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VIP Member
I wonder if her parents get pissed off that she’s just at home all the time without contributing financially or if they just aren’t bothered?
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VIP Member
These are on her Twitter 2015

She looked quite good in 2015 .. there’s pics of her with long blonde hair & also red hair .. I wouldn’t have thought she would suit blonde but it does look good
She literally looks hardly any different to now
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VIP Member
Penfold has blocked me 😂 guessing kirst has taken over his insta and blocking anyone who views his stories that she has blocked. No wonder she's not got a job insta must take up her whole day #itsokivegotanotheraccountkirst#goingtowagamammadiesntmakeyouafoodblogger#penfoldrunforthehills
I was blocked buy him. But now unblocked again 👀
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VIP Member
I understand everyone's situation living at home is different but it's not like she's contributing or anything
I’m agree with that totally with the contributing and no drive to work.

my comment was just meaning even those who do work and pay board/rent/towards Older parents Bills/debts can’t always move out as young as we’d wish.
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Is anyone calling anything for tomorrow's weigh in? I reckon a gain from the dirty weekend away.
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Is it just me that found his hand placement on his steering wheel really weird? And the way his arms were locked out 😨
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Active member
Breathing in for dear life Yes, but it also looks like she has “folded her rolls” into her trousers, it looks like her belly flab has a fold in it (is that a horrible thing to say??) as if she’s wanted to “tuck” her belly in.
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VIP Member
Is this where Kirsty gets her inspiration from? 😂😂😂
She’s defo a KP fan type

The breakfast, I find it really off putting seeing loads of shite to have for breakfast it would make me want to vomit. Why doesn’t she just have some porridge or toast and jam without all the extra cups of shite.
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Guys remember when this thread was drying up and we thought she’d never have any interesting material for us again? Those dark times are well behind us it would seem! Thums up from me
I love this. They really are the gift that keeps on giving 🤣
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Chatty Member
Her transformation Tuesday.. then you compare to the pic of her in the kitchen and it’s no different. Isn’t there a blogger woman who went viral when her nutribullet exploded who also calls her fella ‘the handsome’ 🤢
Yes! It’s Kate Lawler, always calls him ‘The Handsome’ (cringe)
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