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Double PMSL- She's such a tool. No sign of a new job yet. Shes happy enough on the chav white leather sofa when she's not going to the gym with Robert De Niro
I was thinking about this before, she hasn’t mentioned any interest in getting a job has she? I wonder if she’s even applying for any... if not, if I was in her position, my parents would be kicking me up the ass and telling me to sort my life out haha
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VIP Member
She’s been quiet today apart from showing us she’s brought the entire shelf of bagels and yogurt. When is she gonna show us her new Bra???
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VIP Member
That Pic of her in the yellow top from this month, all I see is what looks like an erect nipple sticking out! 😂
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Well-known member
She must spend all day thinking about her ## She's good at angles though, that is not the same face the hairdresser snapped lol
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I dont even think its body confidence she has this proper arrogance about her..... I swear she sees something we dong
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VIP Member
Yeah if she was more honest about her struggles n eating I’d find it so much more interesting and relatable but constantly telling ppl she hopes they are motivated, we’ve got this, slow progress is still progress blah blah it’s just not truthful

Yeah if u don’t look at that fish 🤮🤮
It looks like someone’s punched it and then she’s sat on it. If she actually ate what she said she did, she could be 8-9 stone Lighter by now
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Chatty Member
She went yesterday for half an hour 🙈
Her ‘gym’ sessions are a joke, half an hour of casually strolling round a tyre the way she does would burn off about one mouthful of a snickers bar 😂

Who eats beans and cucumber and even if you do why would you post it? 🤮

Any Alan Partridge fans in here? Her beans and cucumber combo just makes me think of Michael and his cup with beans and a sausage 😂 does she use the cucumber to stir/scoop the beans I wonder 🤔 🤢
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Chatty Member
She makes me wish I still had my iwatch so I could add her and see what she actually burns at the gym....

I'd never heard of her until I saw this thread and I find myself seeking her out to see what bollox she's posting! But then I get mad so go knows why I do it!
She used to take part in challenges on fitbit and her step count was never what she said on her Instagram page!
Just typical Kirsty... lies!!
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VIP Member
That BIG shite looking lunch must have filled the gap as no evening meal post?
She’s not going to post her bedroom pizza is she now?
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I don't think she has a medical problem else she would definitely have alluded to it but i think she's just not honest. Her gym workouts...45 mins to an hour of hard graft along with the food she post would make a massive impact but we see 30 second clips of half arsed work and who knows how many reps she actually does as she never says...she just shows us what she wants to. Must take her ages setting up the shots in the first place.
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Active member
I think her consultant is letting her down by blind weighing as last time she ended 1/2lb UP! Clearly doesn’t work for her. Face facts you’re binge eating and trying to exercise to create a deficit which isn’t happening as you don’t push yourself hard enough in the gym! You need to up your cardio for starters! Even rebeccas routine has commented and it’s a dig surely lol xx
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New member
I don’t understand why she is lifting weights and doing squats or whatever the hell she does? She should be running, cross trainer and maybe the rowing machine. Not at her weight should she be lifting weights!!!
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Bloody hell how much does she need for her lunch? Just because you can have it all doesn’t mean you should
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