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Oh, on his Instagram feed, not the stories, he's on about how disappointing the court result was yesterday but the rest/anology he's trying to put across I don't get lol
Ahhh, ok. He's an illiterate twat. Never mind🤣

I'm retiring to my boudoir now ladies and gentlemen. The last trip to the wine cellar has got me slightly squiffy 🤣
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Hampshire Hog

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I for the life of me cannot understand why they have gone to Turkey🤷‍♀️I suspect it’s because no surgeon here will touch her, if she ends up with infections following this then serves her right and him all for vanity nothing else. If she followed a proper healthy varied diet she would lose that weight being unable to run or exercise is not an excuse for being over weight I’m sick of her bleating on time and time again she is called out for her lies and she still comes back with more crap 🤬🤬🤬😡😡😡😡🤢
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If they were live on GMB at gone 8 o'clock, there's no way they will have got to Heathrow in time for an 11.25 flight - not with Monday morning traffic.

And that's the second interview GMB have done with her where Susannah Reid has gone out of her way to say what a great mother she is. IN fact, she did it twice this morning. I presume she either doesn't know about Katie being banned from her younger children's school premises for calling staff and parents f***ing c***s and that her other four kids don't live with her (because reasons, but they will be serious ones), or she simply doesn't care?
I didn’t see it but I can’t stand Susannah Reid she is anodyne as they come. She has no personality, no intellect I’m sorry to say same as Garraway woman, looks have got them far. She tried to be the straight man to Piers and even that she was crap at.

These ‘interviewers’ a lot don’t do their own research, get some lowly paid person to do a google search or look on Wikipedia.
Dolly I’m borrowing your pot today please.
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The daily Mail have heard from a representative

Is she actually classing this as work? She needs fucking sectioning. How the hell is she getting away with it? 😤😤😤😤😤😤
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Here's the comment. I saw it yesterday. It's a different account but the same name. Obviously someone trying to annoy the actual BunnyCuddles. This 1 is Bunny._cuddles & the fruit loop is Bunny..._cuddles or something like that. So very similar.

I think nobheads comment about not knowing when they'll be back may be him trying to be witty & clever 🙄. As in the song 'leaving on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again'

I can't get over her treatment of Harvey yesterday. It's so distressing 😭. She'll have fucked up his school routine, surrounded him with strangers to get her fucked up face on the telly, seen his reaction to the screen dropping near him & then instantly fucked off the second the camera stopped. Leaving whoever is his carer this week to deal with him. It makes me feel sick. We are told he has the mental capacity of a 7 year old. So try & imagine how a 7 year old would feel if that had just happened? He'll have no idea of where she's gone or when she's coming back 🤷. I do not know of any neurodiverse child or adult that does not like routine & a calm atmosphere, mine included. I cannot begin to think of the results for my children if I behaved like her. She is the cause of a lot of his issues. Why oh why can people not fucking see it? Why do supposedly intelligent interviewers insist on calling her a fantastic mum 🤷😡. It must be truly horrendous for those left to deal with Harvey when she pulls a stunt like that. Absolute selfish cunt she is 😡
I agree I think a lot of Harvey’s problems are krusty. When he is with her he loses all routine, proper meals, it’s just a circus of chaos where he is then wheeled out when his mother needs to exploit him. I bet his behaviour away from her is completely different but she insists on showing punched out car windows and holes in walls. I’ve always said Harvey’s worst enemy is his mother and always will be
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More W8 staged crap

More W8 staged crap
Her kids Bunny and Jett helped her to carry things in.

Jett wheeled a suitcase into the mansion.

Katie took a look in the hot tub.

Good grief - it's like reading from a Janet & John book 🥴
I know what you are going to say 265, "you're showing your age!"
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I see Junior as done a birthday interview with ok magazine with his dad bet Katie is well mad he did not do it with her in fact over the last few months it seems like Junior as refused to be in any of her media money making scams
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Well-known member
Thanks Mercedes!

Right, I feel I have to step up and address some of this diatribe:

1. Yes, as a lot of you know, I am the lady Carl Woods treatened to 'mess up'.

2. I am not a 'troll', meaning in The English language as "someone who posts inflammatory, insincere, digressive or off topic messages. Internet trolling can also be defined as purposefully causing confusion or harm to other users online, for no reason at all". I am none of these things. I don't have a criminal record, have no restraining orders nor have I threatened to beat up someone or destroy their lives and livelihoods. I believe if you chose to make your living by selling your life on social media then you lay yourself open to peoples opinions.

3. What I said to warrant the threat was 'his new Turkey Teeth made him look like Bingo from The Banana Splits'. Which they do. He chose to pick on me, I guess because of my name because he thought I was a bloke. People have said far worse but he chose me.

4. I did not have a 'fake account'.

5. I did not play 'the victim'. He threatened me violently on UTube in front of Katie Price, Junior and Princess. I have around 50ish witnesses to the threats who saw the original video, which the Police also saw. It was then taken down briefly, the threat removed and reposted. Apparently I've been told if your clever at these things the original will still be out there.

6. When I complained to the police (I have the Crime Number and Report) he hid behind Kirsty at Chase Communications. I have saved copies of emails from her. She then seemed, in my humble opinion, apologies if I'm wrong, to pass it to Ed at Pro Ceeders. He was very professional. Also have emails from him. Police confirmed to me he had been issued with a caution and if there were anymore threats I could reopen the complaint.

I'm an honest, law abiding person with a sense of morality and know right from wrong. Never have I robbed, abused, threatened anyone. Just hope I have a good sense of humour and occasionally make people smile.

It's really upset me today seeing her on GMB waxing lyrical about the bloke (and I certainly don't condone what he did) who got off sharing the Harvey video when she and Carl Woods did exactly the same, and then to see her going on holiday again has made my blood boil. She sat there laughing when he was threatening me and in front of her teenage kids!

Right I'm off for a bit but not before, this is not a joke, emailing Richard Madeley at GMB about him defending her after clearly doing no research. Love you all my chums! Xxxx
Blue I really hope I didn’t cause u any offence or upset. I can’t stand bullies. I did reply to him afterwards basically calling him a liar as his response really did piss me off. surprisingly it has been left up but the likes of wanky just don’t care esp now they have just buggered off to Turkey so in his eyes it gets ignored as people comment on their next ‘adventure’. Take care x
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on the post they have put dont know when we will be back(so have they got a one way ticket) so the mother of the year as no idea when she will see her kids again(great for HARVEY AS SHE KEEPS GOING ON ABOUT HOW HE NEEDS ROUTINE(plus if she is due in court again this month and as gone to Turkey for cosmetic surgery(non essential)and uses this for not being able to attend she should be held in content of court and arrested on her return(she will know the date she should be in court and arranged nothing for that date except appearing there)
Do you think she will know her next court date? surely she wouldnt be so blasé about it?? I know she’s thick as 2 short planks but surely one of her friends (paid monkeys) will give her the heads up??

Sorry I’m not very clued up on that sort of thing as I’ve always worked hard and paid my debts and other people before spending money on holidays and plastic surgery (I don’t have any plastic surgery)

I’d love to see her banged up. Party at The Dogs that night!

Hope you are feeling better now Dog ❤
I’ve got bronchitis, which means resting and spending more time with you lovely lot!
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Pink Squirrel

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Another snoozefest non story 😴. The same old shit we've been reading for 2 days just re-hashed. Her 'rep' needs to shut the fuck up aswell.
It's not essential travel. It's not work. Please do not try & compare her to Stacey Dooley. She's not even close. Everything she says is a fucking lie. Nobody gives a fuck about her surgery. Nobody wants to see her surgery. She stuff her pus filled plastic gob with shite & has put weight on. She's too fucking lazy to diet. The end!

Pink don't go giving her ideas - you know she's watching us

Wonder how Doris feels knowing his Mum looks younger and prettier than his 'The One!'
Maybe I should write the story now & submit it to The Scum before an unknown source (her) does? 🤣😂
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Chatty Member
Don't worry my chum. It's been a pretty open secret on here who I am. You haven't offended or upset me in the slightest.

Sometimes someone pushes you too far.

At the time of the threat (think it was October last year) the Daily Mirror found out who I was and offered to pay me for my story. I declined because I like to give people the benefit of the doubt but now reconsidering. Could do with a few quid!

I'm going to ask them to interview Clearblue Cole first!
Please do he’s such a lying piece of crap he needs calling out and you have the screenshot of his pathetic bullshit reply saying the police never contacted him chavvy scummy arsewipe, wonder how proud mummy is of him threatening people whilst his plastic skank of a girlfriend laughs.
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I saw his dreadfully abusive diatribe to you. It was horrid. I don’t think he’s particularly bright but very controlling and a nasty, nasty bully. His ‘banter’ with Harvey reflects on his character.
So it’s very clear on here that quite a few people witnessed his threats to Blue . He needs to remember that !
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Pink Squirrel

VIP Member
Why am I being stressed out by some cunt I personally don't know (that's not my only current stress)
Bless ya, I feel the same. I honestly wish I wasn't so wound up by the Skanky trashbag. The thing is, we are decent people doing the right thing to the best of our ability, in whatever circumstances we face. She is a lying, poisonous, narcissistic, fake trashbag who destroys everything she gets near with no fucks given. She is the lowest piece of scum out there. She's a very sick individual. I truly believe when she falls it will be spectacular 🤞🤞
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