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I can share what the ‘emergency’ was last night thanks to my well placed sources having the inside scoop. So here it is, fresh out the kettle so to speak...

The Luxor Casino in Las Vegas, famed for having the strongest and brightest light beam in the whole world was plunged into darkness last night as somebody forgot to put 50p in the meter. On hearing this, both K and C rushed to the aid of the casino and used their teefs to illuminate the sky’s of Vegas once more!

I have attached indisputable photographic evidence to substantiate this story!

It’s true, here is a second confirmation
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Agreed .... If there's one thing that pisses me off more than ... CRYPTIC SHIT AND CONSTANT COMMENTS IN RIDDLES ... Is this vomit inducing BE FUCKING KIND SHIT!!! ..... I find those that include this line, are in actual fact being patronising, in a sneaky underhand way ... which is an insult to those giving their opinion on here ` Who died and made them god? ` ... this is a gossip forum .... I DO NOT need anyone to tell me to be kind!! .... I WILL NOT BE KIND to price, who has in her 43 miserable years on this planet, NEVER showed kindness to all those she has hurt and destroyed, and all those unfortunate precious animals, she KILLED .... So please, take your " BE KIND SHIT " and stick it where the sun dont shine ... most of us here are more than capable of deciding who and where we show kindness .. and it is not to this thoroughly revolting ... self obsessed, selfish mess of a woman, who causes nothing but destruction wherever she goes ... that includes those poor children, who others are doing a fine job of raising, as their CUNT of a ` mother ` is NOT fit for purpose ... 🤬 🤬 🤬
Well i originally wrote how patronising the entire post was but edited it, and then wished I hadn't bothered.

I don't need to be told to be kind to others, I was well brought up and try to be a decent human being.
I've spent decades working with kids that society has dumped.
Being kind is my default.

People on here are generally tolerant, but if they want to disagree with another poster then they have every right.

It's patronising, ignorant and arrogant in the extreme to order anyone to be kind to everyone else.
Shove it.
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Carl is definitely up to something. Why post that video where she has clearly just had a line? It’s obvious to anyone that has witnessed it before. Surely he would want to protect her and help her if he loved her like he says he does not help to expose her all over the internet.
It just doesn’t make any sense why he would keep doing that. It’s like he wants everyone to see that she’s still not clean etc.
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Rita Chevrolet

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Kieran was really pissed off about this because it came down to that she just doesn’t do much mothering. He rolled his eyes and said nothing wrong with him. They saw an OT who gave them some advice after an assessment - he was fine. Kieran was always annoyed she lets them be feral and never did their homework, she was proud of not giving a shit

No the beckham thing was that he apparently held her hand
Well for all his cavorting about on AF he's a decent Dad to the little ones who now have a quality of life they'd never get with dat fing. Thats thanks to Kieron and Michelle, NOT scabby aggie :(
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Addition to recap, someone alluring to be an ex bestie of Katie’s who previously announced she had stolen thousands from Katie’s depop account and promptly spent said money has now announced she has sold a story about Katie and Carl to the sun for money.
All announced on this public forum we all katie and Carl both read, curious.
Also welcome back to the festival of bins who could put old dusty bin in the shade with the cryptic crap.In all my time as a child watching 3 2 1 I don think anyone unravelled dustys clues, sound familiar 😂🤔😂🤔
I think it's very important to remember the first part of this.
It's easy to lightly deny theft and say it never happened, everything's been to court and it's all great.

But the first posts from said person are all about stealing from kp. Using those words and the amounts. Detailing spending it on addiction, handbag, a lifestyle they couldn't maintain.
How they dreaded work finding out and being sacked. Being hounded by the sun (ie the same place she's sold her story too), threatened by kp.

Just be a bit careful about what you believe folks. And definitely careful about where you give your pity and support. (there's definitely some outright fawning going on)

It's bloody obvious 'something will happen' or has happened, it's kp.
I don't care about her bloody mother, I don't personally know the kids, and hopefully H is safe at college.
The rest?
Couldn't give a fart.

As you were.
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Joanna Surrey

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He did didn't he, he was basically the main caregiver when they were together. And every time he spoke on camera he was eloquent and polite. He seems like a genuinely nice guy.
Loved the fact that his grandfather taught him all about country life and animals and poultry. He worked his guts out caring for those animals while she laid in bed. I laugh at the Only Fans thing but he really does seem like a nice boy (As Larry Grayson would have said)😂😂😂
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She is a fool if she does marry him. He shows no love for her. She fawns all over him but do you ever see him reciprocate….. or even look like he loves her. Holds her hand like he’s dragging her along.
Too many red flags for me!!! Been there and know the signs.
Im totally in agreement💯. I ve been there before too.
She has her issues sure but she its great when you have the right person to prop you up and help you get on the straight and narrow.
It does not look that way with him.
To me it looks like he is taking advantage of her vunerable state and leading her astray.
If she is the one in rehab then he should be keeping her there on on the down low. But he is taking her there. A wedding couldnt happen without the two of them.

Her actions show her spiralling out of control. He is there through all of it.

I think there needs to be an intervention.
Vegas is no place for her right now when the temptation is there🧐
Weddings can wait!!!
But me thinks Carl cant wait to get things legal 😤
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I thought Cami was taking them to the gun range yesterday, did it not happen? 🤔 Not like Carl to miss an opportunity to pose with a bad ass machine gun and pretend he was gunning her down for some more media attention 🙄
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It occurs to me that as Katie is bad at sex and has said she doesn't like it Carl being undersized and underpowered (steroid use) is probably a bonus. I see them more as very close friends, bonded together by nastiness, and any marriage will be purely for profit.
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Two things:
If some of the tabloids are holding back on hanging her out to dry and it's because, as some on here reckon, that she "has something" on someone high up, could that perhaps be why she hasn't really copped for the full weight of the law so far on all her traffic offences? Is someone intervening on her behalf?
Secondly, for Peter and Kieran to formally object (if it's true what has been reported) on behalf of the kids about Katie marrying Carl, they must know A LOT more than we suspect. It won't be just because he's an arse, will it? It will be serious.
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Well-known member
This is just a pure shitshow. The whole thing is just so ridiculous, if someone was trying to sell this shit
to me as a film or TV show plot I would tell them to piss off as it is too unbelievable.
Katie is nasty. I feel sorry for her children having her as a mother. She is beyond selfish. Disgusting woman.
Carl is using her. It is clear for all to see.
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She does look an utter mess. She needs a good hair wash and bath.
I think she’s been taking steroids with Cole because she’s got the physique of a bodybuilder.
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VIP Member
Morning all

This thread is moving so fast I need a Sinclair C5 to catch up with it.

I caught some of Nothing to Declare today and I’m pretty sure Katie and Carl would not be allowed into Australia, they’re very tough over there. Plus they have lots of sniffer dogs.

Who was this woman supposedly the best friend of Katie that she posted video of? Never heard of her. Thought her best friend was Michelle Hee Tonne?

Are they seriously considering moving to Vegas with the kids? If Vegas is Carl’s second home how many times has he been there? Will he be going into the scrap yard business over there?

You look at Paris Hilton and her wedding (not a fan by the way) and this pair and it’s like The Beverley Hillbillies and The Clampetts.

Have a good day y’all and go easy on the maple syrup
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Pink Squirrel

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I’m sure she lives in the UK, his sister often showed them meeting up, until she made her account private.

I would think that the poor bugger is being relentlessly pestered by the media for a reaction/story & it's driving him nuts.
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Remember the shit she caused when she said that David Beckham kissed her,she said this on I’m a celeb,totally untrue Apparently.Probably said that cos Victoria B,sang who let the dogs out when she see her at a function.
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That's all I saw - her taking a swig of coke
That's what I saw at first but...seems like she could have a small container hidden in her palm at the same time as undoing the coke bottle...and has a quick sniff, she keeps her palm closed as she comes up, with index finger out. She takes a big swig of drink after coming up and swallows twice as if it's something unpleasant, you can see her throat going as if she is sort of snorting and swallowing something down her throat. She then says something and probably passes the container down and across to the person in the drivers seat. She makes a quick 'this big' gesture with 2 fingers and then can be seen wiping her hands together too as if she is dusting something off!

These are the containers a seasoned coke user might have.....

Screen Shot 2021-11-14 at 11.13.09.png
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Beckham was probably trying to steady the lush or bat her hand away from her trying to grab his goolies
Poor Jett just needing/wanting some decent parenting and can’t handle the chaos then her trying to get him a label to justify his reaction to her
My theory about Jett (based on absolutely nothing, no evidence, just pondering) is that Katie had two men in play when she got pregnant with him, one of the men was wealthy/famous/set her up financially type, the other Kieran. When Kieran turns out to be the dad she was angry and frustrated leading to her rejection of Jett and how disengaged she is from him, he was the baby that "failed" her. It might explain the secrecy around his birth and he's now the forgotten child. Once DNA was confirmed she thought she would stick it out with Kieran until a "better" option came along, leading us to this shitshow. She doesn't seem to realise her glory days of getting any bloke she sets her mind to are gone, she is not going to grab some famous multimillionaire type at her age, with five kids and the absolute chaos she brings along to everyone's life.
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