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I’m not certain but this case would show precedent if no action is taken. Have we ever seen or heard of anyone not getting punished over the amount of driving offences or bankruptcies. To be fair it’s already there, totally unrelated but when I was younger I was banned from driving for no insurance, (silly) and I got banned and points instantly. I tried to delay court as I was unwell, it was to go ahead without me.

Morgages are generally three missed payments and you’re in court.
The driving offences were all separate offences and mostly below the custody sentence, she did get bans. The bankruptcy is not over. I know it's frustrating and slow but she's been sentenced within the law as it stands. I don't see this special treatment that people keep alluding to.
I think it would be good if the law was changed to take into account people who have a complete lack of respect for court orders and bans....unfortunately, that's not likely to happen as our justice system is underfunded and hardly any prison places. As it stands she is being treated as the law dictates.
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I dont think she has any chance of a tv show of her own or a slot on one, she cant even get an interview on mainstream tv now ... she is done as far as that goes
I'd be happy to see her appear on any of the following shows, tracey;

- Can't Pay? We'll Take It Away

- 24 Hours In Police Custody

- Botched (Worst Facial Malfunctions Ever Special Edition)

- Clarkson's Farm (Jezza gets himself a fat, barren old sow just for shits and giggles)

Please feel free to suggest any more 😁
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Stan Butler

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Where's H the poor sods just walked all that way to the florist and back to buy his mummy some flowers and she's dumped him for his new little adopted brother. 🤣
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Stan Butler

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I believe the latest collagen AD on her IG is from today, weather looks right for SE and H is still with her, can clearly hear him in the background, yup she’s still in the MM, clearing it out hopefully.
Skank will still post pictures from Pricey Towers even after the 29th whether she's evicted or not she'll want to keep up the pretence of the nasty press telling lies and try to control the narrative. That's of course skank doesn't try to flog the happy couple showmance story of her and kryten moving into their new love nest on her birthday or the 28th. 🤣
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I even took @SmillieKylie lead, she has a sensible head on her shoulders .... went into the bank, asked why, I'm not getting threatening letters from them from a credit agency, telling me bailiffs will be sent ... but they asked me to leave, then got security to walk me out .... as the assistant manager repeated again ` Mrs Anna ... you have NO LOANS at this bank .... only a savings account ... you don't owe us anything .... Im asking you nicely, to please leave ` :oops:

I think you're right ... I've been scammed, I suppose to be expected when you buy a skankrupsy from facebook marketplace .... can't trust anyone these days .... Il only buy from ebay now🤦‍♀️

I think you need to be making a stern complaint to your trustees and the high court judge, you probably need to get your MH upgraded to severe. I hate seeing people ripped off 😡
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Stan Butler

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ITV aren't letting it drop they keep on digging and printing the botched BBL story, skank should be due another fill up from Ellie the Botox butcher anytime now. 🤣
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Maybe someone with tax knowledge can confirm but I thought if you are declared bankrupt, you don’t pay tax or tax is deferred until you’re released from bankruptcy (i.e. never in Skanky’s case)
No not true. You’re responsible for your tax one day after you go bankrupt and onwards. That’s why she’s gone bankrupt again as she’s not paid her tax due after her first bankruptcy.
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Pom Bear

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Classic Pomstar,, a plate of double dip chips on its way. 🥰🤩😘
Thank you very much 😊🥰💕❤💖😀👍😘 xxx. I love your double dipped chips Love and hugs Pom 🐶🐾😋😋😋❤❤❤😊💕💖🤗🥰😘 xxxx

Legohead is going to try horse riding like Katie, might need a ladder to get on it though 😄😄😄😘 x ....

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I'm pleased the bankrupt old sIag can afford £550ish for 2 IOW weekend tickets 🤬

@SmillieKylie how can you listen to those 2 talentless nobodies spouting lie after lie after lie. I'd be screaming 😱 🤣
I just don't understand who the hell is actually paying good money to go & see these morons live 🤷🤯
Journos....please pick up on the fact that she's spending over £500 on 2 festival tickets. And that she's getting some stupid girl to sell her pissed on furniture for her on Facebook. Making herself more money she won't declare 🤬
I think the little things you can see between the lines are funny ... no one offered her free IOW festival tickets that will really have pissed her off ... Lego will not play chauffer for her very often as we have seen and he is leaving her to sort out a train for her & H - someone will be going with her of course, but, not him? When Carl met the clan she reckoned they were desperate for them to get married and have a baby for AFP before she popped her clogs, all Lego gets is a random 'sensible' comment - because its as fake as a fake bit of fakery
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Perhaps she is being allowed to stay! 🤷‍♀️ wouldn’t surprise me tho! Rental gone and adverts gone!
Bet she’s done it again, she was very cocky on the podcast about it, as cocky has she was about the BH not happening, and she was right to be, they caved again 🤦🏽‍♀️ She’s probably staying 🤦🏽‍♀️ If she has managed it somehow, FFS all of us can see she can’t afford to live there, who on earth would say she could. If she has got a massive lump sum from somewhere, has been sitting on cash, why haven’t these forensics found it, how is she allowed to use it for her gain rather than her creditors, what are the trustees actually doing 🤷🏽‍♀️Why is she selling tat online and running plasterclasses etc, that make no money, it’s clear she hates doing them 🤷🏽‍♀️ If she has coin, why does she do them 🤷🏽‍♀️ I don’t get any this, why haven’t her bloody finances been sorted by now, we’ve had years of it, months from these supposed forensic lot. It’s a joke if she stays, that MM needs to go NOW 🤦🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤔
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It’s so funny, the Scum just write stories now with a few lines about something she’s just done, then the main gist of the article is launching an attack on her about her failure to pay her debts, or the latest attack, her eviction details, listing all her debts and offences. Cracks me up, they so want to take her down.

Part of the reason why I feel it’s outrageous and disgraceful the BH never happens, I’m convinced they are just waiting to fully unleash on her when very bad details about her financial behaviour and deceit emerge from a PE, oh yes The Scum and the other Red Tops will write the truth about what she’s been hiding, but they need this bloody BH to happen to do so, they require the official legal information, then they’ll destroy her. I think Skank knows this, it’s why she’s so scared of the PE, and why she’s fighting so hard to derail and constantly postpone it. Sadly she keeps winning this battle and I think it will continue at the next date for it 🤦🏽‍♀️

She’s in big trouble if really bad stuff comes out, case in point this latest Hunsnet podcast she’s invited on. She will lie, they don’t challenge her, and on she goes, her fans and regulars of the pod believing her lies. If though the courts fully expose the truth, all these pods will have a hard time just running with her narrative when the real truth about her has been told to the masses. I’ve noticed a couple of recent pods the regular listeners aren’t happy having her on, and they made it known on SM to the podcasters. If public info about her is shown to be even worse than what is already out there, Red Tops revealing all, I really can’t see many people wanting to platform her lies, they‘d have to question her harshly, their regular audience won’t accept puff pieces then. Yup we so needed that BH to happen, because now we’ll just see more lies and fantasy on this Hunsnet thing, and on she rolls, still touting her shite unchallenged 🤦🏽‍♀️
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Maybe someone with tax knowledge can confirm but I thought if you are declared bankrupt, you don’t pay tax or tax is deferred until you’re released from bankruptcy (i.e. never in Skanky’s case)
No it doesn't get deferred. She's owing tax from years she was bankrupt. 2021 and 2022 I think it was. It's likely she owes much more now. So 750k is estimated from those years and probably 2 more years worth. It's a massive amount as people can be prosecuted for evading 50k.
There he is, out with Mum, hope he has an Ipad with some games on to pass the time. Sweet Shop and play park later, I’m guessing, bless…

View attachment 2939450
It can't be long now until her nasty side comes out. 4 months is about usual for a narcissist to get bored of making an effort to cover their real personality up. Buckle up JJ, it's going to get bumpy ( and I'm not talking about her arse and face!)
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Ex hairdresser here colour technician, many years ago so methods have changed. However, it would take several attempts to get cunts hair that colour. Definitely not in one day. Either extensions or a wig.
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I just can't understand how she can be laughing saying it's a beautiful day. She's lost her home and the two little ones have been removed at last. For god's sake woman, you've had all five of your children removed from your care. Aren't you one bit ashamed? Don't you worry that the youngest ones might be sobbing everynight missing their mum and dad? That's if they aren't yet home with Kieran. This thing must at the very least have Aspergers, she has no emotions, she's literally like a robot.
I have Aspergers (it’s all just autism nowadays though) and I am appalled at the lack of feeling she has. I think she has a personality disorder (I have one of those too, lucky me). I’d be mortified if I lost my kids through my own fault and everyone knew. I certainly wouldn’t be galavanting about acting like I have no care in the world. She certainly Is one of a kind…the utter cunty husk!
Is it even her hair she was showing…
She’s clearly sat to the right of someone who is having a green colour…
Think she is trying to fool everyone with her bants…
Haha! I assume that is LegoBoy behind the paper bag? Can’t tell if he’s hiding behind the bag so he can’t be seen in a photo with that hag, or if he’s displeased Madam and she’s put a bag there so she doesn’t have to look at his teeny tiny frame 😆
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