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New member
I'm gobsmacked by this actually. Carl's stupidity and cockiness have taken over, he's a nasty piece of work and I hope this land him in trouble. I hope the young lad is ok.
He really is a nasty piece of work you are right his eyes scare me and now he is doing this to someone when he could of just left it, he is awful
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She likes the novelty but not the responsibility, the cute puppies are fun but clearing up their shit isnt, the babies are cute to show off but when it comes to hard work of parenting she shoves them off to their dads, she is the laziest slob I have ever seen I just can’t imagine what her personal hygiene is like, I think the fact that she gets regular infections after surgery says it all!
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Just watched her story on Instagram . OMG 🤣😂what’s going on with her hair !!! Does she never learn . What a total clip she looks .What’s with her own hair coming through the weave !!!! I’m lost for words at how many times she blags free wigs and weaves and looks absolutely hideous . 🤣😂Time to just call it a day I think . She looks ridiculous 🤣 .
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On the lip fillers Instagram (Ellie) did Q+A last night and was asked why did you break covid restrictions. Replied that she doesn’t believe in it all. 🤔
I would ask them for her business, does she not follow the government guidelines set out. As if not then surly she shouldn’t be operating as she is putting “clients” at risk?
I’m sure she would have to show proof that her business is indeed covid safe 🤔
And filming herself while driving with her son in the car 😡🤬😡 FFS what is wrong with these people?


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Hampshire Hog

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I’ve worked with some nasty pieces of work in my time, and I have to say reading everything that Doris posts online is really worrying he’s seems very aggressive and as usual because he lacks the vocabulary to put his point across in a measured way he swears and calls people names. I worry about what life is really like behind closed doors😡he comes across as possessive and jealous wait until she starts playing up we will see his true colours then 😡
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Monsieur Crumble

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I've just had a thought, they are saying they don't know when they will return so maybe they are both undergoing gender reasignment 🤔 Skanky looks mostly male anyhoo so maybe she's getting a willy 😉 as for Wanky well he is a little pussay already so won't have to change him too much, maybe he is going to be the new owner of Skanky's implants 🤭 My son say's I have a weird imagination 😁
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Pink Squirrel

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So I've been looking at her YouTube figures, I seriously cannot see how this trip can be classed as work filming for her YT channel. Since she started in 2019, her first video got the highest views at 1,168,350 views, since then, she has only had 4 videos which have had more than 1 million views. If you average it out (28.5 million views for 86 videos) that's 331k views each. Out of 86 videos only 8 companies have done paid partnership videos with her, not big earning revenue is it....!
Even with their Adventures of Katie & Carl channel: 5 videos, totalling 350k views.
It's like I said yesterday, she won't even make enough to pay for her quarantine 🤣
Does the deluded tramp really think millions are going to watch the carve up?
All she's done is piss everyone off with trying to justify it as a fucking work trip. No you total cunt, you've fucked off against government guidelines to a red country for your own selfish gain. You have literally stuck 2 fingers up to our country. You have a vulnerable child, a terminally ill mother, a new nephew all of whom you clearly couldn't give a fuck about.
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Chatty Member
Eden hasn’t trolled. He is Autistic and has factually written his thoughts. That’s not trolling, that’s honesty. I am autistic and I agree with each factual comment Eden made.
Agree, seen alot worse comments on Coles IG from others yet nothing eden has said is bullying him..shows vile Carl up for what he is .... obviously he's pissed at the missus latest botched work
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Pom Bear

VIP Member
Morning Pom!

I’m glad you’re here. Loving the photos. I’m in awe that you can look at Frankenprice that long to create you’re masterpieces. I start to gag after a couple seconds! I’m working all weekend so I’m going to try to keep up as much as I can, im
Just waiting for the headline (page 6 article) that the surgery went wrong, so I can pop the bubbly! 🤭

have a great day!
Good afternoon to you 🥰❤🤗😘 xx.

Thank you ❤💖 xx.

Looooool I wonder that myself sometimes 😄😄
I love your Frankenstein dog pic 🥰❤❤💕
I like how quite a few others changed their pics too. 😀❤

I leave this here I've made..I won't change my pic but I thought I'd add a contribution 🤗🥰💖😄😘 xx.

I couldn't make my mind up which one I liked the best so did it as a collage lol 😀😘

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Ok my krusties, I've come on here to be cheered up and not have my piss boiled😉
I'm a little emotional as it's my sons 18th today, we've had a lovely day and been out for lunch...his first pint...of squash, he doesn't drink😳 I know, I thought it was hereditary to be a piss head🤣
I'm glad though, he's a good boy. He has just taken his car out for the first time this evening with friends. I'm so worried and will not sleep until he gets home. He's had the full 'mum safety' speech. Macdonald's and footy Is his plan this evening!
So different to my day, I can't remember my 18th. Not because it was so many years ago but I got absolutely slaughtered🤦‍♀️ I'm so proud today❤
I cannot understand why or how the skanky pricey could miss out on any of her children's milestones...first day at school, birthdays, school plays. I felt guilt if I was Ill and couldn't take them to the park by myself.
Sorry for the long post, I feel better now 😂
See, you're a good mum, unlike Skanky and you actually care. Happy birthday to your boy, I'm sure he'll be fine ❤😘 and if he's a good lad, he'll know you'll be worried so he'll not be silly.
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Rita Chevrolet

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I wonder if that’s bec Doris knows he is screwing up all of Frankenprices plans. But the young lad is fighting back, his aim is to really show Doris up. Just hope he has support with him
Well he has my support against these two complete asshats and their grubby acolytes :(
Team Eden!! :)
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I wonder if wanky is keeping a journal as such?so when the relationship goes tits up 🤣he has lots of shit on her! He seems the type not a Boyson or Andre as such,he looks a fucking creepy shitbag so wouldnt be surprised.Wow…He is a slitty eyed cunt and couldn’t trust him with fucking with a shilling in his fucking pocket..🤔🤔🤔
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midsummer blue

VIP Member
Not that it will make a blind bit of difference but i emailed the Scum to say how disgusted I am about their article and they are basically promoting the bullying by Doris and did they actually bother to look at the boys side of it.
Good for you. Typical media to do a story without all the facts!!!
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Rita Chevrolet

VIP Member
Do you suppose It might be too ill to post the usual tonnage of crap? Only two "stories" on the scum's page today!

1. there it is fawning over Doris Carwash in an old photo where it is sitting in front of a set meal for ten at some turkish gaff. No wonder it's fat now eh??? :(

2. It's taking H clubbing so it says. Why? Why would you take a special needs lad to such a place where he will get verbally ripped to bits by drunks who think what they do is wildly amusing? Why would such a great mother do that???

My God I despise her even more than my ex-husband!!!! 🤬

I’ll bet he’s absolutely livid at her desperate attempt to flog that hairbrush. His work couldn’t have looked more shit if she tried. Talk about bad publicity!! Yikes
Serves the idiot right for thinking it was going to do a favour for anybody (even a paid one). She's obviously cocking-up every single advert in purpose once she's pocketed their cash - I wonder if the Courts are keeping tabs on all her insta & youtube adverts?
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