager knew what they were like!! She will just be in it for her cut of any earnings she brings him!! He is a fucking cretin and I honestly can not believe some people still think its all about KP!! He will be rubbing his grubby little mits thinking he is getting away with all of this because some folk think it's a vendetta against him !! Shit shit person!! Once again those poor kids 😢
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Ladies you're all getting ever so slightly carried away on here. Can I just say I'm not very pleased that I'm getting a mention in this so called scam. You need to be careful what you're saying. I hope there will be some heartfelt apologies when the truth comes out.
Howling at the irony here!
You have shared the GFM link though no?
Why does anyone need to be careful what they’re saying?
What do you want apologies for?
So many questions!

Here’s a few more:

Who is Sam Davis?
Why hasn’t KH acknowledged the GFM?
Why has it been frozen if it’s all supposedly above board?

Just like as happened with the Ashley Cain GFM, you beg for money, you can expect to be questioned..
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I think my last post over there will be my last post over there. Unwatched. Uninterested now. Talk about being made to feel unwelcome and ostracised for having a difference of opinion. Fucking tunnel vision whale crap. It's like some grown women have lost their marbles and peripheral vision over a philandering anus flasher.

Aye, so this octopus is migrating over if you'll have me, haha! 🐙🐙

I don't understand how the discussion surrounding him and the GFM is now untouchable - when it never was before. So, in that theory, Carl, Peter, Emily, Boyd, etc. must never be discussed going forward, right?

I live here now - and on Eastenders (which gets filthy at the weekend when it's not on) and on Neighbours (because I just like it).
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The thing that gets me about this thread it seems to mock things that are said over on the KP thread, like the McGregor/shit face thing for example and then proceed to then say well it’s a gossip site we’re here to gossip. Well yeah, that’s how that conversation came about in the first place. Or that KH is ‘begging’ via the GFM and how grim and unsavoury it is then the next post is giving him shit for not taking about it or acknowledging it. Wey he can’t be begging and also not acknowledging it so which is it? It’s mad contradictory. I couldn’t give a shiny shite about his OF activity and it shouldn’t be posted on here anyway, the explicit stuff. KFP literally chucked a Nokia up her Fanny in public but we’re all clutching pearls about what he gets up to in his own house for a private subscription service. Make it make sense. I ain’t his biggest fan, if I was Michelle I personally wouldn’t put up with his shit. On the same token if I was KH I wouldn’t be with her after the pie throwing. I think it’s highly likely he’s done the dirty and he’s sent that video to some side piece for sympathy. Absolutely ridiculous thing to do but that doesn’t warrant it being plastered all over the internet as well as other vile accusations being made. As far as I’ve seen the man loves his kids and does right be them, there’s no neglect and they are allowed to be kids. The video is two years old and it’s clearly been seen by the people it needs to be seen by, two other kids were not removed and neither were B&J, she failed to return them, big difference. It’s obviously been decided that they are not at risk in the home. Regardless of the circumstances surrounding the video MP shouldn’t have done what she did, I’d go ape shit if someone treated my kids like that. But it’s been dealt with, they are moving on and trying to get those kids into a safe environment and given what we have all seen by KPs own social media her home ain’t that. It’s a decent thread to come and read when it’s not entirely focused on slagging off the KP thread and some valid points being made that got me thinking but honestly it’s two faced as fuck as well and I’ve been proper shocked reading some people fully calling other posters out and essentially calling them fraudsters. Wild behaviour.
Thank you for saying your opinion without being bitchy .
I personally don't comment anything on the KP thread regarding KH or GFM anymore. I realised it was not helping . I don't think anyone has said he is a beggar as he didn't set the GFM up , however I may have missed posts that have said this.
Do I think the OF stuff is vile when you have young kids. I do. That's not çlutching pearls. That's from remembering catching my Mum having sex once at 10 and not being able to look at her properly for a week.
If my school friends could Google her and see her starfish whilst she was opening her arse cheeks. I think I would have emigrated to Mars.
Those kids have no moral compass to guide them. I find that sad.
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Sam is kieran hayler? Well I've heard it fucking all now🤣

This guessing game is absurd, doubting posters that have been on here for years and going through their old posts?
Well maybe if people were allowed to discuss the GFM on the other thread without getting a load of abuse and basically shut down then they wouldn’t be so curious about the people who have promoted it? 🤷🏼‍♀️
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Nelly's mum

VIP Member
Just to say I've followed the KP thread for years - the cliquiness, group-think, thread favourites and thread policing is nothing new.
I rarely post on there because there's usually some nasty reply from someone who twists what you're saying or doesn't know what they're talking about 🤷‍♀️
And so paranoid - any new poster is assumed to be a flying monkey and hounded of the thread, soon it will literally be an echo chamber.
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I haven't really voiced my thoughts on this utter shit show but feeling a wee bit brave and I know I won't get pounced on here.

I do think kids need to be away from their mother. I did think that KH & MP were the more stable home but since the pudding thrown incident I don't.

If anyone done that to my child or nieces I'd rip their fucking head off and I don't care that we don't know the "context" or it happened 2 years ago and it might have been a one off, I find it inexcusable.

And moreso it's obvious to me from the voice recording that neither Kieran or Michelle went into that bedroom to make sure Bunny was ok/clean her bed because neither of them fucking knew if it was Bunny or Jett she chucked the pudding at. So did that wee girl go to bed that night in a bed covered in pudding and upset? 💔💔

Do I think it would meet the threshold to have the children removed? Maybe, whilst it was being investigated. How do we know for sure that the kids weren't removed from KH & MP and given to KP? Do I think the pudding incident once investigated and if it was established it was one off and MP made assurances to SS (perhaps sought some therapy or done a parenting class), that the kids could have been returned? Yes

It is interesting though neither of them can remember which child MP threw the pudding at if it only happened the once, you would think you would remember the details of a one off incident better, unless incidents like this happen more often 🤔.

I do not believe that that household will be harmonious, if anything it will be tumultuous. I truly believe KH & MP have been posting a false narrative on Instagram for years now.

Those kids deserve better, much much better. Do I believe the kids physical needs were met by KH&MP? Yes, they appeared to be going to school, age appropriate clothing, probably more rules and routines etc, however I don't believe their emotional needs are being met by either parent and step-parent. And me saying that about KH in particular is not because he cheated, I totally agree that is no reason for him to lose access to his children.
But he is not putting them first by not comforting/supporting his child in a time of need (he couldn't remember either which child had been hit with the pudding, therefore I doubt he checked in on them afterwards). He is using them for clout and sympathy to be a influencer on Instagram and to get his dick wet.

I don't think the kids need to go into care but I do think KH should focus on his 2 children that 100% need him to step up right now, put them first. If that means leaving MP so be it, (maybe not for forever, although I don't know why either would want to stay with the other at this point, it toxic as fuck) he can co-parent hopefully amicably re A and would he nice if he stayed in V's life.

Just my thoughts. I truly hope that these 2 kiddos are on a better trajectory and things start improving for them. However since pudding gate I'm not confident that KH & MP household is the best place (to reiterate not suggesting care but think KH needs to prioritise them)

Much love to all you (insert nickname) have you guys got a nickname yet lol?

Edit: spelling
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Unpopular opinion posted and I see people like me are being called two faced! Hardly. Can't I have an opinion on both? Why is every other person in her life allowed to be mentioned on that thread but not Kireran. I liked the thread but I'll stop commenting if people are going to be slagging me off.
And want to start a new fund to send them all on holiday now that KH has apparently won the kids back (which I have not seen any evidence is the case)! I mean, it’s so kind, but I really do worry that people have got really carried away with this. We don’t know them!
I've just commented on that and another post.
Jumped on already taken my words out of context and said I am saying I hate the KP thread lol. I obviously didn't say that.
Put the poster that seems to want to twist my words on ignore, gonna leave it now as I am very sensitive and can't deal with shit like this. Severe anxiety and depression so I am already holding back tears. I dunno why I let people get to me.
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I also just read a comment that said it clearly hasn't affected V, he's a well balanced young man. How on earth do you know that you only see what MP posts on her stories, you have no idea how he actually is, what he's actually seen or heard and how it's affected him. If that was videos and voice ones of KP coming out from 2 years ago they'd be quick enough to tell us how it must have affected B&J and how those poor souls need removing from KP immediately! And I'm no KP fan either!
Exactly… and it clearly affected V because wasn’t he commenting on Insta sticking up for his mum?

It’s sad that you cannot even comment on the other thread with an opinion on KH/MP unless you remind everyone at the bottom of your post that you’re not a fan of KP either.
People are allowed to dislike both sides, we shouldn’t have to keep mentioning we don’t like that skank 😂 that’s what brought us all together in the first place.

one thing I will say is ALL the adults involved in this on both sides have been cunts whether it was last month, 2 years ago or 5 years ago!
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Chatty Member
Since that Kieran webpage has came out there seems to be quite a few people still going on saying..

‘oh but this was all 2 years ago’
‘she’s just a woman scorned’
‘why would she record messages’
‘KP and bent social worker are behind it’

That doesn’t matter!!.. what matters is KH used a video of his children getting an Apple pie lashed at them by the stepmother for sympathy so he could dip his dirty dick in other places!!!

To me that is not something a good parent would do whatever way you look at it.

Them poor kids need some stability, protecting, a lot of care and a loving household, if KH has them back then I really hope they have some support in place with the children because they have been messed up as it is living with KP.
I also just read a comment that said it clearly hasn't affected V, he's a well balanced young man. How on earth do you know that you only see what MP posts on her stories, you have no idea how he actually is, what he's actually seen or heard and how it's affected him. If that was videos and voice ones of KP coming out from 2 years ago they'd be quick enough to tell us how it must have affected B&J and how those poor souls need removing from KP immediately! And I'm no KP fan either!
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Sam is kieran hayler? Well I've heard it fucking all now🤣

This guessing game is absurd, doubting posters that have been on here for years and going through their old posts?
Is it really any more ridiculous than the suggestion that KP is an international drug mule who smuggles cocaine literally inside her breasts through a special drugs opening, aided and abetted by none other than Cherie Blair, while PP Fencing drives the length and breadth of the country setting up sock accounts to throw the authorities and Tattlers alike off the scent?

Off all the absolutely unhinged things that have been posted on these threads, the idea that KH is Sam doesn't even crack the top 100.

And to clarify, I love that everyone on this thread and particularly the KP thread is so insane, it's why we all stick around.
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I'm sure she reads here too, I remember a few weeks back we were commenting on here about her being flashy with things whilst the gfm is happening, and lo and behold the very next morning she's posting a photo of her designer bag whilst in some luxury location. Very passive aggressive.
Her Christian Dior Hat and beach bag looks Faker than KFP’s Lips 😂🤣🤣🤣 it’s crass and sad
Exactly… and it clearly affected V because wasn’t he commenting on Insta sticking up for his mum?

It’s sad that you cannot even comment on the other thread with an opinion on KH/MP unless you remind everyone at the bottom of your post that you’re not a fan of KP either.
People are allowed to dislike both sides, we shouldn’t have to keep mentioning we don’t like that skank 😂 that’s what brought us all together in the first place.

one thing I will say is ALL the adults involved in this on both sides have been cunts whether it was last month, 2 years ago or 5 years ago!
That Echo Chamber only see’s black and white, just KFP and anything around her, KH has a History of this behaviour that’s apparent, but people have it in their heads he is the Saviour for the Kiddos and are blinded by bull💩,
Love how people were dying for Tea prior to PollyPoshpumpum released the website and then because it didn’t suit it gets glossed over
because it’s too difficult to think KH is no Angel and it’s possible the GFM is not above board
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All I'm seeing is a load of unhinged people in this whole, kh, mp and now this polly pocket woman. Absolute nutcases all of them. Those poor kids have no bloody hope
Why aren't the adults being adults???? I hate saying this because he's well, Carl. But I actually think Carl was one of the more 'normal' adults around and that's saying something!
Heaven help them!
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