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I'm home and eating a Pizza, I have seen a few headlines which will not be appearing on my FB group page, I draw the line at stories involving Harvey out of respect. In fact I haven't read any news stories because Katie is using H for headlines, I get the basic idea from this thread. After working hard all day the last thing I need to read is how badly Katie treats H, I find it very distressing that she uses H as a cash cow.

You might have noticed I'm use the Angry Reaction a lot tonight.

I need a Hug, Anna???
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Bless you .. I studied mental health some years ago, and we were taught its a myth, that someone with autism has to be violent to the point of smashing everything around them, as you say, you have this experience with your daughter, and with time, patience, and love, these behaviours that Harvey is displaying can be helped to a certain extent, people with autism, are not stupid, far from it, a stable home life, routine is so important, their environment, while watching Harvey, you can see, he understands quite a lot, he knows, this behaviour is not right, but if mum, is not around, to give him that comfort, he needs, that leads to frustration, and his anger outbursts, Im not surprised he lashes out
Harvey’s disability isn’t that bad, he can read and write and is quite insightful. He needs to be in a calm environment learning skills and enjoying himself. Every time she fucks off it rips the scab off his abandonment wound
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The birthday tribute is definitely as I said, Price in every picture and references in the wording to her 😡 Hi Katie 👋 you really are a devious, selfish, lying piece of work.

Princess is not your “mini me” Katie.
Not at all.
She is smarter than you have ever been and prettier.
She actually looks nothing like you.
She can sing and talk properly.

I really tried not to watch that video. I was so mad just a couple of minutes in I felt like punching a wall. The lies about looking after him full-time - I was surprised that a flock of seagulls hadn't landed on her nose. 'I can pop down the shop for 2 mins...' What do you call popping to Portugal twice? What about Turkey and now Spain? If he was in a properly built house instead of this plaster-boarded crap that passes for housing nowadays he wouldn't punch anything because he'd break his hand or his fucking head. He is in so much danger it is unreal.

She owes £3.25million actually and over £900k is due to HMRC.
Yes poor Harvey.
My heart breaks for him.
He can hurt himself physically.
Katie seems to have no clue about his needs.
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The was an old hag called Pwice
She was partial to a slice and dice
Tits the size of Africa, trying to get pregnant by a jaffa
Whilst trying to flog her shitty wigs half price

Take a bow
Haha, you can take one too. 🤣🤣👍

Right, one more then I need to get some food.

There once was a bloke called Karlot,
Whose missus was a bit of a harlot.
They both got new teeth,
She bath bombed her underneath,
But his Dick's still the size of a shallot.

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Maybe his STI has travelled
He's such a dumbfuck of a car salesman that when Katie told him she had an STI he thought his luck was in...a nice little convertible to put on his forecourt🤣

Instead he ended up with a red rash on his foreskin😳🤣
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midsummer blue

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Of course shes calm about it .. It's not her fucking house! ... what landlord in their right mind, would rent to her, knowing her son has extreme behavioural issues, which includes blind anger, where he is capable of basically going through the house and destroying it .... First of all, this is not his fault, I understand this ... but there is a clue here, why he does, some of it .. He misses his mum .. and out of frustration, due to the fact, she is not there, I would imagine has a lot to do with it .... so while she is swanning off to have surgery for vanity, putting her new bloke first, Harvey is in this house, with carers, smashing the place up on a daily basis, that's no life for him .. Get back home you vile cunt, and take care of your child!! .. she really boils my fucking blood! 🤬 🤬🤬🤬🤬 and wants sympathy, while out in Spain, being serviced by the jaffa ... and enjoying herself, while spending her creditors money! ... You honestly, couldnt make this shit up of you tried
Totally agree with you. I really don’t understand his anger issues and hitting walls. Having an autistic daughter who gets stressed by noises. Screams and cries but doesn’t punch walls. Used to bite herself but with care and patience I managed to stop her doing that. It just takes time and consistency in their lives and love and attention.
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Hi there lovely 🙂 I've just read a comment on Eden's insta from a moll.ieevans regarding the TGI youtube, you need to read it 🤨😠xxx
Thanks MC my friend.

Pack of bollocks, excuse my Anglo Saxon:

1. I have never been in TGI's nor have I ever shouted at anyone in a restaurant. Carl Woods video threats HE MADE to me in front of KP, Junior and Princess many of you on here have seen.

2. He's never met me never mind filmed me.

3. I have never even started a Tattle Thread let alone set up one trolling someone.

4. Police felt I was a victim taking it seriously enough to issue me with a crime number having seen the threats so that's good enough for me.

4. I am not and have never been a troll, just someone with an opinion and a sense of duty and right from wrong with, I would hope, a sense of humour.

I'm a tough old bird but these morons are dangerous and for someone with a more fragile mental health state could do untold harm.


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Cannot wait for the day when he batters woods for taking the piss out of him but I'm sure price will stand by woods and all the blame will be put on the poor boy
I also look forward to the day, Harvey decks him good and proper, hopefully smashing those ludicrous fake horse teeth ! Hes got it coming, and for good measure turns on her as well ..... but sadly, Harvey will get the blame 🤬
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Harvey is like a meal ticket for her. The lad is vunerable and she clearly knows that and there she is giving all and sundry a tour of HIS FLAT !?!
Who intheir right mind would do this?
Can you think of ANY celeb who exploits their vunerable child and in ways shames him.😕
I know she probably loves him but she exploits him and unlike her other kids he is not fully aware of the repercussions of social media and the criminals that are watching BUT SHE IS AWARE!
She talks of trolls but she feeds them and a burgulary can happen and she should know as shes experienced it herself!😡

She needs to take reponsibility quick!!!
She swans off and shows the world she is away too.
NOTHING SEEMS TO BE A SACRED we get told everything. Its one thing about herself but her kids in patucular Harvey needs shielding!
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Well as someone pointed out on here recently... a football agent now owes £5 million on a case from 2014. I think the problems arise through the complexity of people involved and the different interests they are pursuing. HMRC, lender, accountants, liquidators, solicitors then the utilities and traders.
When the monster I was married to left, he also left a long trail of debts, some I knew nothing about ( his parting gift to me, yes he was that twisted, was done on purpose, he earned good money ) ... one instance, out of many ... there was 500 owed for old council tax, which he assured me, was paid ... the council hounded me, to the point where I felt suicidal, I had a nervous breakdown, was quite ill, this was explained to them, they pretended to understand, told my sister ( who was helping while I was ill ) that they put this debt on hold for afew months, until I felt better, and could deal with it ( fair enough ) ... a week later they proceeded to send bailiffs to my door, who were threatening to take my car, and possessions for 500 quid, plus the fucking costs they added on top for the trip ... I paid in full by credit card on the spot ... so how these fuckers, are owing millions, and are not being punished, really fuckin boils my piss! when I was harassed for a pissy 500 quid ... I recovered very well from the breakdown, and these days, I wouldnt allow any fucker to take advantage the way the council did over such a measly amount of money ... fast forward some years, I fight fire with fire in these situations
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I think the whole Harvey thing needs to be reported to the relevant services and if she has custody or whatever it is, it should be taken. The cunt has put proof all over the internet that he isn't safe in her care (or lack of care)
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Pom Bear

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One more for tonight as no pics tomorrow from me as Sundays are my busiest day 🥰

Lier Bar with Coles face on.
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I don't know why she's bleating on about getting that huge house, it's rented. If Skanky and Wanky move in with them they'll all chip in with the rent. I'm sure between the 4 of them they'll scrape £500 a week together :D
Kerry Coketona is making out she has bought it🤣🤣🤣
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It beggars belief that she’ll talk about really personal stuff when it comes to Harvey. He’s a human being with the same rights to privacy as anyone else. She’s happy to use him so she can shout ‘troll’ at other people but she’s a bigger troll than anyone else, she opens him up to the worst kind of mockery and derision.
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liar liar

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Yep it's obvious they stage shit. Bit like her and those exercise bikes
So all this tried dieting, the gym blah blah becomes more stupid every moment. She never makes an effort at anything. I'm doing a roast dinner and have to sit down every 2 minutes due to lack of breath and nausea. She doesn't know what hard work and doing your best is. Dolly! Boiling piss delivery for ya!
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Do you think she is still on drugs,he takes roids etc..peeps on here have said she sounds and looks liked she is drugged up.
Bugger do wish Alex,Kris would really spill the beans on her!Didnt Kris say he could bring her down?
he cared for Harvey,about time he spouted out the truth about her.
Oh yup, she is definitely still on something, her behaviour shows this clearly, she fidgets, can't stay still for long ... no attention span, jumps from one subject to another, quite fast ... talks aload of bollocks most of the time, her eyes are manic, you can see the high in them ... licks her lips a lot, flicks her tongue, rubs her nose ... and his angry outbursts, are also usually a sign of roid abuse ... Ive worked with addicts over the years, and can usually spot the obvious signs, these two are both wired most of the time ... I think Kris is waiting for the right moment, and money to tell all .. cant wait (y)
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I'm just sitting here working my way through the 40 page DLA renewal for my autistic/PDA child. I wonder who has & who continues to deal with Harvey's stuff? It sure as shit won't be that skanky tramp. She hasn't a fucking clue 😡

I also think this was the imminent release @Binfest was referring to.

How many fucking stories can The Scum repeat themselves over from the YouTube crap?

And her fucking bollocks about him wetting the bed... "I have to help him wash. I have to keep him clean & hygienic. I'm constantly washing his bedding". Absolute lying cunt. She does fuck all because she's never there 😡

I also feel sorry for his neighbours. They must hear everything when he has a meltdown. Looking at the wall where he's smashed through to the pipes, I'm surprised he hasn't knocked through to next door on an internal wall. I'm wondering if his house is a local authority house 🤔. The size, layout & from the outside look very much like the local authority style housing that most building companies are forced to build when they throw up new expensive housing estates.

And what the fuck are The Scum on about by putting Pete & Skanky trying to outdo each other with pics for Bista's birthday? 🤷 Errrrrr, no, Pete wins hands down because he's actually with her, has given her a lovely birthday weekend, gives her a good home & upbringing, gives her the best education & opportunities he can, gives her a loving & stable family environment etc..... He was most definitely not trying to outdo that whore of an ex wife. She won't have even crossed his mind as he made his birthday tribute. SHE on the other hand will have tried to outdo him & has predictably made it all about her. "We do everything together. We share everything". Fuck off you lying Skanky bitch. You're not even in the same fucking country.

Soooooo many Krustie's with boiling piss at the minute. Group hug my lovely Krustie's 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

Thanks for the court date @Cloud Chaser 👍. Fingers crossed the bitch goes down 🤞

This is quite brilliant @peeko it's deep, meaningful & bloody truthful!
Group Hug 🤗❤
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Hampshire Hog

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Well said all of you👏You have put across everyone thoughts in a measured and factual way, I bow to all of your superior knowledge.I Clive all of you watched that video of H and was absolutely disgusted that it has been played out over SM. That bloke filming it needs to take a long hard look at himself how he ever thought that was acceptable is beyond me H has no privacy at all I really hope the family courts and SS are looking at this and take appropriate action. Love to you all ❤❤
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