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VIP Member
Ok so high as fuck functioning autistic adult here. I would be intimidated by all of that nonsense tonight so Christ only knows what an impact it would have on H. I’m going to “praise” her here (can’t think of a better word right now) but the best thing she’s ever done for that incredible young man is devolve responsibility for him to people who are far more capable and far less of a car crash to look after him. She’s a grade a cunt who uses and abuses him for her own pecuniary gain. Luckily the other kids have great dads who do their best but unfortunately those other kids are caught up in all the bullshit that their “mother” orchestrates. I sincerely hope that they throw the fucking book at her sooner rather than later
I think as her life is so out of control now, she will come to an untimely end, sooner rather than later ( through her own doing ). Her life has always been one big circus, and in death it will be too. ( As one other Tatler said, she is like Anna Nicole Smith, and look how that ended up ). She doesn’t have a good support team around her, apart from her Mum ( who seems to be pretty level headed ) but as she is terminally ill, can’t have much involvement these days.
I think her Mum dying will be the catalyst that pushes her over the edge.
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Re the Herpes debate. You can kiss someone and pass on the virus, but that person won't necessarily get a cold sore. The virus lies dormant. Her constant cold sores will be due to a weakened immune systems, most likely brought on by all the surgeries. Or the alleged drug abuse.
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Hampshire Hog

VIP Member
Morning all another day in the land of KP hype.
Congratulations LL great title 🏅❤ And @🐧 for starting new thread .
How could she even consider taking H to the NTAs surely it would be to loud and noisy for him. And if ….. he has started residential college it would be way to much travelling for him to attend. But there again we are not looking at someone with the sense to realise this.
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Interesting Cole has finally met up with his mates, the entire time he’s been with KP he hasn’t been seen with them one single time and also interesting the timing. They will both be trying to make each other jealous
Obviously what he needed that large wad of cash for, paying his Sheesh bill last night! Plus back to his old style of dressing, not a tracksuit in sight!.
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I still can’t believe she went to a wedding looking like this 😂 absolutely zero effort, she looks like she’s off for a days shopping not to a bloody wedding 🤦🏼‍♀️
Shopping for what? Coffins? Elasticated pants or minging truckers?

Who let the Dogs out?

Where is Coal?
Is Coal still No1?
When is the wedding?
How many kids are they not having?
Where is THE 💍?
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More staged 💩 first time he’s dressed in jeans in ages, looks like the pre Pricey era!
I’m more interested in the wad of cash he’s got out the cash machine. Who genuinely has that much cash in one go unless it’s to pay for something dodgy?!
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Is it just me, price seems to be letting Harvey cup her boob and her hand is on top of he’s 🤔
Sadly I doubt it's the first time they have 'touched'.
I genuinely hope I'm wrong, but there's something very wrong with how she is with him.
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Dear God, what an ugly deformed looking girl, every bit of Pwicey plastic surgery and all as bad.
My god.

She keeps moving in and out of the filter so her chin completely changes shape.
At one point there's an inch wide overlap from her eyelashes, without a face joined on. Just giant lashes in mid air.

And that's the nicest thing I can find to say.
She’s the perfect example of a vaccus desperate wannabe.

Ok, I'll go on the beg for this treatment and post the results...

I'll wear a pvc maids outfit if necessary😁
I once was locked out of a hotel room (accidentally) and had to wait in the corridor whilst wearing a rubber maid's outfit.
Really nice hotel too.
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Hi peeps! Been on tattle for a while and on and off the KP threads ( as a lurker mostly). But came to see what you lot were saying after this latest “ incident” with CW. Just finished reading the wiki page .. I don’t even know what to say about it all ( as tbh I give KP a wide berth these days).
Given the continuing incidents with driving and the animals - she should be banned for life from ever driving again and keeping animals. It is crazy to me that the DVLA are prepared to renew her driving license and again for all the animals she has had and who have died - I mean I know animals don’t have the same life span but how can you lose some many animals in such a short period of time and no one raise an eyebrow ( except tattlers).
This woman is bat shit crazy - how does she continue to get away with the same shit over and over again.
she should be banned from keeping animals. Banned from driving. Banned from continually starting up businesses.
what a vile human…
She’s a national treasure, don’t you know. That’s why she gets away with everything. 😉
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Miss Lola

Chatty Member
I may actually watch tonight. Not because of The Pricey, but mainly because I hope It’s A Sin pulls it off. They deserve it.
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Katie Price #62 We're bored of waiting for her comeuppance, she'd sell her soul for tuppence
Can I adjust it slightly?

We’re bored of waiting for her comeuppance, she sells her soul and her rancid tuppence.

Ooo, I can plagiarise AND keep it PG :-D

@Penguin86 More like flogging her tuppence 😉
Aahhhhh, Monsieur Crumble….the site freaked out for a while over here, so ya beak me to it 🤣

@Penguin86 More like flogging her tuppence 😉
Aahhhhh, Monsieur Crumble….the site freaked out for a while, over here, so ya beak me to it 🤣


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Chatty Member
i am so relieved she didn’t win! I really hope tomorrow, when she awakes with a banging hang over she starts to realise that she’s done. Truly done. No. One. Cares. Anymore.
If she retires from public life now she can still pretend to herself that it’s her choice…
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Katie has no moral compass. Add in the fact that she is hyper-sexualised, and is very used to people copping a feel of her tits...i very much doubt she sees a problem with her kids touching her in a way most others would deem inappropriate. It's a whole can of worms debate though. I mean, kids love boobies. It's their food source/comfort for the first few years of their life. Harvey is mentally still a very young boy. Perhaps it is a comfort thing for him, rightly or wrongly? I guess without all the facts, we can't judge, but yeah, it's not great. Especially as we know her boundaries are askew.
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I'm new member, I've read through the threads.

I was thinking (with regards to the domestic violence) a few people have spoken out before about her, leandro called her crazy in his interview and Charles Drury said she had trashed his hotel room.
I actually think Carl could come out of this better off ( think of Jeremy McConnell or however its spelt, he's seemingly doing very well for himself now.)

It's kind of sad really, I remember as a teenager reading an article in one of my magazines about how everything katie touched turned to gold at the time she had successful books, make up, perfume and jewellery lines.
Her programmes were on prime TV, I remember the day after her wedding was featured on katie and Peter, it was a hot topic of conversation ... everyone had watched it.
She was a very clever business women at one time , and she's lost it all.
For me, that’s why I dislike her so much. She had the opportunity to do something really amazing for herself and her kids and the people she employed and instead she threw it all away repeatedly and aggressively.
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If that documentary wins,I will cry with frustration. If I didn’t know better I would have honestly thought it was just about a narcissistic mother and how she made showing her autistic son round a few schools all about her. People who think she is a good,or even good enough,mother have obviously have very low parenting standards. I see no love and warmth towards Harvey from her,or even a good understanding of his needs. The only thing that is see that may be interpreted as a positive by the viewers is her apparent patience with him,which is actually just apathy and laziness. What does she have on someone,seriously,she must have done serious shit on a media mogul. It’s the only possible explanation for her continued presence on TV and mainstream media.
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