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It’s amazing what you learn on here, for example I didn’t realise what a racket these Bath bombs are, not just talking about skanky ! Get some Epsom salts mix with food colouring then bicarb and corn starch mix with different colour food colourings, some oil perhaps glitter a few drops of fragrance of your choice , layer it in a mould , give it a fancy name like the rainbow collection £4.50 a pop , oh I’ll call this the starball £6.50 a pop , I’m in the wrong business
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This is a comment in the DM on an article about Maura and Giovani. :D

Bunny._-Cuddles11 MIN AGO
That means they have signed a PR firm business pairing contract to fabricate endless stories padded out with old and staged pictures to flog to the media, and promote anything that pays. Just like many others like Molly and Tommy. Lies and deceit comes easy to these greedy money obsessed narcissistic manipulators. Greed is off the scale.A FAUXMANCE.
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Why is she saying she wants a padded room and a wet room for Harvey? Is she trying to get rehoused?
Why can’t Harvey use continence aids? If he’s that violent then as a last ditch he be given low doses of medication. Why is she broadcasting this to the world instead of discussing it with her social worker and doctor?
I hate her
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I've been pretty quiet since I watched part of her yt video. It really got to me for several reasons so I have sat back and read all of your comments. You are are lovely people on here and understand exactly what a low life bitch this woman is and you have all eloquently expressed yourselves here...
I'm disgusted by this latest bullshit she's pulling, basically putting out propaganda against Harvey! Humiliating him, taking away his right to privacy and dignity all for her bigger plan. I also think these videos she does of Harvey must be damaging for the other children too. Do they get bullied because she puts too much out there of Harvey. Kids can unfortunately be cruel too.
Anyway sorry for going on😔 I hope something will be done now she has gone too far. If just someone that knows them would tell the real truth then her circus will be shut down🤞
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The dog is cute though! Blade that is!!
Although sadly she’s had his vocal cords cut 😡 if he’s supposed to be her ‘protection’ dog and can’t even bark a warning? No animal is safe around her. I bet she doesn’t give them a second thought on her almost permanent holiday 😡 Grrrrrrrrr 😡
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Bit behind on catching up as little one has been unwell.

So has the whole video with Dane Bowers been spoken about? (sorry if it has!)
So someone sent me the link and I checked it out for curiosity sake....
All I can say now is PASS THE EYE BLEACH!
And save some for Dane’s toe 😂

His toe doesn't need bleach, it went green and fell off not long after the event 🤣
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Hampshire Hog

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The more I see of these two the more my blood boils, they offer nothing to the world just a pair of waste less useless oxygen thieves. Neither of them work all though they would have you believe they do. She owes £3.5 million and she splashes the cash like it’s going out of fashion, I have not heard of him selling any cars recently (he’s never there) always jetting off somewhere on work assignments 😂😂😂🤔 never at home with the kids. So when it’s her weekend for access she’s not here. I really hope she gets her comeuppance soon 😡😡
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It beggars belief that she’ll talk about really personal stuff when it comes to Harvey. He’s a human being with the same rights to privacy as anyone else. She’s happy to use him so she can shout ‘troll’ at other people but she’s a bigger troll than anyone else, she opens him up to the worst kind of mockery and derision.
Harvey is now over 18, which means he now has an adult care team in place ... in all truth, they are failing him by allowing all this to continue, that is what they are there for, to look after his best interests, and it looks like its not happening ... a detailed report needs to made, and handed over to the leader of the team, and from there, all involved will have a meeting, where he is put first, and discussions on the way forward, its not just his mother who is failing him!
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Maybe Harvey has domiciliary care ,carers coming in throughout the day and ane in the evening.
He’s not impaired enough.
does she have power of attorney for his financial affairs? Somebody must as he is wealthy and lacks capacity. Is that why she’s not short of cash? Is she renting that place with his money, does she ‘ live’ there?
iF she is financially exploiting him that way he will get removed. The threshold for neglect is really high. I’m really surprised his school hasn’t dealt with his capacity to consent to social media, it’s possible he was assessed but due to her duress he was found to be able to consent.
It’s a shame we don’t know much about where they live as anyone can submit a safeguarding referral for a vulnerable adult.
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Its really heartbreaking I really hope that someone starts to take notice of poor H plight. I can’t believe that the authorities have let it get to this. If this was any other person and not someone in the media spotlight SS would have swooped in to take the child.😥😥
Exactly ... Social services, should have acted after he was left unsupervised, turned the hot water on in the bath, and badly scalded his legs! and when that giant mirror fell on him, and that's just the stuff we know about, Im sure many other incidents have happened over the years ... while she was out, fuckin galavanting, doing whatever she usually does! not taking care of her children .... Social services, have failed this child, and continue to do so .. any other parent not in the spotlight, would have been done for less .... This will not end well for Harvey, he now looks to be more than 28 stone .. which leaves him open to diabetes, a stroke, heart attack .. and she is thousands of fuckin miles away, being serviced by her newest bednotch .. and her dumbarse fans, call her a " good mother " :mad: :mad:
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liar liar

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Ahh isnt it nice Wanky has got 1 friend left (mega old picture)
And i had to have a nosey through his insta as you do and spotted he has another account iamcarlwoods under woodsnutrition !!!!
I was going to say its old but it cant be because he only started his woods nutrition last year and that's a different account
Oh my 😁 has he got a secret account going on
Hope you all catch my drift
He's still wearing the same manky old sunglasses and now has no friends.

Oh thank you Pom! I feel very special now, I shall wear my badge with pride ❤ ❤ ❤
Huge gratz on your VIP status - well-earned 🤗 💋 🤶 🎉

Ive got more,i hope you like this (i girl i talk to on Instagram sent me all this, I nearly peed my knickers)
I told her to send it to the papers and she said she did but none were interested
Skanky started following this Essex tattoo woman and low and behold lookie lookie 😂😂😂😂
Some fella got Coles DESIGNED BY HIM TATTOO ON 2ND SEPTEMBER LAST FRICKING YEAR haha,designed by him my fat arse
@DC16 can you help as im crap at loading things from Instagram but there's a moving shot of it 49th picture

No wonder the Turkish tattoo place never put it on their grid cause it wasnt their or his design its been copied
He lies again 🤥🤥
Copied very badly I might add.

Don't even show this picture again, utter fraud!! About you won't be able to walk again 🙄
Being wheeled to a charity shop near you - the KP dummy accompanied by her big-arsed skivvy Dionne.

Now I'm all for raising awareness of living with relatives with disabilities. That is needed to let people know they aren't alone.
However, the problem I have with this, is that it feels she's relying on Harvey for sympathy and to keep her relevant.
He's an adult now. She allows him no dignity or privacy.
She sells every aspect of his life for the highest price, whilst bleating her life has unnecessarily intrusions.
Bullshit. She pleads this to try and imply she's relevant.
This cunt would sell her mum for a chocolate biscuit.
My husband is getting very upset at Harvey's situation. He can't understand why Social Services have not removed him when there is so much evidence of her unpleasant interactions on-line with him. If SS are actually doing something why is it taking so long? Why is there no-one else who has his interests at the fore?
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You mean her mental health @Binfest ? Surely that stupid barsteward's post 'Don't underestimate the Pricey' shows that she still thinks she is in charge? Or will it be the Crawl bullying garbage?
I can't go into detail with that but my previous posts have mentioned threats made.

It's aimed at certain people I know but it's really ill advised to go down that path.

It's all documented with legal advisors.

Silly boy.

Happy days 👍
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Just caught up with the last millionty pages 🥴. I'm still seething about this Harvey stuff. Organisations need to speak up about her treatment of her son. Maybe then someone will save him. Clearly countless phonecalls from members of the public does nothing. I do not understand why no one is helping him. She is publicly failing him in a long list of ways FFS

And as for Crawl's tattoo words 🤦
Sadly nothing will ever happen, Katie will be allowed to continue with zero fucks given, no one has the balls to stand up to this woman.

Big Hugs for Pink. 🤗
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Skanky isnt going to like this 😂😂

Can you imagine these writing a tell all book! My goodness, I'd buy it, it would be a bestseller in the UK 😂

@265 I found him, website still going and his daily routine 😂😂
Total pish
He failed to mention the maccyd`s ... burger king ... KFC ... and all the other fuckin crap they ram down their throats on a daily basis!
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That jyylondon range is shit, I wouldn't wear it to do painting in. Charity shops would hand it back if you donated it...who buys this shit🤣

She also looks cheap, smelly and flammable. Not great advertising.
Imagine wearing it and someone saying what does jyy mean? Is it designer? No its some dodgy woman called jedya yeter yilmaz buys shite from China 😂
3 for a tenner 😂😁😂
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This has just appeared. Makes Crawl look a nob. But we know that anyway 😁
ahahahahahaaa he walked into the window what a wanker 😂😂😂😂

And they said " because they felt he wouldn't be the right fit for the group"
Too right cause he's a tosser
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New story 🙄
What a fucking idiot for not looking after the tattoo and what a fucking idiot for posting it for the sun to share it
with the knuckle dragger readers.

Oh and thank you for sorting out my erection problem I had last night and having a good laugh in the process.
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Katie Price is self centred, never would have guessed.

Fucking dirty skanky cunt. She doesn't deserve to be called a mum
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