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3 hours ago she posted this on her Instagram tagged page
Cashing in on Harvey again😟

The Instagram user 'annakennedyonline' doesn't seem to exist, so how have they got that so wrong. Mistake or a scam? @annakennedyobe seems to be her Instagram account :unsure:
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This Possession Order thing bothers me, there's too much detail missing. Is there any supporting proof of repossession or is it just another of Skanky's exaggerations and lies?
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the thing i find very strange is Carl is 32 years old and as been with Katie over a year yet not one ex or friend as come forward and said anything about his past relationships good or bad(its like he does not have one) the only thing i can say in my opinion is his family must be the kind you would not like to get on the wrong side of and that is why everyone as kept their mouths shut

would not be surprised if she blamed it on it being dark and raining
Well,she loves a rogue,criminal etc..She knows what he fucking is.lbut loves it..Turn on for her.🤢
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What does that mean? Is it an old photo or has he had them removed?:confused::confused:
It was drawn on with a pen. Not tattooed on. The only was to remove tattoos is have them inked over where anothe design goes over the top, or removed with a laser, which always leaves an outline of the design
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Housework Fairy

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Now that she will officially be homeless, she can always ask the judge for a room, with 3 meals a day.

It might be a little cramped, but at least at least she won't have to pay
hah hah hah - if this thread lasts as long as 15th December, this definitely needs to be the next thread title!!! You might need to work on shortening it to fit
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Katie Price: The Pryoree an Me, Me, Me and More Me innit

Chapta Free

Rite so Pete's a cunt.

Arfta a elfee bricfuss ov chips i reelysed it wuz tyme 2 git dressed. It wuz tyme 4 a knew start, a knew me. Woooooooo...
Eye fort eye betta luk gud 4 owl me fans an da papparartzee wot were gunna be waytin to see there idle, mee, Kaytee Prise, mudel, muvva, biznuswimen an top burd. Coyle, the WUN, me printz chow mein an my fureva luv ownlee went an bort me a bran knew trakkie frum prymirk 4 me big day. It were neon pink an cuvvered in seekwins an dog air.
Eye chekked in 2 da Pryoree an arksed wye wuz owl me fans nut their 2 sea me an wuz towld their wern eny. Coyle sed it wuz problee the Pryoree staff wot kept them away wern it. Ees so clevva my Coyle, the WUN, me printz chow mein an fureva luv.
Pete you wanka.
Coyle an me sed our gudbuys. I wanked im off bye da bak ov da bins an e drowve of in is luvley knew motah, a Honda Jazz.
So eye get in me room an started to reed a self elp buk culled OhKay maggazeen or summink. I carnt reed but it ad a pikshure ov loren goodga on da cova eatin sweetcorn, oldin a baybee by its leg, so i fink it was culled that. Pete you cunt.
Littal did eye no that desarsta woz abat to stryke me AGEN!! I cudden beeleev ow unlukky can eye get?
I ad ownlee gun an brokken me nayles didn eye?
Their wuz ownlee wun fing 4 it. I ad 2 get owt of dis playce an fynd a nayle shop an quick, didn eye?
Fankfoolee, Coyle ad jus pikked up annuvva luvlee new motah, a free leetah Datsun Cherry wot e wuz test dryvin weren e so e sed heed resku me an tayke me 2 get me nayles sawted an a nyce slap up birga whyle e wuz at it.
Dis is y eye no Coyle is the WUN. Pete you cunt
Simply wonderful, but surely you meant to write 'Onda Jizz ??
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£500k isn't that much in the scheme of things, I wonder if Carl and his father will bail her out, I'm sure they could stitch her up and get themselves a cheap house. I'm surprised the debt isn't higher, what happened to the HMRC debt, the overdue mortgage payments, Alex's payout and all the other creditors?
Thats only whats owing on the house. The other debts come under her bankruptcy. .
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ive been out all day and so behind im reading and hoping the flight thing is true but what was happening at 5pm and did it happen ??
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So looks like Harry is taking the selfie, no sign of Cole in that family/team picture, or her….is she even there? 🤷🏻‍♀️🤣
But you don’t listen to them Katie, so another pile of 💩🤥
Definitely not. There's no way she wouldn't have been on the pic if she was there.

Oh i am sure she will.
No doubts at all.
I'm not. Time will tell I guess.
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This reminded me of those veneers of Cawl and KP’s botched teeth, like a weird dream! 👄😆
Turkey teef. I was reading an article in the daily fail over the weekend about how British dentists are having to put right all the butchery, cockup and bodgit that goes on abroad for cheap dentistry. She'll have to keep going back all the time first and foremost to have her false choppers maintained & get rid of all the detritus stuck in between them 🤢🤢
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Joanna Surrey

VIP Member
This address is where Amy and Paul are living currently. Nice quiet sleepy village until its got Carl's garish cars parked outside
It is a pretty place used to be good for browsing antiques and collectibles. Haven't been for a good few years.
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thanks you,i couldnt get the video up im guessing its been deleted,so no big announcement at 5pm then 😀how can she live
the woman lives of drama how can she live like this all the time
Welcome here is the video


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