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I hope it does but I don't see it actually happening, so many chances missed over the years.
It does feel like that.
This time, I don't know. The yt video hasn't appeared in the DM yet, it's not reported on as much as her usual shit. Maybe it's been seen for what it is, or in bad taste. I don't know.

I'd like to ask Dickhead Madeley, who interviewed katie and harv last time what does he think now. What does he think about the fact she fucked off on holiday, left him, going for cosmetic surgery. Puts out a YouTube video when she's not in the country which humiliated him. Oh and misses her other two children's birthdays.
Richard Madeley, do you still want to give her a medal you wankerπŸ™„ I thought you were a journalist🀣

Was it the last time she saw harvey she saw Richard Madeley...that was ages ago!
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More worryingly did you see the amount of rubbish around the house bin full loads of stuff on the sides and piled up in the rooms MM take 3 I’m sure he doesn’t buy all that stuff around the house . He’s not losing weight she knows what causes his outbursts yet she still goes away and leaves him,her waxing lyrical about him needing full time residential will leave her free to do exactly what she wants. Heartless thing 🀬🀬🀬🀬
If anything, he is the biggest we have seen yet, so someone is feeding him a load of crap ... she is only continuing to document this, because she wants the taxpayer to stump up for his care, which will be approx in a good facility 300, 000 grand a year, his issues are that severe ... once that is granted, the stone around her neck that is her disabled child, will be gone, and she can get on with " her " life, this fairytale, she believes arfffa boy the mug will provide .... other kids, their dads do most of the hard, work, she sees them on odd days, Harvey away full time, he`ll visit at weekends, if that .. mucky mansion will be fixed, again free, because there are mugs out there, who want her advertising them, after she has built function rooms on the land, there is ALOT of land, which is worth more than the house itself .. she will be hiring it out for events .... It seems, she does what she wants, and no one can stop her .. and fuck the 3 plus million she owes, as long as price can live " her " life, she gives no fucks about anyone else 🀬 🀬 🀬 🀬 the ONLY important person in prices life ... is PRICE!!
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Rita Chevrolet

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"I need to find someone who can do an outdoor summer house kind of thing and I'll have to pad all the walls in it." quoted by It

Yes ihe latest bollocks from the shite over on the scum. Obviously they're laying out the pattern for conning some MUG into doing a job at Trampy Towers to make a giant padded cell for H in the cesspit gardens - in a house that she does not even own anyway!!!

H's problems ALL stem from her. Maybe if she spent a bit more time with him - and I don't mean her mocking sessions with Wanky where she just takes the piss out of him, I mean Being There, helping him to understand this frightening world and not dumping him alone with a carer popping in once a day :(

WHY was the boy not removed when they took the rest of the kids from It? He is surely the most vulnerable and yet he's still there sufferring and being used by It all the effing time :( 🀬
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liar liar

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How did it go with the GP today Liar my chum? Blue xxx
Well I have a plan in place now and will be getting my oramorph and 'Just in Case' box - so good but bad lol thanks for asking. No time line yet so I might make October 😁 They are going to try me on an inhaler thing as I only breathe out 37% of what I breathe in at night. Surprised I don't float around the kitchen. X
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Pink Squirrel

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She is a complete fucking mental case in every possible way. She gets more erratic as she goes along. She has paid 'the price' in what she's done to herself. She's absolutely ruined her body beyond repair. She knows it but would never admit it.
We wait patiently for her to be bought down in every other aspect of her miserable, fake, lying existence 😑🀞
I just hope it doesn't happen too late for Harvey 😭. Her latest YouTube about him is truly 1 of the most shocking & horrific things I've ever seen. I personally believe he needs interviewing to see if he understands or agrees to what she's done. I'm sure none of us believe for 1 second that he consented to that or was given the opportunity to understand it. I've never disclosed on here before but I am fully trained & qualified in safeguarding vulnerable people. I am able to be a voice for those who do not have 'normal' vocabulary skills to communicate. I am confident that given the right environment & support Harvey is perfectly capable of making a decision on whether or not he wants his most intimate & personal business 'out there'. I've said many times he uses Makaton to aid his communication. This is just 1 way that he could be supported in understanding what she's doing. Of course this is just my opinion. I have never once seen her interact with him using Makaton. I have heard her refer to it briefly only once. In the Harvey & ME ME ME ME débÒcle he used the sign for thank you. She said something like "oh you're using your language". The only reason she commented was because other people were present & she was trying to make herself look good 😑

I notice The Fail have printed nothing about the skanky tramp since Saturday πŸ‘
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Lets speak truth .... In the recent video, where she took even more dignity, away from her disabled child ... she said .... " people say ... katie how do you cope? .... I tell emm hes ma child ... imaa eis mum, I ave to tak care ov im " ( while doing hand movements, with those tan sprayed, stained manky dirty, claw hands, and her manic eyes wide and high ) ..... katie, you for once need to speak the truth ... when people ask you ... " katie, how do you cope? "..... be truthful .... " Yeah, well ... I Fuck off, on yet another holiday, with my latest shag, leaving their dads to do the hard work ` raising them properly ` and as for Harv ... my mum, who is terminally ill ` 5yrs and counting ` raised him, as did nannies, neighbours, strangers, well anyone really that was around ... my many boyfriends .... I mean MANY ... you wouldn't believe how much traffic my flower garden has seen over the years, they even named an STI after me, that makes me proud ... anyway, as I was saying ... Harv bear ... yeah ... Ive never raised him, taken care of him ... in all honesty, I couldnt really fucking care less, he is a fucking stone around my neck .. he was nearly an abortion ` 3 times `... oh god, I regret that .... yeah, anyway ... as hes grown, again I couldnt be fucking arsed to take care of him, mum cant anymore ... shes terminal ` 5 years and counting ` ..... so he has carers, that also dont give a fuck about him, allow him to be photographed pissin in the street, while again I fucked off on holiday ( as I always do ) people were watching laughing, and it was posted all over social media ... while I was thousands of fuckin miles away in the ` maldives ` being rogered by ` cole `.... finally ... Harv bear does have his uses though, I exploit him to fuck .... he also has an agent and a clothing line now, that keeps me in plastic surgery, so he continues to pay his way ... I call him, my sweet harv cash cow, as I wobble his belly on camera, for my youtube channel, taking the piss further .... taking away even more dignity ... Im also trying to get him sectioned .. because the love of my life, my prince ` cole ` the fuckin jaffa .... has told me its either that, or he walks .... so of course, Ive figured out, if he gets sectioned, thats the problem solved, and it wont cost me a penny! ..." Wooooooo woooooo win, win " .... I can still visit sometimes, not that I want to, as they wont allow me to film him ... but when I do .. Il take him carrot cake, big macs, whopper meals, fish n chips, mars bars, snickers, trifle .. and that lovely good food, he usually eats, because as mentioned, I dont really give a fuck ... ( This could on forever, I could write pages of it, but ya get ma drift ... but its time for dinner .... Fish n chips tonight, lashings of vinegar, tomato sauce, pickled egg, gherkins, pickled onions ... eaten straight from the paper, with ma fingers!!! yummmm yummmmy πŸ‘Œ ☺ ) .... Ps ... Did I mention, how much I fucking hate the cunt that is price :mad::mad::mad:
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Sadly sharks don't eat plastic - they'd probably choke on it like they would swallowing 500 Persil bottles in one go :(
What a shame .... Il just leave this ` mother of the year ` swimming with her adult son pic .... topless 🀬🀬🀬 here .... and her delusional fans still defend her ..... my son 22 has never once seen me topless or naked for that matter ... even though I love him with my all ... Ive never snogged him full on the mouth either ... but hey, thats meπŸ€·β€β™€οΈπŸ€·β€β™€οΈπŸ€·β€β™€οΈ


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I think I'm like a lot of people. I don't really give a monkeys how Pricey lives her life - going from one fame hungry himbo to the next, snorting her fortune up her nose, and selling every cracked nail story to the papers (I remember that story about the cancer - in her finger πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„) but the way she treats Harvey absolutely enraged me!!!

She allows him no privacy, telling everybody his family are frightened of him. Well guess what pricey that's your fault.

A) for not putting in interventions to prevent Harvey from getting to punching the wall stage
B) for not explaining to his siblings about his condition

I work with older people so I've got an understanding of the needs of vulnerable people. I'm pretty certain that an Adult Support and Protection order would be raised if this was an older person showing this sort of behaviour.

Its quite obvious that pricey keeps Harvey around for sympathy. But now with the padded cell comments, you do wonder if she's trying to off load him. As can sometimes happen when disabled children become disabled adults.

Poor boy seems to have nobody in world who cares for him. I know pricey's mother isn't well but surely she'd try and influence decisions about his case? For his benefit?
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He liked Keiran, in that video where she was packing for Turkey (when Bunny played with the pink crutch), he was happy to see Keiran.
Keiran was around him for six years, in total Wanky has probably been around Harvey about 30 times maybe 35
Pete, Kerian and Kris cared for Harvey I believe.

With Kerian and Kris he seemed really happy and weighed much less. Pete set a Trust Fund up for him.

I remember both Kerian and Kris being really kind to Harvey, Harvey even said he wanted to live in Kris' house.

I'll never forget when she recently started threatening Kris again he shut her up by alluding to having loads of shit on her. Even said she left him with all her kids in his house whilst she was off shagging Charles Dury for the weekend in a hotel.

But the spiteful bitch cut them all off from Harvey as she has this control. He needs a 'father figure' who cares for his mental and physical welfare but this absolute abomination of a mother is more interested in being spiteful, vengeful and nasty than in the best interests of her son.
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Imagine wearing it and someone saying what does jyy mean? Is it designer? No its some dodgy woman called jedya yeter yilmaz buys shite from China πŸ˜‚
3 for a tenner πŸ˜‚πŸ˜πŸ˜‚
I will give you 3 reasons not to buy from this site..


Need I say more???
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Ok , so we all know IT and her team of the moment read this
So I would just like to say a big warm thank you to Mr Chris Harris who has just lowered himself to her level by filming and releasing this video.
You have now with great success as it’s made national newspapers took away what little dignity Harvey had left . Congratulations on releasing pictures of all the holes in the walls . Congratulations on highly editing the video. Congratulations for telling the whole nation that Harvey wets the bed .
Well done for showing his mother kissing him full on the lips and stroking him like a dog .
So Mr Harris I hope it was well worth Harvey’s feelings in all this and you can still sleep at night .
Of course you can because you have just proven your no better then her . Who pays you for all this . Good job, well done on Harvey’s humiliation.
Well said, thanks for posting that πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘β€ disgraceful and there's absolutely no need for it whatsoever.
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Hampshire Hog

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Of course shes calm about it .. It's not her fucking house! ... what landlord in their right mind, would rent to her, knowing her son has extreme behavioural issues, which includes blind anger, where he is capable of basically going through the house and destroying it .... First of all, this is not his fault, I understand this ... but there is a clue here, why he does, some of it .. He misses his mum .. and out of frustration, due to the fact, she is not there, I would imagine has a lot to do with it .... so while she is swanning off to have surgery for vanity, putting her new bloke first, Harvey is in this house, with carers, smashing the place up on a daily basis, that's no life for him .. Get back home you vile cunt, and take care of your child!! .. she really boils my fucking blood! 🀬 🀬🀬🀬🀬 and wants sympathy, while out in Spain, being serviced by the jaffa ... and enjoying herself, while spending her creditors money! ... You honestly, couldnt make this shit up of you tried
More worryingly did you see the amount of rubbish around the house bin full loads of stuff on the sides and piled up in the rooms MM take 3 I’m sure he doesn’t buy all that stuff around the house . He’s not losing weight she knows what causes his outbursts yet she still goes away and leaves him,her waxing lyrical about him needing full time residential will leave her free to do exactly what she wants. Heartless thing 🀬🀬🀬🀬
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Ive got more,i hope you like this (i girl i talk to on Instagram sent me all this, I nearly peed my knickers)
I told her to send it to the papers and she said she did but none were interested
Skanky started following this Essex tattoo woman and low and behold lookie lookie πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Some fella got Coles DESIGNED BY HIM TATTOO ON 2ND SEPTEMBER LAST FRICKING YEAR haha,designed by him my fat arse
@DC16 can you help as im crap at loading things from Instagram but there's a moving shot of it 49th picture

No wonder the Turkish tattoo place never put it on their grid cause it wasnt their or his design its been copied
He lies again πŸ€₯πŸ€₯


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I really think she has dirt on people in high places
She gets away with A LOT .... ordinary joe public, would have been punished in some way, so there is obviously someone high up, with some clout behind the scenes fixing this all for her ..... thats the only explanation, she doesnt have enough brain cells, to do this herself ... no one gets away with owing tax in the millions, continues to live a lavish lifestyle while bankrupt, still owns a mansion, and land, worth a lot of money, while in debt for millions ... she does not even hide, rubs her luxury lifestyle in peoples faces .... which means, shes confident, whoever is helping her, will carry on allowing her to do as she wants ... like most of the public, I hope her life at some point completely crashes around her, I want to see her destroyed ... as she has ruined many lives over the years, she is the one person who deserves it, is rotten to the core!
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Mentioning she can’t believe Princess is going to be 14….. can’t be that bothered if going away for plastic surgery was more important to her than a daughters birthday.
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While doing a bit of research always come across comments by Katie price fans , Do you realise these
People are eligible to vote or do jury service ?
Fucking Frightening
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Active member
Hi all,

Just a quick update. Allegedly, a few select editors of national rags have today seen part of a dossier that's been drawn up over many months.

I'm off to my self defense class but will update asap πŸ‘

Take care all ❀
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liar liar

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The people who she got Blade from should take him back. That made me so angry when she had him debarked, all she had to do was bring him indoors instead of keeping him tied up outside.
I signed and paid for signatures to ban her from having anymore pets, what happened to that?
Blade wasn't house-trained and would probably have chewed through some furniture due to boredom. I abhor the way she treats animals. I signed too.
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