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Joanna Surrey

VIP Member
The pair of them should be prosecuted and shown up for wasting police time. When it comes to being the most hated couple in Britain they could give Has-been and old hen legs a run for their money.

If it wasn’t him why did her friends remove all her stuff from his house the next day??
Why haven’t they been public ally pictures together since the incident ( apart from the really bad pap shots in the car)
Correct, of course it was him, the rancid old bird has obviously forgiven him.
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Chatty Member
I think this gives the papers the chance to nail her finally and show her up for the lying sack o shite we all know she is. They can present it as highlighting the genuinely important issue of domestic violence and supporting the Pricey. There is only so many questions she can try and wriggle out of answering...
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From the end of the last thread, someone mentioned the Caroline Flack T shirt. These were being sold for charity, I cant just remember where the proceeds were going but it was for mental health/suicide. She later flogged this black T shirt in Depop.

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Katie Price #61 If I knew you were coming I’d have phoned a pap, phoned a pap, phoned a pap
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liar liar

VIP Member
No, it wouldn't be ignored but would they be on bail? If his mental age is lower than the age of criminal responsibility I don't think arrest and bail would happen personally.
Everyone seems to have forgotten about Jett and Bunny who were supposedly there and now they have disappeared from the picture... also what on earth would Harvey be doing there at 1130 p.m. when he would have had his medications? All baloney.
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SM tribute photo I can understand

But more than that I seriously dislike it when celebs keep mentioning other celebs for column inches who have passed away, especially when they weren’t close friends but just knew each other from the industry, and their close friends and family are grieving, a lot of people want to grieve privately. Cheryl for instance is quite private generally doesn’t use SM much and might not want to post or even think to. I barely post on SM myself
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I'm going to say they're going for a mental health/psychiatric incident
Good luck to her getting anywhere with Harvey’s Law if she’s going to feign mental health issues. She may be able to fool her idiot fans but most people (myself included) don’t take too kindly to people making a mockery of MH. Which it would be.
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A quick personal post for @DC16.

You've always understood and managed to keep civil with my posts. You're a bit like daddies favourite 😂

I think you've probably worked in the business at some point, if not you've a nose for it!

Just to say keep that path with your thinking and you'll figure it out 👍

Keep safe ❤❤❤

....and to too many to mention also ....

Love and happiness ❤
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THIS! You got this down to a T.
Thank you ..... I tend to read between the lines, that's where the REAL TRUTH resides ... some of us, yourself, myself and most of the good people here are not gullible, and can see through the dazzling BS, we are not easily fooled, or blinded, we live in the REAL WORLD ... those who are gullible ` her fans `... will believe any rubbish this media WHORE and her side plank, gangsta wannabe fuck boy feed them, those are the people, that will keep this latest drama going, they will continue to waste their cash on the overpriced cheap crap she flogs them, even if it means, their children go without, because that is what dense people do, they can't think for themselves, they latch onto someone like price, admire her fake as shit life, hence believing whatever shit she chooses to feed them ( Harvey ` documentary ` proved this, she plays on her child's disabilities, knowing people will feel sympathy, which keeps her in the public eye, in all truth, that young man, in her mind, is nothing but a burden, stopping her from living HER LIFE .... again while drunk and high, many times over the years, she has made this clear, when being on stage, and during her silly shows ... if she will gain from it, not much is off limits ) ... in reality, price wouldn't piss on them, her fans ... if they were on fire, she`d step right over, without missing a beat ... however, she will continue to hoodwink them, with her fake as shit ` fairytale ` life ... and as I suspected, with arffaa boys ` statement ` today ... the ` fixing the shit ... mode ` to suit their needs/narrative has already began ... these fucks have been holed away since this all happened, and have carefully been planning on how to proceed .... the BS PR machine is already in motion in that sense .. so much more to come ... this is all one big game to price, people need to remember that, she thrives on it, and it seems she has finally met the perfect match in idiot boy, hes as fame thirsty, as she is ... match made in heaven :rolleyes::rolleyes:
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Rita Chevrolet

VIP Member
Hi all! I’m a very long time lurker on KP 🤣 Just putting my 2 pence in as no one has mentioned it. The post Cole & skanky both had saying family time has been deleted off both their Instagram accounts. Strange as other pics of them both on both accounts .. oh and KP’s pal Ryan has commented on Cole’s ‘speaking out’ (🤣🙄) post with applause emojis. None of this adds up I’m so confused
Don't be confused my friend - just accept that its only ever LIES that come from these two assholes :)
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one of the things I can forgive my late mum for

she died of sepsis on April 15th this year aged only 60

is being a fan of Katie and her shows

I could've slagged her endlessly for it but wisely didn't

she also loved I'm A Celebrity

during series 3 I was thinking

please DONT get with Katie and if you do Peter DONT MARRY HER

for a start she's boring

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“Hounded by trolls” = “asked questions about what really happened”
The biggest troll is his 'delightful' fiance who has a hotline to the Sun and stirs up as much trouble as she likes, implying guilt, hinting that crimes have been committed, all safe in the knowledge that The Sun will publish her version of reality and not allow anyone to question it.
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Jersey Girl

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At one stage they may have been friends. She herself said when she found out Sarah had cancer she reached out to her but Sarah did not respond. Yet, here she is pretending the friendship was current.😡
She did the same with Nikki Grahame sadly 😔
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Pink Squirrel

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Just jumping on to say hello to my Krustie family! I have a lot of reading to catch up on 🙈. I've been sooooo busy with actual real life stuff...unlike Skanky who just makes shit up for attention. So her horse gets the blame for her not showing up at Mighty Hoopla? Really? Yeah, whatever 🙄. No surprise that she jumped on the sad passing of Sarah Harding quicker than Usain Bolt off the starting blocks! I'll be back when I'm all caught up 😘
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liar liar

VIP Member
As has already been pointed out; I think was plinky, if it was the scene of a crime, how come there was no crime tape and the *** brigade turned up and were seeming let in with their big laundry bags? This is all rubbish. Anybody who believes it should remove what is left of their brains.

If she is pretending that it was a "burglar" it could come back and bite her arse. If the Police charge Crawl (the alleged attacker) he will be named on 20 September. She will not be able to stop this from going ahead if that is what happens. She must be hoping that if she does not co-operate that the police will drop the charges and Crawl can come back to being "the ONE" again.
She's with Crawl, she has her ring back, she has a new attack dog which will be indentical to Blade so it could actually be the same fucking dog. Where are the dogs living? Nobody normal believes a bloody word.
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