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VIP Member
Her maths is shite if she thinks she goes the gym 5 nights a week.
Her face said it all when he replied she’s only been 14 times in the last month 🤣
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Words actually fail me with this one. Honestly does she not realise that if she actually lost any weight that’s she wouldn’t always have a big arse, thighs and boobs? Everything would shrink. Also everybody could be slim if they lost weight. She blames her ‘curvy’ shape but if she actually tried to she would be slim


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Why can’t her mum go near her niece? An abscess isn’t contagious last time I checked. Also, why is she trying to get her to crawl when the parents aren’t there to see it? I’d be pissed if that was my kid
Agreed, I would to!!
And also just wondering, do you think a potty mouth causes an abscess 😂😂😂
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She’s having a shit day let’s hope she’s been sacked or laid off ha!
Nah it won’t be that, someone has probably eaten her snickers and she’s realised finally that mummy doesn’t use fry light
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Do they teach the curriculum at Brit School? I only ask because K’s grasp of BASIC grammar is absolutely abhorrent.

Exhibit a)

What I don’t get is why she serves up her food with the fat on it and always puts on her posts (fat removed)
When you have a roast dinner it is simple to serve up the meat without the fat.
Do you remove the fat Kirsty? Really?

I can’t think of anything worse than sitting taking the fat off while sitting down to eat a meal. Just don’t serve it with the fat on it!

I think her Mum cooks in oil and tells her she uses fry light because she knows she is too dumb to notice.😂
I have thought this myself. I don’t eat meat, but my mum does and when she was following slimming world she always cut the fat off before cooking. If you cool the meat with the fat on, you’re cooking it in it’s own fat... thus it defeats the point, surely?


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Nice way of getting out of giving an accurate answer. When you have literally blind weighed for one week and then skipped the other. The other 48 weeks of this year don’t count no? 😂😂😂

Pretty clear to see👀
She looks bigger this year than last 😂

Nothing wrong with whatever u weigh - or how far u progress tbh but she does me tits in with the ‘I’m so motivational, look at me’ bullshit.....I’d find her inspirational if she actually pulled her finger out and lost the weight....or just admit defeat and be happy with the work she puts in now and how she looks at the moment....cuz unless she changes something drastic then I can’t see her loosing much more 🤷🏼‍♀️ not with sw’s obvs not working for her!

Greasy plate again. Those sausages look disgusting 🤮
It just doesn’t look appealing at all does most of her wonder she obviously constantly cheats and then doesn’t loose anything....I’ve always said you need to enjoy your food whilst loosing weight....and it’s a very Achievable thing - with being on insta does she not look at the many many many other INSPIRING meals that others post and think oh that looks great I’ll try that 🤔 one is seeing that meal and drooling about it 😂
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Chatty Member
Could be 55...

... in cloud coockoo land...

I weigh about 58kg so she can dead lift ME!?? An entire woman. Not a petite woman. Yet she can just about swing an 8kg bell
It could be 55kg. I can dead lift 125kg but took me 2 years and I do intensive weights and one to one sessions and I can tell you if I had her form my PT would not let me lift 10kg. Like you say she struggles with a decent kettle bell 😂
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Her gym vids are boring same shit different day. She doesn’t do enough cardio! I think she stuck to it this week so will have a loss probably a big one but won’t hide the fact that she’s still gained weight overall and lost awards and trying to gain them back 🙄

These thoughts of the days are so cringey! Get a fucking lofe
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VIP Member
Same old workout again!

At least she ditched the gypsy hoop earrings she wore to the gym on Monday 🙈
She only wears them when her personal trainer is in 😂

as if men have come up to her telling her how good she looks in the gym 😂😂😂😂😂
If they are saying that Kirsty babe it’s called sarcasm and ripping the shit out of you behind your back because you look like a massive jiggly sack of spuds.
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Well-known member
She has so much free time she could be out doing some voluntary work, it would help others and look good on her CV..she needs all the help she can get!!! Instead the big lump goes home to shower, eat and bed at 5pm ffs
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