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She’s just showing how Harvey has smashed holes in the wall. Lots of lip licking and raising her voice as always 😡 mentions a couple of times about moving back to MM 😡😡😡
Opposite deficit disorder...its Oppositional Defiant Disorder....she really is lacking in intelligent communication
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Whatever was he thinking when he randomly passed a tattoo palour in Turkey..
Im feeling certain he said it was on a whim..
..likely wont be insured if things go wrong..
not sure of travel insurance covers for that...

And he gets a whole sleeve😬
from the school of Katie Price for sure😤

Dont think just do
I think you have just described exactly how it happened ... Ive known of similar simpletons who had tats in unregulated countries, come back with infections, and worse ... and sadly the NHS has no choice but to treat their fuck ups .... insurance wise, Id image they have clauses in small print, that wont cover full treatment, so its left to the good trusty NHS ... that have to treat these twats for self inflicted problems, that other twat goodger, once called an ambulance, for a fucking hangover! :rolleyes: 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ when most probably someone with a real issue, had to wait for an ambulance, that was taking this dimwit to hospital
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It's ok, I'm more concerned about the fact I noticed it so fast....I don't spend much time looking at erections tbh🤦‍♀️🤣
Yeah, at a certain age, they tend to become a lil boring :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: Id rather have a cuppa and a few chocolate biscuits
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Poor boy seems to have nobody in world who cares for him. I know pricey's mother isn't well but surely she'd try and influence decisions about his case? For his benefit?
I was just wondering this also. Her mother just seemed to have gone from full time Harvey to zero H. You would think that she would still take him the odd time, but she never seems to bother with him. The cynic in me wonders whether Dwights money to her for his care stopped.
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Evening you lot, just got caught up ❤😘 thanks @Binfest and @Cloud Chaser for the updates 👍

And to @Ekathrina for explaining so well about funding, thank you, you've put it in a nutshell ❤

H does not need a padded bloody anything. What are they planning to do, shut him in there with a built in bathroom & just leave him to it, so he can't hurt himself when he gets lonely and frustrated? Just shove his meals in to him & shut the fucking door again? 🤬

My son's service users all have individual care plans, the staff are all trained rigorously in allsorts including de-escalation techniques and personal safety, a situation where someone would be allowed to get that upset they were a danger to themselves and others by putting their heads or fists through walls or what have you wouldn't be allowed to escalate that far. And they have worse than H. That boy is not being cared for properly, if he was there wouldn't be any holes, trust me.
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Evening ❤ just popping on with a facehug for Liar 👽🤗❤😘 your positivity every day makes me smile, you lovely lady X

I see the cunts are up to their usual shit then. Why am I not surprised. Poor H, that boy needs to be somewhere safe where he's cared for when he's not at school. I might have mentioned, my lad works at a secure respite residential place for adults with physical & mental disabilities, they work their guts out for minimum wage but they do it because they care. Some of the things he tells me are amazing, it's bloody hard work & challenging but their service users are safe, respected and looked after properly. Some go for a day a week, a day a month, some are there at weekends, whatever. H would do better somewhere like that, and if he couldn't be funded by local authority then his trust fund would surely cover it.

But she won't put him anywhere like that, as she needs to use him to suit her agendas, so he's left dumped in a house where he's not safe when he's not at school. She disgusts me as a mother, she's nothing of the sort.
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I agree. Hence why there is no return date. She can wait in Spain until it happens. She then has the excuse that she could not get back to stop it happening.
Do you think this is the 'medical emergency' that was mentioned. It's all so planned and really quite scary if that's the case.
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She’s just showing how Harvey has smashed holes in the wall. Lots of lip licking and raising her voice as always 😡 mentions a couple of times about moving back to MM 😡😡😡
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Cox or no Cox ~ he won't be investigating my Black-Hole!
True story this, folks: My fella is a massive Doctor Who fan and has a life-size Dalek in one of his bedrooms. His fave assistant is Jo (Katy Manning) Last Xmas I dressed all sexy-like and posed by his dalek wearing a Katy Manning card-board mask. Naturally we were getting a tad frisky and he dashed to the loo to brush his teeth and guess what? I'd swapped the mask for a Katie Price one.....x
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I used to think that Harvey was the one person she almost loved.

But no, I was wrong 😟
It is all getting so depressing.
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I've just watched the Harvey's house video. The bit that stuck with me is Harvey's reaction when she tells him Cole bought the trainers. His face completely changes and he stops looking happy. It's quite chilling.
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Errrrr you're right! Also agree with others that's she's deffo saying all this "they're scared of him" BS to lead up to what's she's trying to do - we see through it - some mother- FUCKING DESPICABLE😡
If Harvey is off her hands she’s free to whore about ,all the kids are looked after by others .
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Bunny Boiler is a nutter. Its either on the payroll, is related to It or ought to be sectioned
I think the most creepy thing about bunny, is when " it " talks without all the copy pasted, arse, licking nonsense .. IT comes across as quite intelligent, articulate ... which has surprised me, a few times here and there, definitely not price, as when being serious, has quite a good command of the english language, good sentence construction, no spelling mistakes ... ITS either two people, or someone with severe mental health issues, with two personalities .. for IT to switch between the two, and be so different .... makes my skin crawl, whoever IT is
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I know I shouldn’t be surprised every time she violates Harvey’s trust and humiliates him for her own gain but I am. In part because I can not wrap my head around this consistent and very public abuse of a vulnerable young man being paraded for the world to see.
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I'm just sitting here working my way through the 40 page DLA renewal for my autistic/PDA child. I wonder who has & who continues to deal with Harvey's stuff? It sure as shit won't be that skanky tramp. She hasn't a fucking clue 😡

I also think this was the imminent release @Binfest was referring to.

How many fucking stories can The Scum repeat themselves over from the YouTube crap?

And her fucking bollocks about him wetting the bed... "I have to help him wash. I have to keep him clean & hygienic. I'm constantly washing his bedding". Absolute lying cunt. She does fuck all because she's never there 😡

I also feel sorry for his neighbours. They must hear everything when he has a meltdown. Looking at the wall where he's smashed through to the pipes, I'm surprised he hasn't knocked through to next door on an internal wall. I'm wondering if his house is a local authority house 🤔. The size, layout & from the outside look very much like the local authority style housing that most building companies are forced to build when they throw up new expensive housing estates.

And what the fuck are The Scum on about by putting Pete & Skanky trying to outdo each other with pics for Bista's birthday? 🤷 Errrrrr, no, Pete wins hands down because he's actually with her, has given her a lovely birthday weekend, gives her a good home & upbringing, gives her the best education & opportunities he can, gives her a loving & stable family environment etc..... He was most definitely not trying to outdo that whore of an ex wife. She won't have even crossed his mind as he made his birthday tribute. SHE on the other hand will have tried to outdo him & has predictably made it all about her. "We do everything together. We share everything". Fuck off you lying Skanky bitch. You're not even in the same fucking country.

Soooooo many Krustie's with boiling piss at the minute. Group hug my lovely Krustie's 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

Thanks for the court date @Cloud Chaser 👍. Fingers crossed the bitch goes down 🤞
My lovely Pink , I was going to commiserate with you being a Krusty , But then thought you might’ve taken it wrong, was going to commiserate about the paperwork , Not your child , was watching football tonight with my nephew who has Aspergers , and my grandson has downs , it’s hard work I know , But , as you know , every child is special , every child has special gifts , even if if it showing love ,
But as you know , it is a full time job , they are your life not a hobby , something you can pick up and put down as you please, you know where I am coming from , xxx
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Still advertising….
That jyylondon range is shit, I wouldn't wear it to do painting in. Charity shops would hand it back if you donated it...who buys this shit🤣

She also looks cheap, smelly and flammable. Not great advertising.
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Because she's never bloody there and if he was 'at home with his mother' he'd not be looked after, that's why! 🤬 He needs to be in a safe and secure residential place.
The sad fact, in an ideal world, he would be by his mother's side, feeling safe, loved, cared for, among his siblings .. but we all know, thats a big ask, his mother doesn't care, he has anger issues, due to desperation and despair, because he is around chaos, and has been since birth, someone with Harveys issues, needs a lot of attention, and she is not capable, not fit for purpose, too busy with " her " life, has zero time for any of her kids ... so the next best thing ... he needs a secure place, where he will be treated with respect, will learn new behaviours, be surrounded by people who care about his welfare, where he has routine, learns new things, is taught that exercise is fun, how to cook healthy food for himself, how to bathe, take care of his personal hygiene by himself .. is around others in similar circumstances, where his caregivers will do everything with patience ... in essence, like a newborn, he will need to learn new behaviours, and a good residential home will do that for him, he has never had that with her ... if mother dearest fucks that up for him, which from what we are seeing, she has other plans, this young man, will not have a good future ... as I always say, Harveys biggest disability, is his mother
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Apparently saying price won’t be back for princess birthday, means that I’m a “bully” 🤷‍♀️
Yeah, anyone who speaks truth, and questions her vile behaviour, is of course a bullying troll ... and her clueless " fans " continue to lick her arse .. not understanding she wouldn't piss on them, if they were on fire, she would step right over them, without care or hesitation
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