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Thread Suggestion #92

Ding, Dong, Bell, Skanky's in the Cell... Who put her in?
Crawley Magistrates!

He has no emotional intelligence, nor eloquence. He’s a basic creature. He results to childish, but nasty retorts as he is not bright enough to say anything noteworthy. He has one redeeming quality in my eyes. His love of his dog ‘Sid’ that’s all though.
@PTMe what is Biffa like and what is he like to you? You don't seem to like him, we don't blame you
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Seriously though, what is his motivation?
Just my thoughts/speculations - I think he's after the MM. He persuades her to sell it to him at well below market value on the promise that after the bankruptcy hearings they'll get married and then either live in it or market it as a wedding venue (this agreement being verbal only and not written down). He reassures her that she will still kinda own it because she'd be his spouse and could claim half in any divorce. He convinces her this is the only way for her to hold onto the MM. She agrees, sells it to him at a knockdown price and he disappears from her life in a puff of smoke, renovates MM/redevelops site and makes a shit load of money. Maybe his dad has agreed to invest the money needed to pull off this scam. Cole will threaten her to keep quiet (despite not technically doing anything illegal) by saying he will show the world pics of her snorting coke and being a terrible parent.

Just my theory!
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I don’t believe she went to Belgium 🇧🇪 for surgery, but I do believe that she has concocted the story so she can tell the court “look at all the lies they write about me”. Boofrigginhoo 🙄
The picture he posted from the Porsche In France was definitely passport control at the Eurotunnel in Calais, I recognise the white awnings. But it's perhaps more likely she's gone over for a consultation for future surgery rather than the surgery itself? I also don't doubt it's part of her game to wind up the media and the general public (like us). She's a twisted hoebag.
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1. Does she really need to invade Harvey's privacy by revealing this?
2. Someone needs to tell her - Harvey doesn't live there anymore.
3. Even if it IS illegal (could be Environment Agency legitimately investigating the leaking cesspit/sewerage for e.g.) it would be a civil matter not a criminal one, police not interested.

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Hampshire Hog

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Unfortunately I don’t have as much confidence in the criminal justice system. People you think should get sent down don’t,and the ones you think shouldn’t be sent down are.

I really hope they come down hard on her they have a lot of options open to them but let’s not forget it’s the magistrates court so sentencing options are limited. If it was to be sent to Crown Court then I would have more faith in a harsher sentence. Let’s wait and see what the 15 Dec brings 🤞for the right outcome.
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You're a boring joke.
Nothing more.


Btw, Naomi Campbell received 200 hours community service so don't go thinking you're above it. You are nothing.
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Pom Bear

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Ooh, so I'm not the only one who burns the midnight oil @Pom Bear
I work a lot of nights (which I don't mind to be honest) but as a consequence during my rest days I still tend to be lurking around at this hour thanks to my bodyclock being so screwed-up!!

That's why my comments tend to come in bursts, as when I'm on early shifts I never get the chance to keep up with the threads.
They move so fast I'm always on the back foot lol

Your Photoshop masterpieces are absolutely hilarious, and have really helped put a smile on my face during some nights when I feel a little low.

I hope you have a lovely time during your trip to Ireland ☘❤

Thank you very much 💖🥰🤗😘 xx.
I do like this time of night, it's when I'm most relaxed. Sorry to hear on your body clock.
It's great you can come on still on your rest days.
That's lovely to hear how much my pics but a smile on your face at low times. Pom hugs to you 🤗❤😘 xx.

Thank you 💖🥰🤗😘 xx.
I'm looking forward to my trip, and be back Friday night 😘 xx

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It will be I was not driving
Well, that excuse worked once before. You know, the crash where she was found in the back seat with the keys in her pocket, no knickers on and covered in vomit. Said someone else was driving but she didn't know who and they had run off!
It is that sort of thing that makes me agree with you all that she will get off this time too. HOW could anyone agree that that previous pile of shit was OK?
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Oh dear she is getting on my fucking nerves.fuck orf you fuckcunt.can’t fucking be bothered with a leathered old cuntbag.Piss orf with the dealer cuntchops.
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I don't reckon she's had anything major done in Brussels. I think this is yet more smoke and mirrors.
According to the DM yesterday she has had another boob job, full body lipo and fat removed from her bum. You would think somebody facing the possibility of jail time right before Christmas would want to spend time with her kids rather than jetting off for more surgery. And if she doesn't show up for sentencing next week they need to sentence her in her absence to jail time and arrest her as soon as she sets foot back in the country! She has thumbed her nose at the courts far too many times, it needs to stop! And notice how the 'assault' case has mysteriously disappeared?
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She’s gonna turn up wearing the unflattering pink jodhpurs with a Frog Mafia hoodie and PriceyWoods facemask whilst Carl turns up with a LittlePrick, sorry I meant LittlePrice bib on🤣
She really is like the female version of Tiger King, animal cruelty, bad clothes, shocking hair, millions of husbands, prison.... her Carole Baskin is Peter Andre, Carl is like the Hilly Billy toyboy with bad teeth. 😄
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Pricey will be sweating like Prince Andrew in a Sauna come Wednesday. Christmas will
come early if the bitch in a ditch is tucked up in a cell for Christmas.
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IF she did do time and this WAS AFP last fucking Christmas and she missed it because she was locked up, then it is her own fault - No-body else's!!!
Yes, absolutely, she made her choices. Has she thought about her Mum and all of the stress she puts her under when she makes the choices that she makes? I doubt it. I'm also in my 40's and haven't given my Mother a day of worry since I was a teenager, It's called responsibility. It's called being a grown up. Don't act like an utter dick then cry when you have to face the consequences.
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Chatty Member
@DC16 now Crawl is using the MM for his shonky car dealings, does that mean that family Woods have jumped ship as @Binfest said would be happening? 🤔
I wonder how he’s offering finance to his customers if his business address is the MM? Surely his Consumer Credit License can’t be transfer to an address that has charges on it?
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It’s her arrogance and flippant remarks that really make my foot itch😡 we all knew she was gonna use the ‘dying mom’ and ‘Harvey’ card, what an absolute div! maybe she should of spent her time wisely instead of galavanting round Vegas and getting butchered in Brussels
It's supremely arrogant too that she thinks a judge would just dismiss the evidence collected by the police and just look at the Sun instead. 😬😂
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