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The recent photos in the press of her are really sad. Seeing her with her boobs out is nothing new but allowing a stranger to then grope her? It’s Junior and Princess I feel sorry for because not just because they can see it but their friends will too. School is hard enough and kids can be mean without your mother doing this for the world to see
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Know what bugs me most ? Her fans hate and despise and loathe Peter Andre beyond measure. All the crap rumours and shit stirring attempts in his life originally come from them, without a doubt, yet Alex and Kieran don't get the same vitriol. Some of course, but nothing like the crap thrown at Peter Andre and even his perfectly ordinary non offensive wife. Alex and Kieran are reasonably non showbiz since their escapes so maybe that's helped salve the wounds of the Katie freaks, as in "Oh look, those two are nothing now without our beloved Katie !" But they can't do that with Andre. He's certainly not prolific in showbiz but he works steadily and plods along happily doing his own things and yes "loving his kids" and doing his best by them. Same with his wife who is a working doctor in a hospital. It boils the piss of Katie fans that the family is so far thriving and ignoring the mosquito called Katie buzzing round them every so often tossing carefully aimed digs at them for existing.
Yep, he had a minor breakdown after the split, understandable in such a toxic break up, but he's rebuilt his mental and physical health and is doing OK. That's another Brownie point from me, because regaining mental stability after taking a hammering over a number of years is a tough challenge and I commend anyone who's done that.
Very well put, she’s a complete piece of work I think it’s the fact she refuses to take any responsibility for anything too that annoys me so much. Most people learn from their mistakes but not Katie. It’s really weird how her fans still hate him to this day and blame him as you say! I think it’s because he’s moved on settled down and just seems genuinely content and happy. While katie is still the same, no matter who she is with.
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Chatty Member
I remember watching the first BBC documentary on Katie as a teen and being fascinated by her. Although she was young, beautiful and successful, she came across as being equally insecure, moody and miserable.

It is sad to see that battling whatever is going on in her mind has effectively ruined her life at this point. She managed to make something from glamour modelling, but has thrown her achievements down the pan. The ship has sailed in terms of her making any more money from her looks, the reality show is stale, her singing career is going nowhere and the papers barely care about her.

She needs help before she ends up as another sorry tale.
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String Man

VIP Member
Each to their own and all that, and yes she's earned money from doing the same thing 20 years ago and fair play to her she done well out of it. But at some point surely you have to put your children's feelings first. They are old enough to look online, their mates are too. I don't get how someone can behave like this tbh
I know, Junior is nearly 14 so both he and his friends will be seeing this shitshow playing out live online.

She really doesn't care how her personal life impacts on her children.
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I always remember in her and Pete's reality show how awful she used to be to Junior. Anyone remember when he liked an insect or something on the ground and was telling her about it and she just walked up and stood on it and he started crying but she just walked off?
Yes I remember this! I felt so sad for him. It was a snail he was loving having it as a little friend, he must've only been 3 or 4 and she laughed at him as she trod on it. Its like she has no empathy, there's something missing from her mentaly.
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Instagram is the worst thing that could happen to celeb kids. They used to be able to live out (relatively) normal lives, but now they can seek out their own celebrity if they want to. Just look at the Gallagher kids and the way they’re all Insta famous with blue ticks 😳
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A couple of years ago there was a blind item in the papers about a celeb who had her kids taken off her, she had been seen pulling her sons hair in public and ended up being investigated by social services who found some issues in her home. She denied it was her at the time but the description seemed to fit her and it was around the same time that the drug using stories came out.
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Well-known member
Not true.😂 I can't believe people are still falling for that crap. She was asked about that plenty of times and dodged the question because she knew it was a lie and was afraid of another court case for spreading unfounded lies.If it was true she'd have been perfectly safe to say "Yes, it's true" and he couldn't have said a dicky bird.
All he took from that marriage was his kids and his half of the joint earnings from their TV shows.
No clothes. Went straight to his manager's house and never went back. Even left his precious recording studio and started from scratch, that's how relieved he was to be away from her toxicity.

That's fine. Disliking him or liking him is a matter of taste, each to their own. I think he's cheesy but generally a decent human being, so seeing bullshit lies tossed at him from Katie fans gets on my tits and I'm happy correcting those.

Again, no she didn't. Custody was shared equally after he fought for it, so no alimony payments on either side, and he received half their joint earnings from their shows. She kept everything she earned pre wedding and post split. Then shoved it all up her nose. Nobody gave anyone money outside the joint earnings, apart from the money for her slandering him going into an account for Harvey's future care. I think we can guess where that ended up.
Exactly and why should he not have got his share of joint earnings. She is such a liar It’s hard to keep track of her lies. Fair play to him for putting the money aside for Harvey it’s really sad how she was so spiteful she had to stop them seeing one another.
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Yrs ago when she was with Peter she said she would be adopting a disabled boy. She got herself in the papers with that. It all came to nought.

Atm she's busy trying to rehabilitate her image.
Apparently, she has been denied 3 times from adoption agency.
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I do feel sorry for her. Certain mental health conditions manifest themselves in individuals in that they are unlikeable iykwim. Eg I have a friend with a borderline personality disorder, she just seems to do the daftest things,very selfish in some ways. I do think Katiedef has something, ADHD plus something else. She prob can't help herself. That's the disorder. She doesn't invoke sympathy but her behavior isn't normal. That house isn't normal. She def needs help
She has loads of help though. The problem is that it's the wrong kind.
She was supposedly in the Priory, but wasn't really and she was just pretending. If someone is playing around with something like that then they're not 'mad', they're just bad. She should be quietly really retreating to one of the Priories, sorting herself out, and trying to be a mother to her 5 kids.
Yes I know this will very end in tragedy but I've no patience with someone who's had opportunity after opportunity to turn themselves around and simply abuses them. Everyone hoped that losing the kids would jolt her but it's just freed her up for more party time.I simply don't feel any sympathy for her as she's always been a nasty piece of work anyway and put many many people through the wringer. It's her kids that break my heart. They love her unconditionally with pure child love. The little ones are somewhat sheltered from her excesses because they're still just kiddies and Harvey is settled now and unaware anyway, but the other two are at an age where they can access all these articles and images and their heads must be spinning between loving their mum and hating how she lives. It's those two I feel sorry for, not Katie.
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Chatty Member
I really think someone needs to intervene here. Don't have much time for her but she obviously isn't mentally well.
I think with the right people around her she could rebuild herself. She needs to stop "self medicating" and get some serious professional help.
I can't see this ending well. I know she doesn't help herself but it's awful to watch.
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Well-known member
Nah she won’t.

She’ll crash and burn and it’ll all be documented, instead of protecting herself she will sell everything to the nearest bidder
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Yeah she's a cunt. But you can still be a cunt and be vulnerable/mentally unwell needing intervention. Also we can all be cunts. I'm sure we've all done shitty things. Unfortunately for her she's in the public eye and everything is documented. I still think she deserves help and that if she was given the appropriate help and support she could change her behaviour but current she's surrounded by yes men.
We can certainly all be cunts but Katie's whole life revolves around being a cunt. It's nothing to do with being in the public eye. Her court appearances for being a cunt to exes and her endless trail of feuds and shitting on people elevate her to another level of cuntishness.
I can't believe I was mug enough to wish her well a few posts ago because I thought she was finally trying to sort her shit out.:mad: I now wish her everything she has inflicted on others. Simple as that.
Yes I know this will end badly, but she's been given help, been advised, been chastised, had her kids taken off her, had her eldest safely relocated leaving her free as a bird and been made bankrupt. I'm all out of sympathy for her and will save it for the builders, vets, horse feed people, car modification people, caretakers, nannies and businesses she screwed over financially while she shoved the money owed them up her snout.I'm over her.
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Chatty Member
She had very personal private videos of him doing rather off piste sexy things. As in putting things where the sun don't shine. Allegedly. And was showing them around. First among her mates and then to a studio audience during a break in recording a BB after show where she was a guest and high as a kite. He tried ignoring the stories going around and did nothing about it because her mates were sniggering but not saying openly what they saw and they'd never stand up in court against their queen bee anyway. But then some of the people in the BB audience spoke out about it in disgust at her behaviour on twitter. When challenged by the cops she claimed the phone in question had been stolen and she hadn't done it anyway🤷‍♀️. Then she was seen using the same phone after that and Alex went after her. Good for him. I don't care what he puts in his poop chute (if he did), he seems an ok person and it was done in private and should have stayed private. She's vile.
Say it louder for those at the back! What happens in someone's sex life is private unless they disclose it and as long as it's ethical/consensual/legal no one should have a problem with what people do!
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Chatty Member
Peter did alright out of it. Wouldn’t be in the daily mail buying his new younger model a Range Rover for her birthday if it wasn’t for Katie price keeping him relevant. Guys a nob
He's lower down the fuck head scale, amateur compared to her. I think you've got to be fairly self obsessed and ruthless to be in showbiz, sadly seems to be no shortage of these types.
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VIP Member
A really good comments I just read on the DM:

Katie is risking her life because she values male attention/validation more than anything else in her life. If anyone has read her first book, they'll know that in her heyday as a glamour model (her early 20s) she was spoilt for choice and had her pick of high status men (and she ALWAYS had a backup plan/guy if one relationship didn't work out). Teddy Sheringham and Ralf Schumacher were just a couple of the men that were interested in dating her. She obviously misses being sought after by these types of men and that's why she is trying in vain to look how she did at 21 through cosmetic surgery. Her options have dwindled to nothing, and she secretly resents having to settle for guys like Kieran and Kris, so hopes improving her looks will make her hot property again. The irony is, she has made herself look older and less attractive than ever, and it wasn't her looks that caused the breakdown of many of those past relationships to begin with; it was her behaviour.
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Side note: I can't stand Emily on Im a Celeb this year. Ive actually attempted to watch the after show 3 times and just found her insufferable and try hard. She was decent in the jungle though. Whatever happened in a year?

I would love for Katie to be put back in the jungle. I was too young to appreciate her on any form of reality TV back in the day LOL
I actually think KP is hilarious. She's honest and isn't afraid to laugh at herself. She would be great in the jungle. I feel a bit sorry for her as I think she just needs to be loved and then would settle right down and be a really good mum.
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I can’t remenber where I heard this (I think it was her ex-nanny) but I heard she did cheat on Pete & he distanced himself from her & his ‘people’ blocked her from contacting him or talking things through. She always goes on about the fact other people interfering & stirring ruined their relationship & she’d still be with him if she had her way.
Didn’t she sue or try to sue his manager Claire? Or the other way round? I remember some drama with that.

I’m torn with her I always thought she was a car crash but a good businesswomen. Seems like she’s not even that now

I personally don’t think she’s ever gotten over losing Peter. He was the one who got away and she can never replace him.
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