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Active member
Yep it is her full time job. She claims she earns 6k a month. Her boyfriend works at Urban. She dragged him to London to move in with her and her 2 housemates, got a cat, and then decided to get pregnant and drag him back home to Dublin and expected her parents to let them live there. She now says it wasn't planned even though there's literally tons of vids where she talks about trying for a child and not being on contraception, and she made no effort to find a place in Dublin before going.

He never used to dress like that before Keelin convinced him they looked like siblings (because she is so androgynous, apparently) and should therefore have a communal wardrobe.
Thanks for that. I still don’t get her huge following though!!
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Well-known member
I used to really enjoy Keelin’s videos but am starting to stop watching her content like many others on here. Has anyone got recommendations of other vloggers they enjoy watching?
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According to the description of her latest podcast episode she's still vegetarian

The thing is that Saoirse has art that is surely not everyone's cup of tea but is actually so much more interesting than those stars that look like they'll come off after just one wash!!

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she's never been diagnosed and as far as im aware hasnt made any attempts to get diagnosed with ADHD, i remember she was told she may have BPD and she didnt agree....she said that she thought she was disassociating but she wasn't disassociating after all she just needed glasses..i remember distinctly because i thought it was the stupidest thing id ever heard. AKA she didn't get diagnosed with ADHD like she wanted but she has just decided to say she has it anyway

also regarding her OF pics, they used to literally come up when you searched her insta @, i never sought them out (obviously) and still ended up seeing them. Hopefully they're more buried now
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Well-known member
Someone mentioned a while back about her deleting a load of insta posts. I took a look and most of the more titty ones are gone. Like the ones with earth emojis covering her nips.
Thats so sketchy deleting all her old posts. Just shows how fake she is.
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I think this narrative that some people on this thread push about her dad “shacking up” with someone else and starting a new family and abandoning his first family is unfair and demonstrably false.

There’s never been any evidence that he cheated on his first wife nor that he just walked out and abandoned his kids. In fact, he is shown to be quite close to all of his children. He (and his wife) helped Keelin out with furnishing her apartment and now helps with childcare too. It seems that of her two parents, he is a support system both emotionally and financially.

The age difference between Saoirse and his youngest child is quite big - so on the surface it looks like they divorced, he met someone new and they had a child. He didn’t abandon his older children and it’s ridiculous to suggest that when he is clearly active in all of their lives. I’m sure there was difficulty as can be expected in all broken families. But none of us are privy to the details.

What I will say though is that adult children do not cut a parent out of their life for stupid reasons. My partner did it and I watched for years as the parent they cut out abused them and I couldn’t do anything about it. Sometimes things were fine, great even but it all switched in an instant.

So unless you have experience with that type of situation, I don’t think it’s appropriate to suggest that Keelin is exaggerating her mother’s abusive behaviour and that she should cut her some slack. Parents can be terrible people too.

Where Keelin went wrong was blasting it all over the internet for everyone to see. Her mother isn’t a public figure but we’ve all seen her face in old posts so I hope none of Keelin’s stans take it upon themselves to approach her in public and say something.
No she’s definitely talked about her dad cheating on her mom and I think he’s spoken publicly about it as well?
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I know she didn’t exactly plan the baby but I do remember her jokingly saying it a lot and including her taking pregnancy tests loads in vlogs so maybe she wasn’t even on contraception? I honestly don’t think she understood that she would be bringing a whole new life into the world that needs her and Jason’s undivided attention and care for a long time
She mentioned in quite a few videos before she was pregnant that they were trying for a baby and I think she's also mentioned that she wasn't on contraception for years

What video is this from?

omg? the coke thing really hit home for her
Screenshot 2022-10-18 at 00.42.15.png
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has anyone found out what she named the baby? she mentioned before that its an unusual irish name so im quite interested
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