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the cheek

VIP Member
Why would she get a cleaner? Why can’t she clean her own house in her own time just like the other million parents that make sure their kids live in a clean house. Heard how she lets the son back chat her.. she acts scared of her own kid. She daren’t say boo to him

She did not just ask the neighbour to watch her autistic kid from next door… left him alone. He’s like 8/9 year old and it’s normally the people close to you that are dodgy

Morgan went into the road but yet she just told her eldest she went to save him first who DIDNT fall into the road… I can’t with her this morning
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I'm not sticking up for them in anyway but in a live they said they will share old videos to show how happy they were the last time they were together 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️
Can't have many to share though considering it was mainly a disaster
But I’m pretty sure when she had the dreads she was going through a finding herself after Linda phase aka away from linda
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VIP Member
Can someone tell me why she has to show her work top.. I mean we all know she’s not working
So her new followers think she is working.
Noticed she mentioned how much he loved her boss too today when I
watched some of her live this morning.
She not changed much I see. Only her hair!
Wouldn't wash the dishes as it wasn't her mess.
Yet they looked like the dishes from last night, when she did the dinner of mash etc.
Couldn't go swimming as its her monthly, and she is poorly. Yet asked the youngest if he wanted to go on a bike ride. His answer was no.
Kept going on she didn't need a girlfriend, just a cuddle would be nice and not s**. Says she keeps getting messages of women though saying she is fit and can they come round. She has told them no.
Oh she was told she could have mods on Instagram, she said oh will need my mod friends from TT, though I know a few haven't spoken to her since her last live on TT. So maybe she will hold of on them for a bit. As she doesn't seem to have a big following now and prefers it. Least she can interact better and not ignore people, as I found that very rude, especially people that gifted her.
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Chatty Member
I ain’t been on for a few days so didn’t see no pics 🤷🏻‍♀️ They ain’t here now so they may have been deleted.

i do want K to green screen the screenshot of proof she has that wonder woman is who she says it is 🤷🏻‍♀️😂 L does it all the time
It wasn’t even of her child the pics it was from his tiktok someone just showing him posting pics of alcohol and a stash of money . Nothing half as dramatic as that twats making out. As a child on tiktok she should be supervising what he’s posting and make his account private so only friends have him.
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Well-known member
If she set that up so it looks like that deanne then she’s an ultimate twat and she has zero proof that she’s done anything she’s prob sat there and gettin all kinds of shit now. She’s already lied saying her pics of her kid was uploaded. Lying boot
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WTAF how is she getting away with this.. it’s disgusting. She really boils my blood
Same here! If your well enough this morning to be up and dressed, face on and on live then your well enough to just phone the GP surgery in the morning to get anitibotics. If we had to pay for an ambulance she would definitely not use them!
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Well-known member
Why’s Riley mentioning Linda? And how can people sit there screaming at there phones 🤷🏻‍🤦🏻‍♀️
Riley is a shithouse she won’t say anything bad about katie as she got mass reported when they fell out so Riley’s up her arse
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the cheek

VIP Member
Fact that police only turned up cuz her sons out on street being a little gangster and she’s pretending it’s about something else lol
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VIP Member
It doesn’t surprise me they are friends. I do think it’s not as much friends friends. They share a bond with Niamh brother being K’s eldest dad. So it’s more of a family relationship. And I do believe Niamh sees Katie. Like sees her for what she actually is, but when you have someone who bonds you together that can really muddy the waters.
I knew Katie would be back, she’s too self absorbed and narcissistic to stay away. Her smug face with her wanky teeth just absolutely irritate me, but with the OG’s to K’s lies still hanging around - she’ll never live what she did down.
Oh yes, I forgot about N brother being the eldest dad.
Just seen her latest video about being positive on the app, as a cruel word can tip someone over the edge. Sorry but what about what she called that lovely lady.
Obviously forgotten about that. But that's her all over.
Am I wrong in thinking that she was supposed to be having a tattoo done for that little boy, in the charity event. Didn't he want a dragon/ dinosaur and his name. And she did keep saying she was getting it done. And everyone lashing all over her for being so generous etc. Not seen anything about that. Or have I got it wrong? Maybe another charity thing she was involved with. As I noticed she has had another tattoo though.
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Active member
Yeah, what parent , who does work full time (not sure if k works full time but that doesn’t matter) you still wouldn’t afford to give 300 to one of the kids with that job. Gunna definitely grow up expecting there partners to give give give while they do nothin apart from be ungrateful adults

Oh and k has only put she’s ‘taken’ to show Linda she’s trying to keep the other lesbians away
It’s clear they bk together she was L live an she was defending K.
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VIP Member
She is moving to Telford to be with Linda she’s put it on her backup account
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