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VIP Member
Sure I’d say half the country’s electricity bill is shot up cos we are all at home more now but sure I’m not surprised all the washing drying and hoovering goes on I’d say if you sat still long enough Borena would have ya in the washing machine 😂🤪


VIP Member
Jesus they're totally insufferable definitely watching here did she refer to herself as borna earlier and then she said they were slobs. The actual state of the two of them.
No shame whatsoever, pure greedy pair, look at faces on them with the cakes and brushing and scratching her hair at the same table 🤮 do they really not know what is actually acceptable behavior, both look like they could do with a good scrub . Greedy grabbers


Chatty Member
Had a quick look this morning still spying on people in car park and. Now going on that he thinks something ups with a disc in his back


VIP Member
It’s obsessive. The windows, the footpath, the floors - like we all clean the house etc but this is obsessive daily. I wonder is it because it’s all she seems him as. I can’t see him taking the manly control and surprising her with exciting sex or anything like that. (My fanny just shuddered)

He’s as bad sometimes he was out one day taking up the stones in the front garden to ‘wash’ them 😂😂 and he wasn’t even joking 🙃 in sense it shows how far he goes to get away from Borena!!


He didn't even pay full price for the new mop.
Borena has put away her technical drawings for the kitchen, they've enough begging done someone must have #gifted them one.


Active member
Did any of his shows take place? Also, what is the deal with his merchandise? Is he that famous that he sells merchandise? Wtf? Sorry now, but if lockdown has thought me anything, it’s to put an end to these chancers flogging crap and taking the piss. They are NOT influencers, these people are making a lot of money. Is he represented by an agency? Does he charge for posts, ads etc?
No afaik the shows have been rescheduled- for when I’m not sure as I have unfollowed. He was charging €40 for the hoodies with up & at it embroidered onto them- I’d be scarlet going around in one of them! God only knows why he thinks he’s famous enough to see that stuff, he had teapots, glasses & mugs for sale too, they were so expensive I’d want the. To come with someone to make me drinks- like absolutely stupid money. I don’t know about the agency but he seems to get plenty gifted stuff alright


Active member
Oh I wonder if they know about this page he was getting a bit of a grilling yesterday for being a lazy slob and today he's flat out "working" ffs we all do jobs around the house but this asshole needs a lie down after filling the dishwasher and mopping the floor. How can they both think normal couples joke about breaking the bridge of each other's noses do people speak to each other like this where he's from??


More and more people are starting to call him out on things on his lives. No harm..why won't he name the charity he donated money to?


VIP Member
Are you saying the lighting shop is new if this is correct they are even bigger beggars than we give them credit for. Remember all the very very expensive high end products he blagged out of the baby shop that had literally just opened. He seems to prey on start ups the miserable miser. If they can't afford children or to do up their house like trailer trash they shouldn't bother at all it's not fair that start up businesses have to find their lifestyle.
They had Ellie Kelly and her mam in it a few months ago too.. looks like they’re going to be another “spotlight” throwing shit at every Tom dick and Harry who looks their way


VIP Member
Wonder is Borena preggers again. There was no talk of her returning to work and that child is 9 months old. Notice no wine lately and she was driving home last night. He wasn’t - just wondering that’s all. Knowing them they’d decide to have another baby at the height of his insta ‘fame’ to utilise numbers
I asked a couple of times when was she heading back to work, got ignored obvs


Active member
Oh well he's obviously deleted the last few stories he had up. He posted a rant about a girl giving out about him. It's bullying you know to talk about the amount of gifted stuff he gets. He posted about another girl, then a video of someone scrolling through the galz that snap (or whatever its called) all giving out about him.


VIP Member
Yes he did show the pictures and put up a nasty comment about both women who both happened to be called Louise (legends!!). But when he was scrolling through all the comments there were a lot about him you could kinda see them. We all all in major trouble when they come across this thread - I hope there is no way he can find out who we are they will go nuts but of course we will be trolls not a word of truth spoken on this page ever just a load of bullies we honestly need to get a life!! Must be a member of that page to see the comments.
He was more or less asking this Louise to get in contact. Orna is never satisfied they’re always bloody doing something to the house she’s a pure nag . They met in home ec as teens there’s a defo Philip schofield about it ! Begging for a free kitchen is just woeful I’d have more respect if they came out and asked did anyone want to collab !