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Well madam’s going to have to put in a lot of graft, travelling all round the country to earn a crust to pay out for rent & bills, as well we hope, an arrangement to clear her huge debts. Gonna have to work harder & harder, flogging cheap 💩too. How the mighty has fallen. Lost her looks, mutilated, probably very painful body. No kids, no longer a home owner. Can’t (legally ) drive. God knows how many court cases pending. Pretending she’s in a ‘perfect’ relationship with an ugly, unintelligent & uninteresting, scruffy ‘lad’ who looks like her carer. Nobody would want to trade places with her. Unless she’s utterly deluded, she knows she’s toast. NEVER going to earn enough to rent a huge house. Trustees should nip any large rental in the bud. Living beyond her means with a DOUBLE bankruptcy. Ludicrous 💩😡🤮
And she can only keep doing all this work if her health holds up, and I just don’t think it will, she‘s gonna have a major health scare this year I reckon. She’s 46 in a couple of days, she’s booking gigs all over the country, it’s an exhausting schedule. The menopause is hitting her, gee her mind is all over the place as it is, menopause is going to make her a lot worse. She‘s still vaping like crazy, given up the gym already after a couple of visits, lives on a fast food diet, will no doubt be back on the ❄ and 🍷 this summer, seeing signs already, and of course all her surgeries and needless cosmetic procedures, oh yes she’s a major health incident waiting to happen, something will take her down if she continues her current lifestyle. I’m talking completely out of action for months at least. Who will pay her rent and bills then, plus HMRC are after whatever she earns. The future looks bleak for madam, she has earnt a fortune over the years, and blown it all, she really is a fool, madam is taking herself down, losing the MM will snowball her decline now, rapidly I think.
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Oh good-oh. The Scum have got the video and now that lovely voice will have an even wider audience....

Oh The Scum don’t dissapoint these days when it comes to Skanky

“She delivered a rendition of We Don't Have To Take Our Clothes Off, but struggled to hit all the right notes.
Katie pushed on as she continued to follow her dream of becoming a professional singer”. 😂

They then go on to mention her bankruptcy, eviction and list all her surgeries, every story they write now they add in variations of this, they really are after her, eviction day should be fun, they will send someone there and probably the day before.
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My days!!! What WAS that???

Fine then, Kipper. You wanna sing, then I'll sing too. Here's one for tomorrow

Happy birthday to Skank
You always smell rank
After listening to you screeching
My ears need bleaching

Happy birthday to Kipper
You're a trashy old stripper
Your home you have no more
You filthy old whore
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If they really have it seems like her usual lovebombing and forcing commitment. She loves to talk about commitment and relationships in public, so the other person can't really deny things. Maybe it's also testing boundaries? She lets the public know intimate things which should be their business, it shows she's in control. He's not objecting, so she'll probably see what else she can get away with.

I know many thought this was a showmance but I think it's real now. She has snared him and she's giving it her best 'I'm a sex kitten' style love bombing effort. The nasty side has got to surface soon, then she'll try and keep him by lies and emotional blackmail.
Thought she had Harvey too. Lovely. She’s supposedly screwing the ‘lad‘s’ brains out, instead of focusing on her son. The only ’kid’ she’s seeing now. I don’t believe it, personally. I’m still not convinced about this relationship’. He must be the most desperate person if he fancies that. Christ knows what it must look like without clothes. And the black paint on hairline, the sheets must be shocking, especially fake tan too. It’s going to be an interesting few weeks. Moving, court hearings. Waiting for RedTops to pick up on other driving convictions too, pending. There’s still the ’small’ matter about the bankruptcies too, they’re not going away. I’m interested in HOW she’s allowed to rent a large property for just her & occasional visit with Harvey. Way beyond her means. Trustee‘s surely can’t be happy & allow that? They need to nip this in the bud ( I know, I sound like a stuck record😂🙀). Sure they’ll be some pictures somehow, about the state she leaves MM. Also, all the cars, horse boxes etc - assets. Where were they when bailiffs visit (Pink one dumped by Crawl, after the event). Umm, it’s going to be a bumpy ride for madam - well I hope🙈👍 EDIT: what’s happening about the book, I wonder/ law suits for that if published naming, shaming & slagging off exes🙀🙈🙉
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So going from her saying she IS paying tax to she HASN'T paid tax, she will pay it, but when only when she's got it, as she plays the mum and dad role, has bills to pay, has to live. She's in control. When you earn so much you don't really check...but now she knows what she spends on and where is goes...
She has an accountant.
Everything is invoiced.
She knows what she has to put out for the trustees and all of that, it's so boring when people keep going on about it.
Men are lucky to be with her.
She can't just say she has ADHD, It's always I have SEVERE ADHD.
i will get onto the tax office right now and tell them please stop taking tax from my wage as i have a house to run and bills to pay but i assure you i will pay you when i have it let you know how i get on
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This should really be the time now for her to sit and reflect about the mess she has made of her life. Obviously, she isn't capable of doing that and everyone else is to blame. But surely even she must realise that she is in the wrong when children have been removed from her yet again. But maybe she still can't see it. It's even Claire's fault that she can't attend J and P's functions. Does she really not know what the problem is? I guess she's so bitter and twisted that she's convinced herself that Claire has a vendetta against her. Underneath all the bull, bragging and bravado though there must be odd moments when reality hits. I couldn't cope with her life and the mess she has made of things.
The fact she doesn't see what's wrong with turning up to an event your 18yr old son is at, hammered, wearing see through body suit with tape over your non existant mutant tits and then pressing them up against him whilst trying to do her sexy pose for the cameras tells you all you need to know about the thick arrogant dirty old cow
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Well the Glee club has certainly lived up to its name tonight!
I feel so GLEEFULL!!!
What a mess she is !
Can't sing,
Can't even move in a coherent manner,
Clothes just accentuate what a wreck she is!!
Tiny audience, many were free or cheap tickets as well I bet
Her delusions are getting worse
I bet a lot of the audience probably work there, or ‘friends’ of the venue workers, just filling up some chairs. What a very poor turn out. It must have made a loss. Pretty sure, looking at some of them, they never paid £80 VIP tickets. Another BIG FAIL. Frumpy Dumpling thinks she’s a bloody ‘celeb’ now. Be uming & ahing. What a boring form of entertainment. Those morons sitting there must be bored shitless or have no lives if this is their idea of a good night out. How is KFP earning anything from this, split with dumpling & having to pay MUA & petrol etc? Won’t be able to meet monthly rental costs & bills with this shabby turn out🤣🙀
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Hopefully prison doors opening for you madam

Looks like her mush on laminate floor 🤣🤣
Yes madam, I can hear the key's already jangling...

Well, we've all waited a VERY long time for Karma to get her & now it's within touching distance. No way can she afford a rental & bills. Her earning potential will NEVER cover that. Hope the drone's are charged & ready to start filming madam leaving the MM & the locks being changed. Can only imagine the mess that will be left behind. She will make sure MM is wrecked.
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Stan Butler

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Has her ear dropped to the side of her mouth? I can’t stop looking at these photos trying to figure out why her face is moving this way.
I haven't got a clue what's happening to her face, even her nose is collapsing on one side. There are some in the wild pictures of skank that show her unfiltered face looking rough (that she claims the press manipulate) but the stills from the video she posted herself must be the most gruesome yet and just show how mutilated her face is because of her own vanity.
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Hey Krusties

I’m been on a lunch break and not quite caught up. My random thoughts so far….

I seriously wouldn’t be surprised if she got a cease and desist notice from the Moonboot company for bringing their brand into disrepute. This is just like when Westcrack woke Burberry constantly. 😳

The pics from last night are hilarious. Edna is a scruffy bitch. I wear better to put the bins out. Skank went from ABBA flares to gym knickers 🤯

@PTMe - thanks for sharing those singing videos. I have just had Alexa play a quick blast of Metallica to clear my brain and ears. 👂 On the first singing vid you can see Ednas leg and she’s scratching away like she’s got fleas. 🤢

I watched that Hunsnet video. If I took a shot every time she said THREE DECADES I would be deceased. ⚰

As expected, the DM comments from yesterday don’t disappoint. I am clearly childish as I have laughed so much at someone describing her lady parts as a “butchers bucket” that I have scared off my cat 🤣🤣

Finally - ‘Drug misuse’ is clearly on the calendar. Either therapy or testing? She has fucked up showing that. 👍
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Pink Squirrel

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How much longer is she going to continue pretending it’s her exes’ fault that they move on to healthy and long-lasting relationships while her life lurches from one disaster to the next?

Can someone buy a ticket to one of her shows and ask her this?
She really can't just SHUT THE FUCK UP can she 🙄 her inflated rancid gob never stops. Poor me, me, me, me, me, me meeeeeeeeeee 🙄
Nothing is ever her fault is it? FFS, her kids clearly do not want her anywhere near them. And yet she STILL can't respect that & keep her gob shut 🤷
Does she feel any tiny weeny bit of shame about it? No, of course she doesn't. Because she's a great mum with soooooo much experience in the industry don't ya know 🥱😴
Honestly, what kid wouldn't a bitter, vicious, poisonous, talentless, narcissistic fake old sIag for a mother 🤔
She has absolutely no idea how much she has damaged those children & nor does she give a flying fuck.
Self absorbed mutilated old cunt. Rotten inside & rotten outside.
Ahhhhh, that feels better 😊
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I have had a truly amazing day with family, and was going to dodge reading about fuck face for a few days so I don’t get the rage and get my good mood destroyed. 😡. However….. I’ve just jumped on and spotted the new thread title. 🙌 🥰

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