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Chatty Member
She admitted she IS leaving the MM. Said she hates it and she can't wait to move in her new house. She's going to give a house tour on her YouTube channel.

The live is available to watch on her FB stories. Can't be bothered to watched the rest. Over 20 minutes long.
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After she finished her drink drive course, she wasn't classed as high risk and didn't have to do a blood test, they sent the forms off, as far as she knew she was waiting for her driver's lic, it didn't come, she kept calling them. Then the anon email saying she wasn't fit to drive, she said she was because she had filled out all the forms, so doctors then filled out forms, apparently the forms say at the end, if you know you are 100% sure you are fit to drive, you can still drive (??) so she carried on driving as my doctor said. She knew she would pass anything 100%
4 times it has happened. DVLA are now saying she is high risk, she doesn't really drink. Car was insured when she was caught driving. Even the lawyers can't get hold of DVLA. She spoken with 3 different lawyers, they've NEVER heard of this situation before! It's unheard of. They won't tell her who this person is. (Well GDPR hun)
she admits one of the kids wants nothing to do with her(prob Junior)how does that work when she is all ways claiming they all live with her
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Going to the cinema apparently. Didn't see enough of the car to recognise it, looked pretty new & quite flash, Didn't look like his black jeep thing.

No obvious filter on & her skin looks like badly finished polyfilla! Her face moves/or doesn't move in really weird ways. I'd be transfixed if I saw her in real life! 🧐
'It's great seeing you happy'? God these fans are dumb. She's ecstatically happy for the first few months of every relationship, so what's new? The fact that she's then extremely unhappy in every single relationship tells you the happiness is part of her delusion!
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Going on about cheating in a relationship, she needs to take a look at herself FIRST!

You should just let your partner go off and do their own thing.... (I suppose driving her about 24/7 will be their own thing then?) it's unhealthy checking up on your partner.
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Chatty Member
Oh the inspirational quotes are out but….

“Major shifts are happening”?
You’re having to shift furniture pronto!

“Things are changing”?
The locks are changing once the bailiffs arrive!

“Doors are opening”?
Doors are closing more like (ITV’s, Ali Express’s, BAFTA’s I’m a Celebrity, That Irish awards ceremony where you were recorded high as a cosmic twat).

Behave Kipper!


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It's awful the way she's shouting and swearing in front of Harvey. Anybody who reads on here will know I have no time for him regarding his foul mouth, horrible temper and treatment of animals but I know that absolutely none of this is his fault. Just look and listen to her manic behaviour in front of the vulnerable young man and it tells you all you need to know about what he's endured since he was a baby. He looks lost, confused and vulnerable. He's partially sighted, has it not occurred to her that having him around all this chaos and piles of rubbish is downright dangerous for him. He could have a nasty fall which with his weight could be really serious. Is she there on her own with him? If not somebody needs to tell her to calm down and stop swearing and shouting. Somebody said earlier we could soon be seeing a lot more of him in these situations as if he's leaving college anyway she won't toe the line with them anymore regarding his safeguarding and dignity. Remember the plans to tout him around the UK as a Victorian sideshow that got scuppered? I hope we aren't in for a repeat performance.🤬
I had a very similar reaction to this video - she truly is vile! This is exactly why she can’t be trusted with the ypunger kids - she has no concept of what’s appropriate and she’s a liability!
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Right so you are in the audience and you get the chance to ask one question. What would it be?

mine would be, of all the pictures in all the world of you why did you choose the ugliest on your outfit?

or How come you can’t appear in court in front of public and media but you can appear here?
I'd ask,
So Katie, doctors have said you have worstest injured feet they've ever seen.
Psychiatrist's have said you've had the worstest trauma they've ever seen.
Have you spoken to a singing teacher?
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I’ve been thinking of the Skanky fans today, with Skank informing them yesterday that there was to be no MM series 3 and she hates the place, always has, there must have been deep sorrow in Skanky Fan-Club world today, and not only that she lied to all of them on the podcast that she wasn’t getting evicted, a double blow. I imagine the last 24 hours have been very traumatic for them. I hope a few read here, the ones calling us trolls, yet here I am worrying about how they are getting through this difficult period. See we are kind trolls, Skanky fans, thinking of you x
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I thought this tour would be gloriously funny, but have to say it’s been even better than I thought, every time I’ve logged in today it’s been hilarious on here, and the first night hasn’t even started yet 😂 State of her already, oh it’s so over for her, I can’t stop laughing at her today, oh what a week this will be, can’t wait to see this dress 🤣

A preview of tonight…..

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Apparently when she had the one off podcast show last year, she sold out the venue in one night
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Rita Chevrolet

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Skank will be lucky if this so called tour lasts until next month. How many people are honestly going to waste money listening to her talk gibberish and then a two minute call to Harvey to exploit him a bit more. Thank our lucky stars she cannot dress Bunny in some totally inappropriate way and use her anymore. The beige sister is a complete non entity so whats the point of her even being there.
Yes at least Bunty is safe from exploitation now; That last exhibition was dreadful with the girl tarted up like a streetwalker when she should be savouring being a kid - not a skank clone. She can be a child for the years she has left now rather than appease "Mummy" by coating herself in totally inappropriate make-up and dressing like a hooker in dreadful shoes (the likes of which have obviously given Mummy that Sticky-up Toe Thing).
Enjoy your childhood Bunty!!
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Pom Bear

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@Pom Bear
Dying here😂😂😂😂😂
Please never stop.
P.S. more Lego googly eyes photos whenever you’re ready will ALWAYS be much appreciated!!!❤❤❤❤
Thank you very much 👍💕❤😀🥰🤗😘 xxxx
Yep I've saved googly eyes so will be using them in the future when I can Love Pom 😀😊🫢🤗😘❤❤❤ xxxx

Legohead is looking in the mirror at himself 😄 x ....


Imagine his reflection looking back with his large eyes while the real Legohead's eyes still stays slitty 😄😄😄😘 xxx.

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I knew it, that is what is in his little bag. Bless.

There he is, Lego-StonerBoy living his best Withnail life, enjoying a spicy Camberwell Carrot, whilst having a lovely break away from that Skank at Uncle Monty’s cottage.


If you’ve not seen the film Withnail and I, this joke may fall flat 😁
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