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Price's pride comes before a fall.

Watch and wonder at the downfall spectacular plummet coming her way.

I truly believe that there are many honourable people working to bring this to an end now. Very behind the scenes, but imagine if you were a forensic account finding days, weeks, months, years, decades of blatant fraud.
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Pink Squirrel

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So listened to the podcast at midnight, DC gets a day off unless she wants to dive in herself 😁

The episode is called…. Am I living in a caravan 🤦🏽‍♀️

Kicks off with them excited about the tour, Skank seems back to being rather hyper, after being more low-key recently. Skank has to get her lashes and roots done as the grey is coming through, she’s been working too hard behind the scenes to pamper herself.

Edna’s ordered new outfits, Skank has got Adrian to make her outfits, had a fitting and Skank is wearing crowns.

IOW chat, Lego met the family, the clan matriarch has given her approval, “Very sensible lad, very good for Skank”…I wet myself at this point, had to stop the show, laughing too much.

Big News Alert 🚨 they are very excited about this
Edna’s Dad has won 2 raffle tickets for the IOW music festival on 20-23rd June. Edna and Harry were given them, so Skank wasn’t missing out, she’s bought Lego and her a couple of tickets. as Edna will be 6 months pregnant, Skank’s joining her in not drinking. Clashes with her audio of the book of 💩, so Skank’s moved it to the 24th/25th June (really 🤔)
Not camping (the whole point of going to a festival) PP Fencing is running them back and forth 🤦🏽‍♀️
Skank starts to blag for an upgrade to VIP tickets from any IOW organisers listening and signing her up as an act to sing…FFS 🤦🏽‍♀️
Skank’s back in the studio, starts ‘singing’, it’s horrible.

Here we go, MM not being repossessed, she’s not being evicted, the caravan story was bollox. So she’ll still be there on the 29th and is making a big announcement on the 28th about something anyway 🤷🏽‍♀️ What fresh hell will this be.

Skank starts saying she should have been at the BAFTA’s as she’s still big in TV, and the women who were there dressed crap compared to women at American awards shows.Skank was shocked at some of the people invited (she doesn’t get it, does she 🤦🏽‍♀️) AFP turned it off in disgust. Should be a high class show but it was just Riff-Raff attending….I wet myself again, WTF, she is so deluded 🤦🏽‍♀️

Eurovision next, start talking 💩 about Skank doing it, and her voice was so different then, Skank admits she couldn’t sing or dance back then….ya still can’t 🤦🏽‍♀️

Skank thought it was appalling, too much diversity, some of it was like porn, disgusted she was 🤷🏽‍♀️ Liked Olly though, bit weird as he was one of the most sexual acts of the night 🤷🏽‍♀️

They want to buy a boat with PP Fencing on the IOW, even if it’s just a dingy….this is a hard listen.

Edna has had a call about a very exciting project, Skank wanted to say what it was, Edna stopped her, it’s confidential. Skank’s dream has come true with this one, have to say they are very excited about it.

Skank admits she’s in a 💩 situation but she has so many good things coming, she’s on 🔥 now, all the 💩is being sorted, she’s back.

Boring talk about fake tan next
Skank ain’t happy about her grey hair, boring pampering talk

Questions…How do your partners describe you ?
Edna….shes like the grifting matriarch, not patient, moody and says what’s on her mind
Skank…..Lego says she’s very loving, puts people before her, very funny but nuts, and he’s learnt you do not interrupt her when she’s watching TV. Lego says she copes well with everything, Lego loves the Clan, they are mad but really funny.

Baby names for Edna….Harvey, Laurel, Olive, Bobby, Clinton, Carly…reminds Skank of Kylie……noooooooo 🤬 bored of this now.

Skank’s watching the boxing round Edna’s on Saturday, and Skanky’s annoyed she has to pick up H from the hospital as she has to look at trains.

Life Advice….
woman wants a boob job….zzzzzzz
woman want advice on an alcoholic friend 🤦🏽‍♀️ Skank says it’s hard, she can leave it, but those who can’t, it ruins your life, Skank’s seen it in others 🤦🏽‍♀️…What can you say anymore, she’s a bloody addict.

So that’s it, it’s all good, lots of new projects…not being evicted, she’s winning at life
Honestly after listening to that, I think she’s insane, the delusion 🤦🏽‍♀️

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I'm pleased the bankrupt old sIag can afford £550ish for 2 IOW weekend tickets 🤬

@SmillieKylie how can you listen to those 2 talentless nobodies spouting lie after lie after lie. I'd be screaming 😱 🤣
I just don't understand who the hell is actually paying good money to go & see these morons live 🤷🤯
Journos....please pick up on the fact that she's spending over £500 on 2 festival tickets. And that she's getting some stupid girl to sell her pissed on furniture for her on Facebook. Making herself more money she won't declare 🤬
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Im slightly upset ... I originally had only 1 skankrupsy .... I recently purchased 2 more, which makes 3 .... I haven't had a repossession order from the court yet, in fact since acquiring my now 3 skankrupsys .... I've not had anything legal sent to me from anyone .... granted im not 4 million in debt and rising, actually I'm not in debt at all, pay all my bills, don't owe a penny to anyone .... I was under the impression, that everyone is in a skankrupsy, and I didnt want to feel left out ... feel like I've wasted my money, as I'm not seeing these skankrupsys work for me ..... I'm in skankrupsy limbo at the moment, when do they kick in and start working ... otherwise what's the point of everyone in the UK being in a skankrupsy????? ... If they just sit around doing nothing!! ..... this is really pissin me off .... I'm thinking of buying a ticket to go see ` pwwiccee ` on tour:rolleyes: to get advice from an expert :unsure:🤷‍♀️
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Chatty Member
Ok I’ve had enough. It’s giving me the right el humpo thinking she’s swerved another BH and now eviction.

I’d be sacking the trustees and bringing in someone who has eyes, a brain and some bloody balls 😡

It’s sickening she STILL hasn’t been restricted on spending. Is a concurrent twice bankrupt and still the trustees are like bloody Lorraine Kelly ‘oh you poor wee thing is your worstest ever PTSD/ADHD/twauma giving you a fuzzy wuzzy head, here’s another delay you poor pumpkin’

I know it will never go away and she will be dealt with but my god it’s a bloody joke.
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Love how on the pod she was saying how she loves a certain brand of fake tan, but it's not the one she was advertising a couple of weeks ago!
JJ reckons KP is very caring, loving, she puts people before herself (nearly choked at that) very funny, she nuts, crazy, funny.
But he's learnt she doesn't like to be interrupted when watching TV, she doesn't like him being on his phone while they are watching tv. Reckons she copes well with what she has to deal with all the time and he can't believes what she has to deal with. Loves her family banter.

Sophie was doing the comments to press about KP NOT being evicted while in the IOW
So she never attended the hospital appoint with Harvey! :rolleyes: is that because she didn't need to get out of the BH
So again, she is said to be coping well with all the terrible things that somehow happen to how is her MH such a problem then?
With everything that’s going on I was intrigued how they both would lie about recent events, though have to say it’s a hard listen, her voice is really tough on the ears and most of the content is so dull and boring.

Interesting part is B & J are no longer mentioned, obviously she doesn’t want go admit she’s lost them, but nothing is said about them, guessing she is court ordered to not use them in any capacity now. The BH wasn’t mentioned at all, she has sounded worried and lacklustre in the last couple of weeks, but Miss Smug from Smug city is back, get the impression getting that can kicked further down the road has pleased her immensely, as I keep saying I dunno why they always cave into her, but this is the result. Also getting the same vibes that she had about the BH being cancelled, over this eviction, she’s very cocky she’s not being evicted. This makes no sense, I fully believe Willow is right and she has a new rental, backed up by discovering much of her furniture is being sold, so why is she is so adamant she hasn’t lost the house, as usual some game is in play 🤔

Finally the way she talks about Lego is hilarious, she sounds like she’s talking about a new pet, he’s a good little boy, it’s clear she’s not into him relationship wise, he’s just there to do her bidding, he’s really odd, we call him Lego, and he has the personality of lego brick, she must get bored of him soon. You can get a quite a lot of insight into what’s going on by listening to these unlistenable things 😁
The way she talks to Lego gives me the creeps, it's identical to how she talks to Harvey. the phrases, the intonation! It's like the special needs son and partner roles are interchangeable 🤢
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midsummer blue

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Lego’s gradually been ticking off all of Madam’s Top 10 requirements and demands to be in a relationship with her, (this includes ‘Showmances’, rules are rules ) except for Demand 8, as that’s no longer required, but he’s now abiding by all the rest. What a good little boy he is 👍🏾

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How absolutely pathetic to need a man by your side 24/7. Would do my bloody head in. I like my space. Me time Is Me time, don’t get in my way. 😊
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Most normal, law abiding, morally sound people would be devastated at losing their home and reputation but this brazen old slag has got the brass neck to post on social media about enjoying the fucking sunshine? There’s a trail of scores of people, including her own children, whose lives have been seriously affected by her total disregard for anyone but herself. I hope she has a moment of clarity and sees herself for what she really is… an utter, utter cunt who is universally reviled and ridiculed.
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Pom Bear

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You can't see the CD table because I nipped in quick, struck a bargain and had it sent straight to Sothebys. I tell you, I know quality when I see it, and Sothebys say it'll garner world-wide attention and will outsell Andy Warhol, Geoff Koons and Damien Hurst combined.
Anyone want to buy the red sofa? 😀😄😘 xxx.

No wonder they wearing masks 😷 x

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She seems to be laughing and taking the piss out of everyone every day but the reality is everyone is laughing and taking the piss out of her
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I am sure it all will go well in the end. As I foreigner I seem to have more trust in the British legal system than some of you do ❤
It is all happening right in front of us. Yes, she’s going down!
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Chatty Member
Just me thinking out loud but starting to think this house rental was all a con job to stay at Pricey Towers and stop the eviction. Wonder if skank knows the owner and has done a deal "you pretend to rent me the house then at last minute drop out" be a perfect no fault of skank excuse to bullshit the judge into stopping the eviction and letting skank stay for a few more months at Pricey Towers.
"Honestly i tried to find somewhere m'lud but at last minute was told the rental had fallen through and haven't had time to find another house for myself, my 25 kids, my army of hangers on and lackies, my new love kryten and my severely disabled son H who loves his mummy so much he bought me flowers, i was even selling my furniture to downsize and scrape the rent money up" 🥴🤔😎
Or!!! Perhaps the owner saw their house in the news and thought ‘not a chance is my 2 mil home being rented to her’
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That’s just the sort of behaviour a responsible and mature adult would display in front of their special needs son isn’t it?

And no wonder he uses the language he does, not exactly hard to see where its coming from. He didn't stand a chance at all with a "mother" like her.
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Look whats up for sale on Facebook Marketplace and who’s selling it - is this Jess? Is this skanky’s sofa?
so the rental is either fully furnished or she’s buying new. The sales from this should be going to her creditors not her pocket
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From what I can gather, she keeps saying that she won't be evicted, I interpret that as
" I'm not going to physically be at the MM on the 29th so can't be evicted ".
All the signs point to her moving out.
Weasly words. Eviction means out and unable to return, locks changed etc. Eviction means that the mortgage company are repossessing the house she said only recently could never be taken from her. Eviction means she no longer can live there. Eviction means she is out, forever. Whether or not she is physically present at 10am, she is "potentially" being evicted on 29th May, depending on her appeal against the order.

We all know she will be nursing a hangover / comedown somewhere between Bristol and Sussex on 29th.
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Stan Butler

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Funny that kryten describes skank in exactly the same way skank describes herself when people ask what she's like when she's getting interviewed on podcasts. The matriarch gave kryten her seal of approval funny that there wasn't a single picture of AFP and Mr PP with either skank or kryten not even a family picture of them all being such a close loving family welcoming the new egg into the clan. 🤔
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Rita Chevrolet

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Wouldn't it be GREAT if the potential landlord of that other house suddenly pulled the rug from under the smug bitch so she had NOWHERE to go when they boot her out of the Shitty Shack at last?

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I've no idea what's going on 🤷 someone make it make sense please 🤯
I think I'll open a nice bottle of Kylie & see if that makes things clearer 😁
Whatever is going on though, 1 thing for sure is, she's done 👍
I think she's down the plughole now & hanging on by her fake nail tips.
When was the last time she was actually on a remotely reputable mainstream TV channel?
When was the last time any magazine ran an article about her?
Her exposure is getting smaller & smaller.
As a stand alone what has she actually got to offer?
Nobody gives a flying fudge about anything she has to say anymore.
There are zero positive comments that I can find on any comments section anywhere.
Anyone who is aware of her existence just wants to see her face proper consequences for her actions & justice for all those she owes money to.

I actually think she's just threatening to unalive herself to the courts every time & they can't risk that happening 🤔
In a nutshell - she’s a well thumbed, homeless, boy bothering, arrogant, badly dressed, drunken and drugged up dirty guttersnipe.
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