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VIP Member
Part time mother,
Never sees her kids believe it,
She’s no mother
Never sees them unless she makes money
Part time mother
Why it it is we can only see it?
she’s no mother
Always on holiday
So they asked if she misses
The best thing in her life
She said of course
I miss my horse
Her son said please don’t you leave me
I hate it when you leave me
So she went abroad
He’s knocking holes in the wall
She’s a part time mother
She’s away for her girls birthday
But let’s be fair
She doesn’t know when when their birthdays are
She’s a part time mother
She’s gone away the works essential
Have a baby with the fool
And they’ll call it a miracle ,
Part time mother
bankrupt where’s the money ?
goes in his account
So she’s gotta stay with him
So she said I’m on holiday
With the only man who cares for me
And the cameraman
That’s makes three
And if people don’t think I’m a great mum
While I’m about I’ll release old pics
Of me and the kids
Don’t it make you sick?
part time mother
Everybody adores her
While all’s done and said
Who’s tucking the kid up in bed ?
part time mother
When the kids want love reassurance
Who’s gonna give it ? Not fucking me
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midsummer blue

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I always think she will get her comeuppance and it never happens. I think she is just one of those people that go through life doing what the fuck they want with no consequences!!!! No idea how they manage it, but they do!!!
So if it Does happen I will be at the front of the queue clapping and cheering!!!!
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I dip in and out of these threads but wanted to come on to say , does anyone notice how whenever she is away or doesn’t have the children, she posts a pic on her grid of her with one of her kids making it out that she is with them having a great time, when in actual fact one glance of her stories would show she actually isn’t. It’s like she wants to appear to a casual observer and her deluded fans that she is a great mum, when in reality she hasn’t seen any of her kids for weeks.
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Now I'm all for raising awareness of living with relatives with disabilities. That is needed to let people know they aren't alone.
However, the problem I have with this, is that it feels she's relying on Harvey for sympathy and to keep her relevant.
He's an adult now. She allows him no dignity or privacy.
She sells every aspect of his life for the highest price, whilst bleating her life has unnecessarily intrusions.
Bullshit. She pleads this to try and imply she's relevant.
This cunt would sell her mum for a chocolate biscuit.
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I never knew Harvey wets the bed - I do now, thanks to motormouth!
True, me either .. when I've watched videos, he has been shown as telling everyone, he's going to the toilet, and I've always thought .. well done Harvey, that's one issue he controls, despite everything else ... but mummy dearest has even taken that bit of dignity away from him now, the UK public didnt need to know this deeply private information 😕
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Oh its happening.....

It's all in hand 👍
Hope so too @Binfest 🤞 I know she is currently being hit from several different directions, but can’t put it on here publicly, only to mention the court. Shame she never responds to the powers that be and authorities who want to talk to her. All she is doing is deflecting, running and hiding. Well it’s not going away Katie. 👍

Nice to have you back @Pom Bear 😘
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There once was a woman called Price,
We didn't think she was nice.
You could see through her eyes,
That she was telling her lies...
and she was also riddled with lice😁

I'm feeling poetic🤦‍♀️😂
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Chatty Member

Mother of the year telling the world that, keep it PRIVATE.
She is the biggest troll ever. She laughs when woods takes the piss out of him and posts it online...what a cunt
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He would destroy woods with one punch...someone needs to stop her from seeing him and let him grow up without all this shite in his life
Agreed ... She's no mother, never has been, men her sex life, have always come before her children, he must have a care team in place, that can make these decisions for him, she exploits him, pure and simple .. so this youngman, would be better in a place, where he is treated with respect, given the right attention, taught better behaviour, encouraged to exercise, making it fun for him, a good environment suited to his needs ... his biggest disability, is his mother! 🤬
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Why is Skanky and Wanky advertising weight loss products again??? More rules broken.

I've reported BOTH OF THEM, come on you Krusties, get clicking.
Krusty saying that this chemical cocktail always works for her weight loss! Why the fuck go all the way to Turkey to get her blubber removed with a straw then? 😡
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Harvey’s house is a tip and dumping ground for her stuff from the Ashtead rental. There are trip hazards everywhere. Like she changes and washes him and his bedding everyday, she’s barely been in the same country as him the last few months. So he’s got through another 2 TVs and iPads, not cheap for a bankrupt to replace 😡 How can she say she looks after him all on her own and then in the next breath says he always has a full time carer. 🤷🏻‍♀️ And as we ll know, she had her mum looking after him, nannies, ex husbands, neighbours etc. He’s sadly not lost weight like she makes out, she wants to lose weight, Harvey HAS to lose weight to save his life, FGS woman, exercise with your son daily instead of swanning off to Turkey for a short cut and leaving him 😡😡😡
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Pink Squirrel

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Just caught up with the last millionty pages 🥴. I'm still seething about this Harvey stuff. Organisations need to speak up about her treatment of her son. Maybe then someone will save him. Clearly countless phonecalls from members of the public does nothing. I do not understand why no one is helping him. She is publicly failing him in a long list of ways FFS

And as for Crawl's tattoo words 🤦
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Oooh. I’m going to imagine I’m with Brian tonight…. Need a new impetus for legover night 😂
Haha, bless you, I'm so lucky, none of those mucky bedroom chores for me, the only male in my bed is a 50kilo monster dog, he snores and farts but at least the only thing I get poked with in a morning is his left paw telling me he wants to go out 🤣🤣👍
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Haha, bless you, I'm so lucky, none of those mucky bedroom chores for me, the only male in my bed is a 50kilo monster dog, he snores and farts but at least the only thing I get poked with in a morning is his left paw telling me he wants to go out 🤣🤣👍
I have my Wheaten terrier Wilma on the bed most nights. Sadly I lost my old girl Lulu aged 15 three weeks ago. I’m struggling with missing her. Dogs are just so wonderful.
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He has always been eligible for the educational and residential care in his own right. Don't kid yourself that she has paid any fees.

Thank you for the up-date. How would she know the new court date if she doesn't respond to anything? Why aren't HMRC wiping the floor with her like they do with normal people? Why has she had over a year to respond when other people hardly get a week? There is something very strange going on as she seems not to have to answer to the law like the rest of us. How can Harvey being evicted mean she should take-over a 9 bed-room house solely for his care? Completely ridiculous.
That bitch has paid fuck all! Poor Harvey will end up in a secure unit sectioned because of his feckless mother. Leaving Harvey after he was realised from hospital says it all .Katie price what a Bastard you really are .
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Dawn Dayn

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Hi everyone, I try not to read anything about the rancid cow, but saw a pic from the smashed house vid. Shocked at how much weight poor Harvey has put on. As he's diabetic, he can't carry on like this, he'll have a heart attack, have a leg amputated. How the fuck is that issue not being addressed by anyone involved in his care. He'll be dead in five years. 😔
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Pink Squirrel

VIP Member
I'm just sitting here working my way through the 40 page DLA renewal for my autistic/PDA child. I wonder who has & who continues to deal with Harvey's stuff? It sure as shit won't be that skanky tramp. She hasn't a fucking clue 😡

I also think this was the imminent release @Binfest was referring to.

How many fucking stories can The Scum repeat themselves over from the YouTube crap?

And her fucking bollocks about him wetting the bed... "I have to help him wash. I have to keep him clean & hygienic. I'm constantly washing his bedding". Absolute lying cunt. She does fuck all because she's never there 😡

I also feel sorry for his neighbours. They must hear everything when he has a meltdown. Looking at the wall where he's smashed through to the pipes, I'm surprised he hasn't knocked through to next door on an internal wall. I'm wondering if his house is a local authority house 🤔. The size, layout & from the outside look very much like the local authority style housing that most building companies are forced to build when they throw up new expensive housing estates.

And what the fuck are The Scum on about by putting Pete & Skanky trying to outdo each other with pics for Bista's birthday? 🤷 Errrrrr, no, Pete wins hands down because he's actually with her, has given her a lovely birthday weekend, gives her a good home & upbringing, gives her the best education & opportunities he can, gives her a loving & stable family environment etc..... He was most definitely not trying to outdo that whore of an ex wife. She won't have even crossed his mind as he made his birthday tribute. SHE on the other hand will have tried to outdo him & has predictably made it all about her. "We do everything together. We share everything". Fuck off you lying Skanky bitch. You're not even in the same fucking country.

Soooooo many Krustie's with boiling piss at the minute. Group hug my lovely Krustie's 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

Thanks for the court date @Cloud Chaser 👍. Fingers crossed the bitch goes down 🤞

Part time mother,
Never sees her kids believe it,
She’s no mother
Never sees them unless she makes money
Part time mother
Why it it is we can only see it?
she’s no mother
Always on holiday
So they asked if she misses
The best thing in her life
She said of course
I miss my horse
Her son said please don’t you leave me
I hate it when you leave me
So she went abroad
He’s knocking holes in the wall
She’s a part time mother
She’s away for her girls birthday
But let’s be fair
She doesn’t know when when their birthdays are
She’s a part time mother
She’s gone away the works essential
Have a baby with the fool
And they’ll call it a miracle ,
Part time mother
bankrupt where’s the money ?
goes in his account
So she’s gotta stay with him
So she said I’m on holiday
With the only man who cares for me
And the cameraman
That’s makes three
And if people don’t think I’m a great mum
While I’m about I’ll release old pics
Of me and the kids
Don’t it make you sick?
part time mother
Everybody adores her
While all’s done and said
Who’s tucking the kid up in bed ?
part time mother
When the kids want love reassurance
Who’s gonna give it ? Not fucking me
This is quite brilliant @peeko it's deep, meaningful & bloody truthful!
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