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I swear, I,m nearly in tears here for poor Harvey, Obvious how she preps him want she wants him to say, Carl standing beside him mouthing the words along with Harvey. Why has someone not stepped in years ago to
protect Harvey from his mother using
him like this, it makes my BLOOD BOIL 😡😡😡😡😡 this weekend visit isnt about Harvey its about her doing anything to promote the " Harvey" clothing no doubt her benefiting financially in her usual under the table way
Id just love to see Harvey knock his stupid teeth down the back of his throat
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haha Yeah, it bamboozles me. Emperor's new clothes springs to mind. But it explains why all the celebs are emaciated.
I don’t get the almost raw meat dishes. It’s the same on Masterchef. Nothing looks remotely cooked to me. They have even started to undercook pork. I caught a nasty parasitic infection from undercooked pork as a child. 🤢 The ducks on the plates can almost still quack and the lambs can baa! Perhaps it’s because I am old? Anyway, must go, need to put the sprouts on to boil ready for Christmas Day.
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So, she’s blaming the fathers again, yes? Completely absolves herself from any responsibility whatsoever yet again, because I’m quite sure the fathers kidnapped her, superglued her to the seat, poured alcohol down her throat, shovelled coke up her hooter and told her to drive with no licence and no insurance. Yep, that will stand up in court. Cunt.
I think people would have more compassion if the fathers were total shit bags who refused to help her or see the kids. But the opposite is true, they are providing loving, clean, stable homes for their kids, making the other parent look bad by comparison, and that isn't going down well at all. She can't bear it and is lashing out
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Happy place at home with my babies and a cuppa.
Who the F are you trying to kid?
Seriously woman, get a grip, stop being an absolute moron. Admit to your mistakes and issues then maybe someone who’s not deranged *might* have some sympathy for you.
In the meantime. Fuck off and when you get there fuck off a bit more.


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She won't care, it's all about treating him so that he's easier to deal with for her in that short visit! I wonder if when he lived in the MM his blood sugar was up and down all the time and that caused tantrums? None of it his fault of course. I mean a whole, feckin, carrot cake as a treat for god's sake.
Yes it has a few carrots in but still a load of sugar!
There are 4 things really playing on my mind:

1. OK, she's making a carrot cake with Harvey (love to see how that shit shower turned out. Bet 'Great British Bake Off' contestants are worried - not). She normally gives him Tesco Finest, look at the content for a sixth of a cake!

2. Why are the college/carers/social services allowing her to come to the college with a film crew and exploit him for, IMHO, financial gain for her? So wrong, and again IMHO, this well regarded Residential College will start getting negative press, just like The Priory has.

3. I just cannot compute the blatant way she is behaving with a total disregard for the severity of what she has done. Dancing, laughing, joking, flogging shite, complaining about the press. SHE WAS CAUGHT (AND I DON'T BELIEVE IT'S THE FIRST TIME SHE'S DONE IT) DRUNK, DRUGGED, DRIVING WHILST BANNED, NO LICENCE, NO INSURANCE! If she had hit someone they would have had no recourse and I'm assuming it was a car of Carols dads car lot so he's probably had to pay for repairs. Bet he's chuffed.

4. But the thing that puzzles me most is was this a planned ploy to support her MH claim for court? The reason I say this is her mad, irrational behaviour, looking off her face on god know what most of the time. Also, she must have been wearing a seatbelt when 'she rolled' the car. We all know she rarely wears one and I can't imagine when shitfaced she would. She doesn't even make her kids wear one. Finally, my brother-in-laws brother works in a car stunt company and has said it is so easy to roll a car, especially a 4x4. Just need a ramp and to know what you are doing. You can apparently roll one with minimum damage bar the odd dent. Sand is best but grass minimises damage apparently.

Also the guy who apparently rescued her from the car has never been heard of again.

Hope Carol brought his sink plunger back from LV that he used to remove dents from the hire car to use on the BMW!

She won't care, it's all about treating him so that he's easier to deal with for her in that short visit! I wonder if when he lived in the MM his blood sugar was up and down all the time and that caused tantrums? None of it his fault of course. I mean a whole, feckin, carrot cake as a treat for god's sake.
Yes it has a few carrots in but still a load of sugar!


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The whole the truth will come out doesn't make any sense. She got in a car, drunk, drugged, no licence, no insurance etc. She shouldn't have even had access to car keys but still. There literally isn't an excuse in the land that will ahem, excuse it! She broke the law, end of. Saying the truth will come out is almost her waying of trying to defend the indefensible. Even if the phonecall was to say one of her children had been rushed to hospital, you dont get in a car, drunk and drugged, you call a friend or family member to help. If cole (or some other twat) called and said I'm on my way round to kill you, you call the police. I could go on but you get it. Whatever possible scenario she comes up with, she still broke the law. We all know it wasn't the first time she had been driving while banned. She just got caught this time. What excuses did she have all the other times? How many traumatic events can one human go through in a lifetime? She is so low on options and ideas I dread to think what this excuse will be! There were flashing lights your honour, So I was driving to catch the aliens cos I luv a gud probing!
This. I think she's in huge denial of the reality of the situation. Because she always manages to evade and get away with every other mess she gets herself into, she thinks that she can somehow manage that again with this. She's been enabled so long her whole perception is skewed. She literally can't comprehend being caught and punished and actually suffering consequences.
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"A 32-year-old man arrested on suspicion of assault, theft and coercive and controlling behaviour has been released on bail until September 20,

I want to know who this man is.
Why ???? What difference does it make to you...Try learning a little of bit of compassion and understanding for everyone who KP has her in the last 20 years... including her CHILDREN
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It cannot be who we think it is. For one, he wouldn’t be allowed anywhere near ANY of the 5 children. Social services wouldn’t allow him near Harvey at all, pub lunch or not. She wouldn’t be able to stop any case the CPS brings to prosecute him. If he had assaulted her why would she waste the golden opportunity to embed herself back into the publics heart with a ’pooor me’ story.
Fact is the British public do like her. She is part of a media culture long past where girls like her were weekly stories. Her credibility is zero, personally as far as I am concerned. I would have a tape recorder playing every time I met her in case she made something up about me. She screwed a friend of mine over royally once. I like to keep an eye on her Instagram page and report her when she advertises things she shouldn’t. Instagram are good they take her stuff down pretty quickly.
So who are you then ???? Carl/Cole/Carole/or Carwash boy...whichever you are to come on and try to get a rise out of people...
Not happening...Crawl bk under your pathetic little stone and don't bother bullying anyone on here....byeby Sweetie ...mind how you go.
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He will be forgotten within a few kiss & tells after they split ... he has zero charisma & there is no interest in him outside of his involvement with her
This is very true. But he thinks he's some kind of Adonis who will be around forever. And I do think when he finally dumps her, there will be other wannabe Bimbos throwing themselves at him for a while. There will be the standard pap shots of him and the classless trollop at Sheesh. But that's where it ends. He'll be sticking things up his bum on onlyfans shortly.
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midsummer blue

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That interview was painful to listen to - she contradicts herself all the way through it!

-it’s important to not bitch about the kids dads while saying she hates them in the next breath (2 of them are old enough to find the interview and listen to it)

-all the bollocks about not airbrushing etc - she’s a blur in most of her filtered pics!

-how she always tells the truth —I don’t even need to elaborate on this one!

-talking about how the priory is helping her but saying in the next breath that she was doing worksheets with her family almost to say there’s nothing wrong with her and that everyone is as mental as she is (nobody else would react by drug / drink driving)

I’m sure there were more specific points but I’m too tired to think :(
I listened to what she said about doing everything right when she was pregnant with Harvey!!! 😂The lies just slip off her tongue so easily.
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Whilst on the subject of katona…..
Stop the world as I want to get off. I sent that photo to my boyfriend who proclaimed that we should just be grateful it’s not scratch and sniff 🤣🤣
She’s such a shit model 😂 she’s only got like two cheesy poses and in that pic she looks like she’s just yanked out a particularly stubborn clump of drain hair!
Also, she never had a waist did she? Basically she’s always had a hotdog body with massive comedy bolt ons, only now the hot dog is more like a split bratwurst! 🤣🤮
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The courts don’t jail mothers of children with special needs. It doesn’t happen. It shouldn’t ever happen. As to paying ninety quid for three adults pub lunch. Yes, I can see that, especially these country places with a half decent chef. The judge in Katies case would have his sentenced thrown out if he said in summation that his verdict had been influenced by seeing Daily Mail articles. The press coverage counts for nothing.
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I have a horrible feeling she will get a suspended sentence and a lengthy ban. Nothing seems to touch her, she can get away with anything and it's just plain fucking wrong.

No member of the public would get away with it like she seems to.
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Katie Price #88 Katie, you scumbag you maggot you cheap lousy braggart happy Christmas you arse, let’s pray God it’s your last.
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Pesky Tarian

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I swear, I,m nearly in tears here for poor Harvey, Obvious how she preps him want she wants him to say, Carl standing beside him mouthing the words along with Harvey. Why has someone not stepped in years ago to protect Harvey from his mother using him like this, it makes my BLOOD BOIL 😡😡😡😡😡 this weekend visit isnt about Harvey its about her doing anything to promote the " Harvey" clothing no doubt her benefiting financially in her usual under the table way
Absolutely!! it's wrong in so many ways the exfoliating sponge being a prime example - much more sense commercially for it to be princesses fave sponge but no because dad would rightly object so its H's BS. He prefers real techniques version ✌

100% guarantee they folded the bill to hide the jäger bombs.
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